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1dpo!! who's with me!?!?

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The tww is the worst!!

105 Replies • 7 years ago



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Nice! I am just so curious to know. I will be testing on Monday and again on Wednesday...I'll keep you updated with my pictures

7 years ago

Hi ladies! I'm going to join in with y'all if you don't mind :) I'm about 8dpo. AF is due the 26th. I'm going to test tmw and probably everyday until AF should arrive lol! I have plenty of tests so why not? We have 2 girls and trying for our 3rd. This is our first month trying and I'm obsessing over this one more than other two I'm a teacher and being on thanksgiving break isn't helping since I have a lot of down time. I've had slight twinges in my abdomen and my boobs are extremely sore. Baby dust to us all!!!!!


7 years ago

Your boobs being that sore is a promising sign!!! Good luck!! I test everyday up until af too lol

7 years ago • Post starter

I hope so! We have an 8 year old and 4 year old. It's been so long I can't remember what pregnancy symptoms I had. I didn't have a lot though. I'm getting sharp pains every once in awhile in my boobs too. Then my youngest wants to lay on me and then they hurt worse lol. Any updates with you guys?


7 years ago

I start af anywhere from cycle day 25 to 28. Today is 24 and still BFN's ???? Starting to think this night not be my month...

7 years ago • Post starter

@KK Welcome!

@Candilara2128 I am afraid as well! AF is suppose to show her face on the 26th, BFN when tested earlier..not going to test until the 23rd now

7 years ago

What kind of test do you use?

7 years ago • Post starter

I took a test but I'm only 8dpo so I expected a negative. I will take another tomorrow morning. Hey you are never out until AF shows up! I've always used FRER. Figure I'm not spending the money on digital until I get a BFP.


7 years ago

Yeah that's usually how I do it. I use the cheap walmart 88cent test until af the use a digital if I miss. But I just bought a first response 6 days sooner, gonna see how that goes. Praying for this month to be my rainbow baby...but I don't have to many symptoms so feeling out, but praying I'm not!

7 years ago • Post starter

I have wondfo and fr6 days sooner...praying for us all

7 years ago

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