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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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Hi ladies, I have A LOT of catching up to do when I get the time to read this past weeks posting by everyone. I skimmed through them just now and from what I gather everyone is dong ok for the most part.

I am doing much better, thank you everyone for ALL your prayers, thoughts, concerns and support. I appreciate each one of you. I can breathe a little bit better again.
Time does heal and will continue to do so.

I have a question for anyone that has ever had a miscarriage before.. this was my first pregnancy & miscarriage and I'm not sure when to expect to ovulate or have my period again. My miscarriage was like a 6 or 7 day extra extra heavy period 2 weeks ago today. As of today I am having a ton of ewcm and ovulation cramping. Feels like I'm about to ovulate again.. is it possible? Going to bed tonight just in case. I haven't had any sort of bedding since the miscarriage. I completely quit bleeding and now am horny and ready to jump my honey.. lol!

One thing that I took from this miscarriage is that I"M CAPABLE of getting pregnant and a fertile woman. That part feels good to know.

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10 years ago • Post starter

Miracle I'm glad you are feeling better. It is definitely possible you are ovulating and just so you know typically women are super fertile after miscarriages. Most people are told by their dr to wait til they have a period but plenty of women get pregnant immediately after a miscarriage.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

Miracle - I agree with Athena. An early miscarriage like yours can definitely lead to your body going right back to it's normal cycle. I've noticed that with my later losses, it can take me months to have a regular period. Doctors will differ on what they tell you do to. Some will say wait until two periods are past, some will say count the miscarriage as your first period. If you're ready, I say go for it.

So glad to see you post again! We've all missed you.

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10 years ago

Hay mama this is the the absolutely beat rime to jump your husband so have all the hot sex you can for the next three months! You are extremely fertile right after a pregnancy/ miscarriage and also all depends on you and your body!! With the ewcm do it girl and the hormones are crazy right now so have fun!! My fingers are Xd for you and many prayers!!

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10 years ago

The ladies are right mama, you are super fertile right now and if you feel ready (being horny is a big fat yes) then just enjoy your time with your hubby. You have conceived once, you can do it again!! Glad your back.

@LSchrader got my fingers & toes crossed that you get your bfp soon.

@Athena I'm so excited for you, roll on next Friday! Same for you @Rebecca for Tuesday!

@football - It's yucky having blood drawn, we're considering taking out private health insurance, great to have peace of mind. So how longs your cycle normally?

@Sky weather sounds insane over there for you and most of the ladies. It's just cold as in 3 degress haha which is nothing compared you all. It's been a mild almost non existent winter. 10 weeks already, cute little bump you have too!

AFM: Have I had a rollercoaster the last few days I ovulated on Sunday so FF & CTP tell me and obviously after last few days the symptoms backs it up. Got quite excited when I saw my coverline & ovulation line pop up on my chart! I need to get out more! I have done nothing but cry Sunday & Monday though, think my hormones are everywhere. Almost gave up this website too but you ladies have got me and I cant help but keep up to date with you and you secretly keep me going! Feel a bit better now, had depression for years & my meltdowns are getting more frequent which is worrying so seeked the comfort of my parents for a few days which has helped. My temp has been high since ovulation but dipped .5 degrees today, what's that about, not below coverline though? Slept like a log and no alcohol last night. I'm 5dpo today, if on schedule af due in 5 days. Is it normal?

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10 years ago

Athena - I just reread your post. I'm sorry the dr couldn't see anything on your ultrasound but that is perfectly normal for how early you are. I'm praying for you to have good blood work results and to get the encouragement of seeing something on ultrasound Friday.

Bean - A dip around 5dpo can be perfectly normal. I had one with this BFP. Try not to think too much on it. You can get one and be pregnant and have one and not be. I'm sorry you're struggling with depression...I've dealt with it for a few years now although after losing the baby last year I was pretty severely depressed for months. Just starting to feel better myself. Hang in there!

Football - I don't know when we'll tell the kids. I think my oldest (he's 15) will guess before we tell them if we try to keep it a secret for long. He's seen me pregnant twice in the last few years, and it won't take long for him to connect the dots. If I wasn't so sick I think it would be easier to hide, but I feel like I'm a lovely pea green all day long, and I can't help but touch my belly. Maybe we'll let them know if the ultrasound next week goes well. My dh is conflicted about going with me to that. He said its the most stressful part about being pregnant - wondering what we'll see on the ultrasound.

