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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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@Rebecca ~ Thank you, it feels good to be back and lurking in the forum again. Sorry your feeling all bloated and uncomfy :( When is your first ultrasound take place? Will you be able to detect a heartbeat at that appt?

AFM ~ Just listening to the pouring rain, enjoying a solo day with nobody around. I cherish my alone time and have to have it at least once or twice a week. I regroup that way.

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10 years ago • Post starter

Miracle. first ultrasound is Tuesday. I'll be 6 wks 5 days. I think they can see the heart beat by then. They may not. I'm trying not to be too attached to this baby, but it's hard. If something happens to this one, I just dont know if i can do it again, as much as it would break my heart to give up. Please pray for me to be strong.

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10 years ago

@miracle I hated that it happened poor guy. I felt helpless when he called, I am so far away & there was nothing I could do. He's fine, I just hung up with him, we watched the game together but he didn't know I was changing the tv back n forth to know how you enjoy time in your apartment. I know the sound of he rain is just recharging your spirit with every drop that falls. For those who don't know ladybug here, nature recharges her batteries like nothing else. She is a true artist in every form.

@rebecca claim your baby, him him or her to God and claim the victory!!!! I swear everything you described is how I feel today. Mine is just stress, this man called at 2:50 am to tell me about his incident & my stomach has been churning ever since, even though I know he's ok now. I hope you feel better soon and we will be praying for a sticky bean who shows itself to be snug as a bug in a rug on the ultrasound.

@lsch Seattle was UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!! Congratulations!

10 years ago

Just wanted to pop in real quick to say WOW! The Seahawks really put it down! I was pulling for them, but started feeling a little bad for the Broncos after a while. Lol And telling my family was SO MUCH FUN!!! I will write a proper post tomorrow, right now I need to go bedy-by.

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10 years ago

@rebecca ~ I will hold you and your little bean in my prayers. It's very scary to not know from day to day if this will be a sticky bean and be the real deal. It's a find balance between being grateful, happy, hopeful and scared. I understand. I hope you get the reassurance you need every day to feel at ease and to get to enjoy this pregnancy journey you are on.

@Pisces ~ You always know how to say the right things to me or about me. Just one of the many things I love about you. How are you feeling? Has your cold left yet?
When is AF due?

@Skyline ~ Can't wait to hear the long version story of you telling your family about your pregnancy. Hope you get some good rest.

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10 years ago • Post starter

thanks every one i just called docs have to be there at 220 central time will post when i get home

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10 years ago

Lolee good luck.

Skyline I can't wait to hear about your weekend :)

Rebecca good luck with your ultrasound, mine is on Friday.

Miraclemama it is good hearing from you again. Thank you so much.

Pisces thank you I was so happy she is so excited.

Bean hope you feel better vitamin b complex helps with hangovers.

Lschrader your team kicked some major ass last night.

Afm my nurse called. I am so angry with them. She starts out with your levels weren't exactly where we want them and my heart sank and I was like well what were they and she says well they were 400 on wed and they were 766 on Friday and I was like oh. Well the lady in the lab told me since it wasn't at the same time it wouldn't show accurate doubling and she tried to tell me that that doesn't matter. So you're telling me over the 5 hours between I wouldn't produce more hcg dh was like your not worried and I was like no they are stupid.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

Morning ladies! I have a lot of reading to catch up on! MAN OH MAN what a freaking AMAZING game!!! You guys should see Washington, specifically Seattle. It is seriously an experience that you cannot even imagine! The passion and pride we have for our team is one of a kind. SO NEAT!!! Now of course there are fans of the Bronco's saying the game was rigged. Oh sheesh, give it up, did you watch the game?!?

Hahaha, ok sorry, I am still so pumped!!!

@picses- I am so sad for you I hope you are doing ok. Your symptoms sound pretty good! Thinking of you love! Oh and your picture is stunning!!! You of course look gorgeous and he is so handsome!

@skyline-Did you tell your family this weekend? Maybe you already posted about it...I need to go read!

Ok, let me go read and I will pop back in!!

10 years ago

@pisces - Love the picture, can't wait to see more! I'm so glad you were able to get them done before he left. Very glad to hear that visiting DH will be easier than you had thought.

