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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Oh Mandy I am soo sorry for you but there is still hope once doesnt come. In July I had a positive and then a negative and I was so gutted, so Im right there with you, I know what you are going through. I am 44 and feel like time is running out. I have two children from previous relationship (22 and 11) but my new partner has no children and would love one of his own and of course so would I. We have been ttc for 2.5 years with no luck.

Im following you all but I don't say much so please don't think Im being rude, Im just pretty quiet.

I have taken the same road as Athena and got hold of clomid as a last resort and I intend to trigger shot too. I have been watching my cycle for a long time so I can pretty much tell my O day or what feels like my O day whether I actually do O or not. My bloods were ok but could have been a little better I am slightly high on FSH (11) and estrogen was 95, so not the worst results in the world but as I say, could be better. Hoping that the clomid does the job and I have a little angel very soon.

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11 years ago

Mandy I'm confused as to the other test was so positive. False positives don't happen very often.

Confused ttc have you been to the dr. Do you have any fertility issues? Sometimes spotting be a sign of an issue so you may wanna get checked out. Fxed it was implantation spotting though.

Kristi- my doctor was referring me to an RE which is great but dh has to go with me and he works basically 6:30-6:30 so we won't have time to til November. Dh has an appt mid October with a urologist so we will see what they say if the Clomid doesn't work.

Afm- I got some news yesterday that has hit me kind of hard. A former boss of mine took her own life. I loved her, she was sweet, fun, funny, like everything you would want in a boss, especially when you work at a preschool with all women. She has 2 children and 2 grandchildren that need some prayers. I'm still in shock, I just don't understand why she did it.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

Hi Athena. I have never spotted before and I am going to have a load of blood tests done to make sure all is ok with my fertility. But I have to wait for that. I've not had issues in the last with fertility. Although I have no children and have always mc. I've been pregnant 3 times. My normal af was due today and I have been having cramps but I've been having them since the bleed and no af so far. So am more confused then ever tbh.

11 years ago

Confused I don't know then. I would go to the dr.

Afm I got a positive opk Yay!!!

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

Confused I don't know then. I would go to the dr.

Afm I got a positive opk Yay!!!

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

Morning all you lovely ladies,
Think is on her way temp drop this morning. After the negative last night .
I am also confused and very disheartened with hpts . I read reviews last night
About the one i gotten positive on a fewsaid they gave coloured Evap lines.
But as i said with my experiment when i couldn't of been it just gave straight neg.
My history is i only have1 tube and ovary . Ttc for many years and failed.
My dh and i have been married 5 years this year and ttc pretty much as soon as we decided to get married. We could never afford ivf until recently and then we're told the cut off age was 46 so we were lucky enough to do 1 cycle.
They collected 6 eggs, 3 were not mature out of the other 3 1 started to fertilize then stopped, so that was the end of that. We then tried ovulation induction 3 shots at that and only 1 went the full cycle i ovulated on my own twice so they didn't trigger me. I am 46 and Dh 45. We were then told donor egg would be our only option, which we will start saving for but booked a holiday 2 months ago as we needed the break from all the emotional stuff.
So mid next year we will be choosing a donor.
Hope everyone is well. Sorry for the essay.

11 years ago

Hey Mandy, I'm sorry to hear about the neg, I just wanted to say don't trust hotnnegs as I said before I tested day of missed period and then again a week later and all completely negative. I used a few different tests too and at that time I was actually 3weeks pregnant. 99% accurate I think not! Also I have been thinking of becoming an egg donor after following all the amazing stories on here, I feel like I really want to help others with their miracles.

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11 years ago

Hey ladies....before I start updating I just want to say...Mandy, I'm so sorry love! I know how much this sucks and we are here for you! I've had 4 chemicals and I never trust a positive test. Yes granted there's a second line, but it doesnt mean squat if it doesnt stick. I agree, once bitten twice as shy. Wish I could hug you!

@confusedttc- I'm so sorry for your losses too! Praying stays away! Hoping it was implantation!

@wbsb- Hi sweetie!!! I knew you could get clomid online but you can get trigger shots too!!!???

@gracey- that's really sweet of you hun! How's the puking going?

AFM- was surprised to see a +opk today. I'm cd 26 and my cervix isnt feeling very 'ripe'. Hope to get a temp spike soon. I've been really stressed out today. My 14 yr old kitty has lost a pound and has been throwing up. I was a vet tech years ago so I know what the symptoms could mean. The dr said it just sounds like stress from my nephew being around so much. Get the bloodwork back tomorrow. What is it with me having to wait for phone calls from drs to find out if my babies will live??

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Oh no I hope your kitty is ok :( I have lots of pets n it is so awful when one of them is ill. The puking is about the same, I'm actually staying at my parents at the moment as I'm not going to work like this and don't want to be alone at home. I'm pretty depressed about it all, I feel so terrible all the time, I hardly ever get out of bed n have lost lots of weight not being able to eat. I just want to enjoy this time but the times I'm not asleep or puking I'm crying for no reason :( my poor hubby is nearly at the end of his rope, he's been so good about it all tho.

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11 years ago

Tara - glad for your + opk. Hope things go well with your kitty.

Athena - + opk - yay! Hope the clomid works. :-)

Mandy - good luck. Hope the + was right & neg is wrong.

Confused - hope you get your BFP soon.

Hkellerman - good luck!

11 years ago

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