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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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Hello All! My Nickname is Laughing Tree! I am at 9dpo! I am 97% certain i ovulated on the 15th! I am really hoping for the twins that i see in my dreams! Right now the symptoms i have today are--Bloating; Gas/Flatulence; Heaviness/Fullness; Twinges; Breasts Feel Heavy or Full; Darkening Areola; Montgomery's Tubercles; Tender Breasts; Very Happy yet a bit Weepy: Bleeding Gums(gingivitis since 6th grade); light Headache; High Energy; Sleeplessness; Decreased Appetite; Food Aversion(gummy bears which i love now make me sick); New or Strange Cravings Craving protein and chocolate 24 hrs a day)! AF like symptoms officially gone, lasted only 4 days very light not alot of cramping or clots: definitely not what i normally have! CM---lighter yet still there, usually after AF i am dry down there not today!
I have been making green smoothies for the past few years but am now doing it everyday! I am drinking a gallon of lemon water everyday, taking my prenatal vitamins twice a day! Not tired have energy all day so not used to that! Feel very calm and at peace also very strange for me usually my emotions are all over the place...!!! Good luck to all you ladies hoping for the bundles of joy that you have been longing for!

10 years ago

@LSchrader- I'm glad to hear all is well with DH. That's so crazy something like that can happen to his poor boys! I would have never guessed pre-ttc! I'm sure in no time you'll be getting your BFP :)

AFM, I'm full of BBT questions haha! I've been trying to take my temp within a 30 minute time frame, but that hasn't always been possible. I've been adjusting using that website @Skyline sent. Do you guys adjust your temp? It seems as though my temps are declining or staying within a .1-.2 area, unfortunately.. :(

Welcome, LaughingTree! Your symptoms sound promising! Do you have any children already?

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10 years ago

Hey Pieces!! Thanks for checking in on me and Hailey! we are doing great just went to her dr this morning for a weight check because she did lose weight when she came home but now back up to her birth weight! she never stops eating! already 12 days old, going fast!! I hope all is well with you? I know your time is coming close with your husband leaving soon so my prayers are with you for your you have any vacas set for when you can go and visit? Well Im sending best wishes to you and your family!!

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10 years ago

Hi all, I just wanted to give an update about me taking evening primrose oil. It is supposed to help with EWCM. Well, today is CD7 and I already have some. Thought that was pretty neat!

10 years ago

@rebecca, my dd is 2 march 3rd and I am due march 4th. Going to be busy!

@pisces, sorry the d day is coming up so fast. Hope you are getting some quality time with dh.

@lolee, how are you feeling? How's eli?

@miracle, so sorry about your grandma. Sometimes life is just s#! T. Sorry but it is. Prayers to you.

@athena, congrats!!!!!!! What is your edd?

@makeup, are you trying to hide the bump or have you told people? I thought I would pop early this time but still in my regular jeans at 35 weeks! And I ain't no skinny minny so it's unusual!

@laughing tree welcome!

@jsit, glad hailey is doing well.

Afm just counting down the days to finishing work. Feel waddly this time!
Will see if I can add my bump pic, shows dd talking to baby!!!!

Ok, need help! How do I do it?!?!?

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10 years ago

Introuble my edd is October 4.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

Lolee - what a great picture! I'm glad your glucose came back well. I hope you can find some help at St. Jude's for Eli.

Laughing Tree - welcome!

Football - I might not be the best one to answer your BBT questions, but I can give you the info I found out in the months I did it. I did indeed adjust my temp, and I seemed to be very sensitive to waking up at different times or having interrupted sleep. I know it's much easier to say this than to do it, but try not to think too hard about your chart. (I'm the worst at this!) You really do want to just see what your pattern is. I've seen BBT charts for pregnant women where their temps went down, some that went up, and some that did a zigzag. I thought I was definitely out when mine went down, but then it went back up and I got my BFP.

jsx - it's good to hear from you, and to know you and baby Hailey are both well.

Lschrader - FXd for you this cycle! Hope the evening primrose oil helps.

introuble - you will be busy when the baby gets here! But it will be a great kind of busy.