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10 years ago

@miracle-I am so happy you are back and feeling good. Yes lady, get to it! I think that when you are ready to start trying again, you will know. I have heard of so many women conceiving right after a miscarriage, so hopefully you will be one of those!

@bean-I am sorry you have dealt with depression and have been so sad. I suffer from bad anxiety and some depression as well. I finally sought out help about two years ago. I was put on an anxiety medicine and it has seriously been life changing. It just makes me feel normal and leveled out. So you are 5dpo, and AF is due in 5 days? Seems like you have a short luteal phase...did we talk about this before? I am feeling deja vu. If you ovulate late, AF should be late least it is for me.

AFM-Well, at around 3:00 p.m. yesterday, I started getting my super intense O pains and they continued all night. Once I got home from work, I took and OPK. I kind of forgot about it and didn't check back until this morning! Well, it looked ALMOST positive, but what I am wondering, is if I would have tested earlier in the day it would have been a positive. I know the feeling of when I ovulate, and I have been spot on with my O day every month. My temp did spike today also, so I will see if it continues to rise.

Last night I was having these intense pinching sensations on left side, and now I am feeling them on both sides. It's almost like I ovulated from my left last night/yesterday and am going to from my right today. We did BD right when we got home from work yesterday and even though we have a low sperm count issue, I think we should BD every day for a couple days.

I am just praying DH's surgery did the trick. We can still feel the vein, but it is a lot better. From what I have read, it can take a few months for the vein to go away. We have the follow up next week.

I am so excited for this weekend!!! SUPER BOWL! Wheeeeeew!! Go Hawks!

10 years ago

I just got my first beta and my hcg was at 400 next draw is tomorrow to make sure they are doubling.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

@rebecca - Yeah, it has been crazy for sure. Still a little ice on the roads in our town, but it's melting slower up around where my family lives. My sister said she saw a lot of 4 wheel drive vehicles getting into trouble, they were driving like they could do anything because they were in a 4 wheel drive! Being sore is good! You know you worked some areas that weren't used to it!

@LSchrader - I want to visit Washington and Oregon SO bad. That area has always looked so beautiful to me. Someday we will get out there! We had a pretty mild summer, spring seemed to last delightfully long and we had lots of rain. It was nice for a change! It definitely sounds like you caught the tail end of the positive OPK

@football - Crazy how our disaster ended up affecting your DH's work, hope he got some overtime out of it? I do not like having blood drawn, I can feel it being sucked out and I want to squinch my eyes and stamp my feet. lol I think the nurse was laughing at my facial expressions when she was drawing it. I didn't get a chance to temp during my period since I started after AF on the cycle I got my BFP. I would have temped through my next period, though, if I had gotten it.

@athena - Yeah, they went by my LMP too, but I know that isn't right. She said that if I had an early U/S they could measure and correct the age, that 8 weeks is early enough to adjust EDD based on size, she said after a certain amount of time passes, they can no longer tell how old the baby is that accurately from U/S measurements because some babies grow more than others etc. So, maybe when they are able to get measurements, they will adjust it closer to what you know is accurate. I hope those numbers are doubling!

@miracle - Hey!!! So glad to see you here! Been thinking of you a lot. It definitely sounds like you are gearing up to O.

@Bean - Thanks! It hasn't gotten that low in GA, the lowest temp we've had this year was 9° I think... oh wait, are you talking about celsius? If so, or lowest °C would be -12°. Don't be hard on yourself, the luteal phase can be a real bitch! Take some B6 or eat some brown rice, it might help soothe your emotions. And yes, a temp dip is perfectly normal. I think I had one too... I'll post my chart...

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@pisces - Your DH's departure is almost here. I hope you have been having a good time together before he has to leave.

AFM - The ice is almost all gone here in my town, ATL still has more sticking around, but I think everyone has made it home and I am sure tons of people are busy collecting their abandoned cars, etc.

Almost time to tell my family, so freaking excited!

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10 years ago

@LSchrader- Been doing some research and your right I mentioned it last month about my luteal phase which is 10 days. I'm on the cusp of being a defect and I'm sure when we go for tests that's one thing they may pick up on.

@pisces- be thinking of you in next few days.

@rebecca & @sky thanks for the info on charts, in all honesty I'm not going to chart again or use opk's next month, it's driving me crazy! Looked on internet about dip and the majority ,including you two, have ended up with bfp's! I'm not going to be that lucky or get my hopes up for a fall either.

Joining a local yoga group and going to start baking again to take my mind off things, I have far too much time on my hands! I need some positivity, sick of being weepy!

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10 years ago

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