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September 2018 Babies

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Hi ladies, I am hopping over to the September board since I am teetering between Aug and Sept (due date Aug 30th if I conceive this month). For new ladies, welcome!! I am CD 12 right now and believe I will be ovulating in the next day or so. I just started using preseed and am BD every other day all month if we can! I also have an obgyn appt tomorrow just to get completely checked out and make sure there are no problems since we have been trying for a while.

Any Aug 2018 ladies that are moving over here you already know my story and I wish none of us have to move over to this Sept board but I am sending positive vibes to you all!!

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419 Replies • 6 years ago



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@Beaut1ful38 LOL omg yes! Do you love it? Did they close a bunch of stuff or do you still have to go to work/school etc? My brother was stationed at Ft Hood one year a long time ago and it snowed and he thought it was so crazy he was making a snowman in his front yard in TX! LOL. I love it through Christmas and then I am completely done with it. Unfortunately here it snows right through March! lol We just got about 12 inches last night

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6 years ago • Post starter

pearl325-Fortunately work and school still goes on! Took great pictures. We were all late today LOL. BC we never get to see this but it was beautiful and to hear kids and families laughing and playing snowball fights was priceless. Since we are recovering from Hurricane Harvey. I heard it snowed there at Ft Hood too.

6 years ago

@Beaut1ful38 omg yes were you impacted by the hurricane badly? I hope not! That was awful to watch on the news every night. I can't even imagine living through it. Glad the snow is bringing happiness and laughter to you all!

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6 years ago • Post starter

pearl325- I am blessed my house did not get flooded, we were close and had to move everything upstairs. i did have family that lost everything. and had to be rescued by boat. It was devastating over here. But we came out Houston Strong! Glad to see Snow to put smiles on faces. Now to get cozy and make a baby!!!

6 years ago

@beautiful I'm here in Katy tx we fot snow this morning! It's beautiful too bad af is and df is at work double whammy! O well glad you weren't directly impacted by Harve hope your family is getting through the recovery process smoothly.

please excuse any typos as I'm on my cell phone

6 years ago

katyfootballmomma- HAHAHAHA now i get your profile name!!! Wasn't the snow beautiful??

6 years ago

Two Texas Mommas!!! Glad you ladies are enjoying the snow

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6 years ago • Post starter

@beautiful yea my oldest son used to play football for Katy high school lol he's already graduated from there and on his way to the navy earlier next year
@pearl yep two Texas strong women in the house!

please excuse any typos as I'm on my cell phone

6 years ago

Katyfootballmomma- Amazing soon to be Navy Momma!!! Good to see some TTC Momma's not to far from each other. Give you a hint i have 2 kids that are still "WOLVES" lol, other one has already graduated as well.

6 years ago

@beautiful yes too bad i can't i can't change my username to navymomma like my Twitter account lol it's nice to see ttc mommas living not too far from each other for sure maybe we can have a houston ttc mommas breakfast/lunch soon
still wracking my brain. On the wolves hint? Hmmmm

please excuse any typos as I'm on my cell phone

6 years ago

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