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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hi Shay! If you need help with abbrevations, there is a link on here for them. I'm on the reply page now and if I scroll down a bit, there is a box on the right side below the advertisement that says "Trying to Conceive Lingo". If you can find it, it's a big help in the beginning !
Sorry dh is being a goober. Men just dont get it. Maybe he wont complain about you poking your boobs if you let him poke them instead! ROFL!
I havent started tracking anything yet because I'm SO abnormal but your ovulation should be around the same time every month if your cycles are close to regular. If you're trying to figure out the exact day it's hard to tell post ovulation. What day of your cycle are you on now and what's your normal cycle length?

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

12 years ago • Post starter

haha i offered DH to poke them and him being the goober he is grabbed them i shrieked and smacked him and he goes "oh man they really do hurt huh" MEN!! l0l

The problem with tracking my cycle is i have a bleeding disorder. I have to take medicine to make my blood clot or my periods would last 2+ weeks. So i have to manually stop my periods and i am not sure if that effects the ovulation process. I started on July 1st and i typically let it go 5 days just to be average but i start a different time of the month EVERY month! I am on CD 27 but no clue what dpo!

IT pretty much comes down to every day or at leasat try to with a 3 yr old that isnt always possible.
We have been trying for 2 yrs and 2 Mcs

btw can you tell i took your advice for the abbreviations! l0l very helpful!

TTC #2, 2 miscarriages, 2 years in My precious babies will grow in our hearts but not in our arms. As long as we remember, they are never truly lost

12 years ago

I'm so frustrated! I had symptoms all week and now they have disappeared today. AF is due tomorrow and now I just received a BFN. Oh well. Today is my 41st birthday and I was hoping for the best birthday present. Oh well guess I will be out this round. I'm so disappointed. I'll drown my sorrows in a chocolate stampede at Longhorn's :-(

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12 years ago

Hi! I've been testing all week, and as usual I'm testing every time I pee & making myself nutty. BBs are sore & I've been nauseous & tired, but it could all be PMS. Using Wondfos for the first time, and they may be cheap, but I'm spending a lot of time squinting with my old eyes. I have had a couple of them that look pretty + out of the 60 I've taken so far. I'm either 8 or 10 dpo now. I'll keep you updated. Hope everybody's doing fantastically!

12 years ago

@Shay- My dh is sitting next to me (he always asks how the girls are doing on the forum). He read the first part of your post about your dh grabbing them. He laughed so hard! Well, if it hurt bad enough that you smacked him, you're definitely not imagining it!
Your bleeding disorder does cause a bit of a challenge. But the length of bleeding or stopping it shouldnt disrupt your time of ovulation. Some women ovulate near the end of menstrating. So the length of bleeding shouldnt affect the process. What's your average cycle length (under the tools & tickers tab they have a tool for calculating it). Who knows, with your symptoms...I say PEE! You may get ! Btw- I'm sorry about your mc's. I had one and it took almost a year to feel normal again.

@Holly-It's not over til the fat red lady sings!!! But go ahead and enjoy something chocolate for me!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

12 years ago • Post starter

Miss you Phatgurl! I was wondering how you were doing!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

12 years ago • Post starter

so ladies i have a question

after what do u do ( to keep the swimmers in lol) ?
lay flat , legs up in the air , pillow under bum ????

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12 years ago

l0l That was his response as well "guess your not imagining this one" Tell your DH ya we laughed too. We kind of try to take things lightly not so serious after the 2 mcs. One was at 8 weeks the next at 15 weeks. So both were rough on us. However we believe god has a plan.but our dr also told us something that kind of surprised us. his words were..

"My little boy announced something at the dinner table a couple nights ago, he said so mommy god told me to tell you thank you..we all looked at him kind of confused but my wife responded why? he continued to say for trying one more time after he took me away from you. Now we were really my wife said what do you mean honey you have been here all along. and then we knew god existed, my son said yes mommy i have but when i was inside you i was really sick and god came and took me i didnt want to go but he promised me i could come back soon then he gave me back real soon like he said!.
My wife had a miscarriage a month before we conceived our son but not even our oldest daughter who is 15 knew about it!"

give or take a few words as i cant recollect his EXACT wording but that sums it up.
My DH and i were stunned and it kind of brought a little bit of ease to a hard situation.
None the less we still grieved.
but they are never truly lost they are always in our hearts.

ANYWAYS now that i am done crying like a big baby
I have poas 3 times with answer 100 miu and 3 negs!
but i have no idea what dpo i am. I was told to check my cervix so of course i did because a pregnant women told me to and i gotta admit they say to do it I DO IT l0l and it was high and i guess "soft" and closed..from what i could tell i am no obgyn. but she failed to tell me what i was supposed to be feeling for l0l Its just a waiting game for me. I dont have an average Cycle time i guess its pretty much 30-35 days..

TTC #2, 2 miscarriages, 2 years in My precious babies will grow in our hearts but not in our arms. As long as we remember, they are never truly lost

12 years ago

@Lammy-this should be fun to see how everyone answers that question . As for me, after the deed has been done, I have a sex towel/wash cloth that I keep in the nightstand. As dh pulls out I quickly cover myself with it. As go as far as basically turning it into a wash cloth thong . Makeshift undies LOL. Then I lay flat in bed and watch tv for 30 minutes while dh falls asleep. I used to try to prop my hips up or turn around and lay at a right angle against the wall with my legs in the air but I found that the more I moved to get into those positions, the more the swimmers swam away from their target. After 30 minutes, I shimmy to the bathroom, pee and clean myself up (that's the only reason I miss condoms...easy cleanup). I look at the rag to see how much came out and it's only a little tiny bit...tiny fraction of how much is in me (granted when you sit down to pee, a lot comes out but I read that the swimmers that are strong enough to get to the egg are already way past the cervix so anything that comes out is excess). And TaaDaa!!!! That's about it.

@Shay-that was awesome to read!!!!!!! Made me and dh want to cry. I completely agree with you...God does have a plan. He placed the stars in the sky and He knows them by name, and He already knows who our children will grow up to be. I completely trust in Him .
I kept reading about checking the cervix but my fingers are too short LOL. Kudos for reaching it! Well, if you are still 3 days to a week away from possible AF, the 100miu tests could easily not be detecting hcg. The lower the miu, the quicker the result. The 100 miu may not pick up hcg until a few days after AF is due. I think you still have a high probabilitly of a peanut.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

12 years ago • Post starter

@Lammy I just lay there with with my ankles crossed haha I don't like to move anything or any muscles because sometimes I can feel the swimmers gush out lmao DH usually just has me roll over and outs a towel underneath me hehehe too cute. Most times I knock out like that so he wipes me down and lets me sleep

@Tara that's all I do when I read your posts! haha and your DH is too cute asking how we're doing!

"Whatever is to be, must be" - Bob Marley

12 years ago

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