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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Catchwin congrats on your !
Waitingonmymiracle I think it might have been implantation! I feel so sick today, everything is making me feel like vomiting. My mother n law is here and she's making bread and the smell has filled the house. Which normally I love but now its making me sick! These damb stink bugs too, they are everywhere! If I'm standing near one I could swear I smell it and its horrible! Maybe I'm just going out of my mind lol. I also just had to have garlic toast, ate 3 slices actually. Mushrooms too, I'll be eating them with dinner tonight for sure! Omg I'm dying to test. I have 2 frers I bought today but I'm fighting with myself not to use them yet. If I don't get my bfp I'll be devastated. I've convinced myself I'm pregnant, I do every other cycle anyway. But this cycle is waaaaay fifferent. I read your 5dpo do you have any symptoms yet?

11 years ago

Catchwin congrats on your !
Waitingonmymiracle I think it might have been implantation! I feel so sick today, everything is making me feel like vomiting. My mother n law is here and she's making bread and the smell has filled the house. Which normally I love but now its making me sick! These damb stink bugs too, they are everywhere! If I'm standing near one I could swear I smell it and its horrible! Maybe I'm just going out of my mind lol. I also just had to have garlic toast, ate 3 slices actually. Mushrooms too, I'll be eating them with dinner tonight for sure! Omg I'm dying to test. I have 2 frers I bought today but I'm fighting with myself not to use them yet. If I don't get my bfp I'll be devastated. I've convinced myself I'm pregnant, I do every other cycle anyway. But this cycle is waaaaay fifferent. I read your 5dpo do you have any symptoms yet?

11 years ago

Catchwin congrats, that's amazing.

11 years ago

@just1more- Not really. Egg doesnt usually implant til at least 6dpo so anything up til now I just call it progesterone side effects. My boobs are a little sensitive and I'm emotional.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

I'm 6dpo today and I don't get symptoms like this post ovulation. At this time in my cycle I usually have little to no symptoms. I've also read that implatation can happen 5dpo but usually happens anywhere from 6 to 12dpo so I still think its definitely possible. I could've also miscalculated my od since I only use my cp and cm as a predictor. I something check my saliva for ferning but I don't do it often cause it frustrates the hell out of me. If I'm not preggo I'll feel like an ass for convincing myself lol! I'm just trying to hold on to any little hope I have that I'll get my bfp. Thinking positive is always better than thinking negative. I hope you start getting more symptoms the will result in your bfp! Stay positive lladies and keep your head up, it'll happen your you and me as well when the time is right (literally)!

11 years ago

Just1more even if you are pregnant this cycle you don't get pregnancy symptoms before implantation. They are effects of the progesterone like Tara said.

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11 years ago

Hi Ladies!

I'm still catching up.

@Catchwin - congrats on your BFP. I'm over 40 and you give me hope.

AFM - AF arrived today, so it is CD1. Turns out this was a 41 day cycle...that is off considering I'm normally 28 days. I am considering laying off the supplements for a while to see what happens this month.

Praying I get a BFP this cycle. It would be nice to have some great news to share with the family over the holidays!

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11 years ago

@just1more- it's s good sign you have so many symptoms! Even if it's just progesterone, it shows your progesterone is high which is good for baby! :)

@holly- glad your body got to the point!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Waitingonmymiracle thank you for not making me feel as though I am nuts. I really am just trying to be positive. I hope you didn't think I was being rude in my last post. I wasn't trying to be at all so if I came across that way I apologize. I was just trying to explain my situation a little. I completely understand what you were trying to say and I thank you for your help. After suffering from hyperthyroidism since the summer of 2008 I studied the negative effects it can have on my hormones because I knew I wanted one more child. Since that time I've learned a lot about it and the effect it did have on me. I diligently tracked my cycles, symptoms, menstrual bleeding and problems with my ovulation every month. During those months or actually years I've learned a lot about my body and what I was feeling. My thyroid was in pretty bad shape so it took a long time for it to return to normal and I ovulated somewhat regularly. In the last year I've made great progress and as of a few months ago I felt it was finally time to ttc. Its been a hard and long few years, a lot of hard work and, trying to remain positive about being able to conceive again. I know progesterone can cause most of my symptoms but since I know my body well I know that I'm experiencing more than just post ovulation or symptoms from progesterone. I do thank you for your help and I can see your very caring and helpful to others. I've read your topic (most of it cause its very long lol) and I can see your concern and wanting to help others. That's all I was really asking for. I wanted support and advice from other ladies that are in the or almost in the same boat as me and I'm very happy you offered thank you. I will continue to check in and wish you the best and pray that you receive your bfp very soon!

11 years ago

Athena8789 I just wanted to say that there is no reason to be rude what so ever. If I am wrong and took your comment the wrong way I apologize. Most of the women on this site are members because they want support, help and, sometimes just a place to vent. Other members like myself (maybe you too I don't know) have a difficult time ttc and everything that comes with it. I posted a comment on this topic because I wanted simply just other women to talk to and share this ttw with. Not for someone to tell me that if I am pregnant I wouldn't have any symptoms because implantation hasnt happened yet and my symptoms that I'm experiencing are just post ovulation. I don't know you and you don't know me so how could you possibly know where MY symptoms are coming from? Well I DO know what I experience every cycle every month every ovulation every post ovulation and so on. I found your comment to be very negative and got the feeling that you were very agitated. Why? I don't know. I was just looking for support and other women to share my ttw with. So I'm sorry you felt I was being rude if that is why. I honestly wasn't and I explain in my last post on this topic what I was trying to say. I didn't mean to offend anyone and I apologize if I have. I wish you the best athena and I pray that you get your bfp very soon! I will keep you and everyone else in my tjoughts and prayers. I hope the lord blesses you with a happy healthy baby real soon!

11 years ago

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