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No Sperm......

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My partner and I have been ttc for 16 months now. He went for a SA and within 2 days had a phone call from thr dr to say they found no sperm, not 1, in his semen. He has to go again in April to see if there is any change or if they made a mistake. Has anyone been through this or similar? Really need some help on this

Nats xxx

User Image TTC#2 DD-3 DP-32 Me-24

2329 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hi girls! Just saw the doctor my lead follies are 16 and 20 and I had a couple 12s and 10s. My doctor said I could take more meds to let the 12s catch up but he was scared the 10s might as well. Or trigger tonight with what we have. So I just triggered and I go for my first insemination tomorrow at 8pm. Then the second insemination thursday at around 8am. Bring on the TWW.

California Conceptions DDE #1 2/10/14 Baseline Ultrasound 2/15/14 Start Lupron 3/7/14 Lining check 3/11/14 transferred two embies!!! User Image

12 years ago

Hey MelC: Thats still really good. I'll be thinking of you over the next couple of days! I'm glad you are doing B2B. I will be doing the same. I don't know why we haven't done it yet. It just makes sense. Since frozen sperm doesn't live long, by doing B2B you get that much more of a chance to hit that open window to fertilize the eggs! You have two solid folies, and i think the RE is right at aiming for those.

DD - born 9/1/13 ME: FXPOI ER on 4/19/15. Clomid, Bravil, Menipure, 5 collected, 4 fertilized, only 2 6day blasts.

12 years ago

Jmcandrew: Thank you! This is our first back to back as well. Im really hoping the extra insemination gives us what we need. Where are you in your cycle?

California Conceptions DDE #1 2/10/14 Baseline Ultrasound 2/15/14 Start Lupron 3/7/14 Lining check 3/11/14 transferred two embies!!! User Image

12 years ago

Hey MelC: today is CD9. So tomorrow I have another U/S and blood work. I'm betting i'll be doing my B2B IUI's Sunday and Monday - just a few days behind you!!

DD - born 9/1/13 ME: FXPOI ER on 4/19/15. Clomid, Bravil, Menipure, 5 collected, 4 fertilized, only 2 6day blasts.

12 years ago

Woohoo! I hope we both get our bfps!!!!

California Conceptions DDE #1 2/10/14 Baseline Ultrasound 2/15/14 Start Lupron 3/7/14 Lining check 3/11/14 transferred two embies!!! User Image

12 years ago

MelC: I hope so! How did your IUI's go? Did they tell you when you O'd? Let the TWW begin!!

Just got back from RE... i have 3 folies, two 13's and one 12. Looks like I over estimated my time line, My IUI's won't be until tuesday and wednesday of next week (cd15 & 16). He's hoping all 3 will be ready then... me too!!

DD - born 9/1/13 ME: FXPOI ER on 4/19/15. Clomid, Bravil, Menipure, 5 collected, 4 fertilized, only 2 6day blasts.

12 years ago

Jmcandrew: my IUIs went pretty well. They didn't tell me my counts just said they were good. I triggered so I will ovulate soon if I didn't already. 3 follies will be great! Fingers crossed for you! Do you use a trigger?

California Conceptions DDE #1 2/10/14 Baseline Ultrasound 2/15/14 Start Lupron 3/7/14 Lining check 3/11/14 transferred two embies!!! User Image

12 years ago

MelC: Yes, they told me to bring my HCG shot with me to my next appt on monday. I'm marking my calendar with your TWW! i'm keeping my fingers crossed for the both of us.

DD - born 9/1/13 ME: FXPOI ER on 4/19/15. Clomid, Bravil, Menipure, 5 collected, 4 fertilized, only 2 6day blasts.

12 years ago

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the both of you too!

You ladies have helped keep me going during some very sad times...THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!!!

12 years ago

Thank you Sugarbear!!!

Stillfuntryin: have you heard anything yet?

California Conceptions DDE #1 2/10/14 Baseline Ultrasound 2/15/14 Start Lupron 3/7/14 Lining check 3/11/14 transferred two embies!!! User Image

12 years ago

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