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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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Hey ladies!! It has been quiet around here. I’ve been sick with a terrible cold for almost 2 weeks (almost gone though). Coughing while pregnant has been interesting! I’ve never had bladder control issues before and I’ve felt like a toddler the past week!! Lol. Baby is moving around like crazy so I’m barely using my Doppler anymore even hubby has felt baby move now! Was so cute to see his face when he felt her!

I hope everyone is doing well! Xx

6 years ago

Calvingirl, glad your headaches are at bay right now. Hopefully they will stay that way. They were brutal for me for about 2 weeks and have stopped now or got very light. Mostly i wake up in the middle of the night with one.

Tryingafteraloss, how far along are you now? It is so exciting when the movement starts. Im 19w tomorrow and havent felt her with my hand but have felt a few flutters or rolls since 15w. Not many. With my dd, i felt them much more by now. I am still using doppler but only about once a week. Ive been way more calm this go around.

Atm, pretty quiet as well. Been getting really tired again lately and my severe hunger isn't as bad. I'm getting big but i feel bigger than i look, i think. One lady at work didnt even know yesterday. The whole relaxin hormone (spelling?) Has got my private area sore in the muscles and inner joints. My belly band helps some while working. I stand all 8.5 hrs except 2-15 min breaks and 30 min lunch. So far so good though. I still forget I'm pregnant, just feel like Im fatter. Lol. My 19wk anatomy scan will be in 3 days! Tues can't come fast enough. I'm super excited and nervous. This has been such an easy pregnancy, I feel super blessed. Have a great day, ladies, and enjoy your weekend!

6 years ago • Post starter

Oh, here was my last pic from 2 days ago. I was 18w4d.

user submitted image

6 years ago • Post starter

Hey all! I Hope everyone is doing good and progressing well. I've been swamped at work and traveling a ton for work so I've been offline for a bit. I'm 20 weeks today and I plan on stopping all work travel as of now due to the cervical issues. I want to keep off my feet as much as possible and be near my docs if anything happens. Otherwise, I'm feeling alright just really rundown and tired but I think that has more to do with my work pace for the past month more than anything. My appetite is almost non-existent and I have to force myself to eat. Also, nothing ever sounds good so I'm eating a very limited diet right now. I need to step it up. I go for my anomaly scan next Friday and I'm looking forward to seeing the babe! And with each appointment I'm becoming less and less team green and just want to find out. but the way @calvingirl described the moment she found out she had a son, really has me holding firmly to waiting till delivery day!

Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago • Edited

@kelliria I’m 18w6days today. I’ve been feeling her move since week 13. Hubby has felt her move twice now with his hand and my oldest daughter felt her move last night as well. I’m surprised at how strong she is moving already myself as I didn’t think they’d be able to feel anything for several more weeks.

6 years ago

Tryingafteraloss, i thought i was a day ahead of you. I have only felt her a few times. Maybe 10 at the most, and only 2xs with hand. I felt dd way earlier. I worry some but i hear her hb and feel somewhat better.
Neomasie, glad to hear you have stopped traveling. That will certainly help with the fatigue and help you rest more. If you are used to working like that, it may feel boring at first but you will need the rest! Hopefully your appetite will improve as well.

6 years ago • Post starter

@kelliria definitely looking forward to the rest. Work has picked up since April but I'm not going to be bored at all once it stops! It's getting too challenging with all this increased weight and fatigue.

I'm yet to feel baby with my hand. The flutters are also off and on, some days I feel him/her much more than others. It freaks me out on the days I barely feel movement. Today is one of them. But I know it's normal for me not to feel consistent movement at this point and I only felt my daughter from the outside at 21/22 weeks, once, in my last pregnancy.

Good luck at your upcoming appointment!

Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago

Good morning Ladies :) hope everyone is well?

Tryingafterloss I hope your cold gets better soon :( my only tip would be to always makes sure you squeeze when you cough of sneeze, to prevent oops moments seems to be working well so far for me, but the odd occasions I've forgotten and had a big cough I gave had a little oops moment hehe, but squeezing seems to work.
Neomasie good luck for Friday :) so exciting to see baby again. I hopefully won't need anymore scans now until my baby is born so now the temptation to find out has gone it's really exciting and fun guessing with everyone whether it's a girl or a boy. I can't wait to see when he/She is born though.
Kelliria great bump, do you know what you having yet? my guess would be boy from your bump.

All is going well for me at the moment, 22 weeks tomorrow, starting to feel a little uncomfortable but not too bad, feel a little breathless just walking round the house at times. Baby is kicking me like crazy, you can now see ripples and bumps on my tummy when hey do it it, my husband's living feeling it all too, I've also not used my doppler for weeks for the movement is regular as it's all the reassurance I need. Lovely to hear everyone's updates, such an exciting time for us all xxx

6 years ago • Edited

Lakarmw, she is another girl. I carried the same with dd. Everyone has said boy both times so far. Lol. I carry low. My length is in my legs and my torso is very short for 5'7" so there isn't room to grow and my belly goes out. My hips have gotten very thick as well.
Glad you are doing well and feeling your baby move. Sorry tge uncomfortables are starting to set in. That means the countdown is on the horizon! I cant wait! I should be feeling movement soon as i am 19w1d. My anatomy scan will make me feel better about not feeling her move. The doppler is strong though.

6 years ago • Post starter

@lakarmw thank you! I wish I had a Doppler for the in between scans periods. Not feeling consistent movement is freaking me out a bit.

Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago

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