@football - If I had the money, I would get it, I loved the trial. It had thorough pregnancy info as well. Today is going to be like spring, I'm not wearing a sweater today! lol Aw, how sweet! I have three cat babies. They are going to be so jealous of this new baby. Haha! Sorry about DH's fall. That's always scary, mine has slipped on our stairs a few times, he 6'3" and 250 lbs. It's scares me that he could really hurt himself someday.

@rebecca - Telling my family was so fun! I can't wait for this Saturday when we tell his family! I'm so glad you are finding a way to manage your M/S too. Hope it continues to work for you, I've had to tweak my strategy a bit, but feeling decent most of the time. Sorry you felt crappy yesterday. I hope your U/S goes well.

@miracle - I've been feeling pretty decent. This week was a struggle because with making cake pops and then the ice storm, things got very disrupted, so my eating and exercise were all messed up. Things should go better this week. Glad you got lots of BDing in! That drought sounds terrible, so glad you are getting rain. Last year we had a super wet spring and summer after years of mild drought. It was like spring and summer used to be when I was a teenager. I really hope it's like that again this year, SO much nicer than drought. I hope you guys get more rain this year too! I hope you do NOT get AF on V. day. Fingers crossed for a BFP instead!

@lolee - Goodness, I hope you get well soon and those contractions take a hike! Also hope Eli stays well and does not catch the cold.

@athena - Were you unable to coordinate getting the picture take or were you just impatient to go ahead and tell them? It will be a good way to announce on FB. :) I totally grinned when I read, "dh was like your not worried and I was like no they are stupid." Ha! I'm glad you aren't letting it worry you, I wouldn't either!

@Bean - I can't remember if you said, did AF show? Hope you are feeling okay, GNO sounds like a lot of fun. I'm going to get to hang out with two of my best friends this month, so I am looking forward to that. It will be the first in over a year that I will have gotten to hang out with one of them!

@LSchrader - We watched the game and I was pulling for the Seahawks. WOW! I guess we now know that a kickass defence > a kickass offence. I was having a hard time believing that the Broncos were supposed to have such a great offence! Crazy!

AFM - So, one of my brothers had to work, so he was the only one missing Saturday.

Here is a quick rundown of my family:
Mom and Dad
1st Sister (35)
2nd Sister (33 & married) BIL (35) 1st Niece (11) 2nd Niece (9) 3rd Niece (4) 4th Niece (2)
1st Brother (26)
2nd Brother (24) Absent
4th Sister (22)
5th Sister (14)
6th Sister (9)

After everyone got to my parents house we were all in the dining room about to start making our plates and and after my dad said the blessing I told everyone we had something we wanted to say before we started eating and my 2nd sister said, "You and Clark (DH) are finally going to have a kid?" And I said, "Yep!" (We have been married going on 8 years and people stopped asking us if we were going to have a baby a LONG time ago. lol) Anyway, everyone was really surprised and I think they were all like, "REALLY!?!?" My dad is not very expressive, but he came over and hugged me and grinned and later he whispered "Little mama!" in my ear. LOL My mom kept grinning at me like a possum. My oldest sister said she was 1000% surprised. and My 2nd sister was like, "I'm glad ya'll waited so long to tell, now we don't have to wait as long for it to be born!" My 2nd niece came over and hugged me and said she was really excited, and my two youngest sisters both want it to be a boy. I called my brother who had to work after we got home and he said I better have a boy. lol It was so much fun. They were all like, "NOW we know why you were so eager to organize this Birthday gathering!"

Cannot wait for this Saturday when we tell DH's family. His mom will be OVER. THE. MOON. And I can only imagine what his sisters will do. It will be the first grandchild/niece or nephew for them. So... there will be much celebrating!

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10 years ago

Ladies, I have a question for you. I think this is one of the all time questions to be asked. During your TWW, do you drink? I drank this weekend, but don't know if I should feel guilty about it or now. Never was drunk or anything like that, but it was a hard weekend not to celebrate! I started out not drinking during the TWW, but as a year has passed, it is hard to pause your life. I just wanted everyone's thoughts and opinions about it.

I know tons of women drink and don;t even know they are pregnant, but i feel like since i am trying to get pregnant, i should be somewhat cautious....but does that drinking at all? I am not a heavy drinker, but if I do, i like i have a couple glasses of wine and relax.

10 years ago

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