Afm - feeling tired and crampy today. Not the bad kind of crampy, just the achy kind. I took the kids to see "Frozen" today, and for some reason the seats at the theater did a number on my lower back. And these were the nice seats! Maybe I'm just getting older, or maybe it's the baby, I don't know. But I'm drug out and lethargic now. Feel like my head cold is rebounding on me.

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10 years ago

Thanks Ladies For The welcome. Football Girl I Do Not Have Kids....My Husband And I Want Them And Are Really Praying For This Blessing!

10 years ago

Welcome @laughingtree!! Best of luck with your ttc journey. for a bfp.

@Rebecca- Hope you get the rest you need, cinema sounded good I've not been for years! Thanks for your info for @football_girl on bbt charting....I'm also trying to interpret mine but these things take time,will see in the next couple of months.

@LSchrader- nice to see the epo is working and making a nice little environment for your DH's swimmers! Glad he is well and things can be back on track in no time. I laughed when you said about watching "What to expect when expecting", I downloaded an app and was very disappointed when it didn't "alert" me like that If only it were that easy!Haha

@Lolee- Fingers crossed for Eli and hope they can come up with something for him.

AFM: I have been opk'ing for days now, had light lines so I carried on and got my darkest line closest to control line today but still not sure as they are both faint! It's about right because I have ewcm today, watery for last few days and temp has been slowly rising! Only thing is DH is not up for BD which is driving me crackers, 1. I'm fertile & 2. I'm horny! Oh well they didn't build Rome in a day!!
Got our appointment for gynaecology on Feb 10th to start infertility assessment so I'm kind of relieved we are moving forward in that respect. Sorry I'm ranting, I feel better now!

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10 years ago

Now, when the page does it's annoying thing of
cutting the ends of the posts off, it only shows up on
my phone. When I get on the computer, it looks fine.

@LSchrader - Debt sucks and I really wish we'd tried harder to get rid of it before baby,
because we could have gotten it paid off by now, but I just have to let that go
and realize that having debt isn't the end of the world. We will figure it out and like you
said, you guys will too! Don't let it rob you of any joy! Glad to hear the EPO is doing it's
job. :)

@athena - Happy four weeks! :) I'm 10 weeks today, this week baby transitions from
the embryonic stage to the fetal stage. So that's exciting! Are your boobs still sore? I
have yet to experience any of that... How is the M/S? All my apps say that this week
marks the decline of M/S for most women, so I'm hoping to notice that happening
soon. Have you had mood swings? So many women on the What To Expect boards
talk about these crazy moods swings and I have not had a single one! I get weepy over
random things every now and then, but that's it! I hope it stays that way, I am a
pretty emotional person, so it surprises me that I haven't had that happen.

@lolee - Good luck on doing Insanity when your pregnancy is over! I hear it's a really
good workout. Glad your glucose came back normal. I hope you are able to find new
research that is helpful for Eli. You are looking great!

@LaughingTree - Welcome! Are you 11DPO today? When are you planning to test? I
hope you get your BFP! Good luck!

@football_girl - What CD/DPO are you at now? I went back and forth on whether to
go with the adjusted temps for a while, but finally decided to go by them, it was a
good decision, some say it isn't accurate, but as far as I could tell, it seemed to do the
job intended.

@introuble - Upload your picture anywhere on the internet (Facebook, Google+, photo
bucket etc.) copy the image link and paste it in your next post and use the BBcode for
posting images (left of where you type your reply) and that should do the trick.

@rebecca - I hope your back is feeling better and that head cold stays away! How are
you feeling today?

@Bean - You might still have some time for DH to find he is in the mood if that OPK
wasn't quite positive yet! Can you post pics of your OPKs? I hope you mood changes
do you guys can DTD as close to O as possible! ;)

As For Me - Today I am exactly 10 weeks and baby is entering the fetal stage!
Apparently most women start seeing M/S disappear this week and since mine has been
mild-ish in the first place, I'm hoping I see it go away completely soon. Time seems to
be flying and YET the next two weekends seem to be taking FOREVER to get here!
I'm so ready to announce this news to out families. I know I keep harping on it, but it's
all I can think about. Lol

I'm working on a batch of Valentines cake pops, so I better run! Hope everyone has a
great Sunday!

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10 years ago

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