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3DPO - Need a TWW buddy...

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Hi, I'm 3DPO ttc my first. This is my first cycle of clomid also. I'd love to have someone to share the dreaded/anticipated tww with!

583 Replies • 11 years ago



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Sounds great Therose!

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10 years ago

Hope you get some answers Therose!!

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10 years ago

No no...don't lose hope! Nothing happens before its time...hang in there...positive thinking, it'll happen soon!

10 years ago • Post starter

I know nothin happens till it has to, if I was younger I guess I wouldn't be so impatient but I'm not so that's why I'd live to complete my family quick, so it's. Countdown to the fertility clinic now instead lol xx

10 years ago

I hope you don't mind me joining your post. I'm 4dpo in my first cycle ttc and am going slightly insane!! I've been on birth control since I was 12 years old (am now 26) due to PCOS and endometriosis. I've weened myself off of it before but did not have af for 15 months, and was put back on it again. This is my first cycle off of it. It is also my first chart using bbt or cm to track fertility.

I'm on day 26 of my cycle. I had spotting 2-3 dpo, cramping, extreme bloating (I looked like I was 4 months pregnant! My tummy was so hard and full - my dh poked it and couldn't believe how hard it was), lack of appetite, and today my nipples are erect and very sore. It's very hard trying to wait. I am not even sure 100% if I ovulated. I had a temp dip at day 20 (35.91C) and 2 + opk day 21 with 2 different urine samples (but - on day 20 and 22). BBT started to gradually rise for three days to 36.44C but then dipped again on 3dpo to 36.20. Today it jumped to 36.41C. It is not any higher than my pre-o temps. I've been charting on ff, but it doesn't think I've ovulated. I'm wondering if my progesterone levels are not high enough? I've been poas every day (I bought the early detector - and I find poas helps pass anxiety because at least I know for that day).

I'm nervous about not being able to ovulate due to my pcos and past history of not ovulating or menstruating while off birth control. My dh doesn't quite understand the feelings I am going through. I'm currently living overseas in the UK while all of my family and friends are in Canada. It's hard so any support is much appreciated. I just need to vent with people that understand what it is like ttc. Thanks!

10 years ago

Oh I forgot to mention I've also had horrible back ache and last night I also had frequent urination (like 4 times in 4 hours even though I wasn't drinking anything after dinner).

10 years ago

Hi, welcome to our little group! Good luck to u on this cycle! Lots of baby dust and sticky vibes to u!

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10 years ago

Thanks mommy1st!

I'm feeling a bit more hopeful today. My temp surged a bit to 36.54C (97.77F) today from 36.20C (97.16F) yesterday. I am hoping this surge continues as it would be a good sign of fertility. Fingers crossed!

10 years ago

Fingers crossed Hun , hope it's gonna be a xx

10 years ago

Thanks therose! I am beginning to feel yucky. My temp is still nice and high at CD 27, DPO 6. I woke up and started my day with a horrible taste in my mouth that just won't go away! Really disgusting. Also, increased sense of smell, cramping, random, sharp shooting pains in the breasts, not sore but the nips remain very erect. I've never seen them this big. I have also had horrible heart burn and nausea all day. I made my husband buy candied ginger and ginger ale before I came home from work. I went through the whole day repeated "please don't puke, please don't puke". I also noticed two pink stretch marks - one on my thigh and one on my breast. I am only a US size 4 (UK size 8) so I am not large and normally don't have stretch marks. I'm thinking it might be from that one day I was super bloated, like a beached whale. I don't have any stretch marks. I don't know because I haven't gained any weight?

Anyways I am hoping I get a BFP because I will be super pissed at feeling this crappy for nothing!!

I hope every one else is doing well and keeping their spirits up!

10 years ago

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