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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Well I aint crazy either, 11dpo and have 4 tests that are !
I just knew it!

I am shaking like a leaf!!!!!

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11 years ago

Catchwin a massive congrats from me x

11 years ago

I cant believe it, Im 47, first month TTC and BFP, Its like shock, amazement, and embarrassed all rolled into one! I also feel soooo guilty, so many lovely ladies on here, trying so hard and here I at my age and straight away. It just doesn't seem fair, dont get me wrong I am so over the moon, but still......

My DF is away till tomorrow or maybe even Friday. I dont know whether to tell him in the car at the airport or drive him home and wait till he's settled!

11 years ago

Congrats catchwin.
its amazing your right at 47 and first month of ttc.
Why would you feel guilty.

11 years ago

Catchwin- congrats thats so exciting
Mandi- what did your other test say

Im still no sign of af 3 days late and bpn on a test todau

11 years ago

Came up neg. Will keep trying.
Hmm 3 days late and no af with bfn seems strange so what are you going to do just keep testing.

11 years ago

Mandy def keep testing. Ask doc for a blood test if u can get one.

Did my opk today and again a line but not darker. Am beginning to wonder if I actually do ovulate and if I'm going to get the surge at all. Maybe that's why I've not got pregnant yet because I am not ovulating. Will see for the next couple of days and if nothing will go and see my doctor who is going to do all the blood tests and tell him they didn't show that I was. Maybe he can put me on something. Who knows! Feeling down in the dumps today as you can probably tell. Sorry ladies.

11 years ago

Confused - could it be the dates are wrong. Are you going on your spotting.
Dont feel down, you have us for support. I know its hard to wait ( I hate waitingwith a passion ) for your next af and results of blood test. You can always get in some bd for fun, great way tompass time

11 years ago

Yes I am going from the spotting. As that's the only blood I've had since early August as I was late due to the op and haven't had the af I should have had so assumed that was it. I will keep testing as it says on here not till tomorrow so I might be bam on time or late. But we shall see I guess.
I know I have all your support and I thank you all. You've been amazing. Just gets hard sometimes.

11 years ago

Maybe your body just needs to vet back into its normal cycle. Before the op did you jave regular cycles

11 years ago

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