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Not Just Cycle Buddies!

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Hi Friends! Lots of us have gotten our BFPs these past few cycles and we all aren't "cycle buddies" anymore. I feel like we need a place to connect and keep up the conversation with each other. This way we can keep chatting even if some of us aren't pregnant and some of us are. I'm just starting my 6th cycle TTC and hoping that this will be the one. Please join in and update us on where you are and how you are feeling.

916 Replies • 6 years ago



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531 - 540 of 916 Replies | Last Page

DiviniumLiv- so sorry to hear the witch came! Wishing you nothing but this next cycle.

6 years ago

@DiviniumLiv - I’m sorry af showed up again.

6 years ago • Post starter

@Beautiful - I saw you got your flashing High day yesterday! Did you get your solid Peak day today? I did use my old test sticks with a new monitor because I usually ended up with 2-3 left over from the last one. They work just fine in a different monitor.

6 years ago • Post starter

I finally got my solid smiley today! It’s weird I always go from negative to peak, I never see flashing smileys. Today is cd 17. My Ava app says my temps are still low, will prob ovulate today or tomorrow.

6 years ago

Yes I got my solid smiley today!!! Time to get it on again!!

6 years ago

@Beaut1ful if we both conceive this cycle, they’ll be exactly the same due date (give or take). My LMP was 6-1 so due date would be 3-10-19 but if you know the day of conception, subtracting 14 days from the ovulation date is most accurate in dating a pregnancy. What cd are you today? Do you think we’ll ovulate tomorrow or tonight since we both got our solid smileys this morning? I’m going to see if my temp goes up tomorrow to confirm ovulation. Fingers crossed for us both, would be awesome to conceive on Father’s Day!

6 years ago

@diviniumLiv sorry the witch came! Thinking all the positive thoughts for you this cycle

Woohoo for those who are on peak days! Let the baby making begin!

Sorry I’ve been so absent! I was so hoping to come back with exceptional news but it never really happened.
I’m on CD40 here...
A new lot of tests arrived this morning for “next cycle” but I woke and still no AF. I was so crampy last night I was sure it was coming in full force. Not even a sign of it. I normally get thinner/more water cm before it too and it’s tacky as anything. Sorry tmi!

I actually have what may be the start of a bfp though! The tests I have are so reliable and NEVER show a faint line or evap. I had an ambiguous line show up at 5.5 mins and the stated time frame is 5 on these. So I’m itching now. They are my go to tests like what frer are for so many. These in my past experience have always showed a faint pos 1-2 days before a Frer!

It’s that faint I can’t capture it on camera unfortunately. I’m cautiously optimistic. I trust these tests, but it’s still too faint to be really convincing... plus it was technically outside of the time frame. Fx here please?

6 years ago

PhotomMma- I’m hoping today!!! Yes will know for sure l tomorrow hope temp rises. to you!!! My LMP was 5-31. I’m CD 18 today. That’s what I told my DH....let’s make this baby on Fathers Day!!!

Luckyducky90- Hope it turns into a stronger BFP!

6 years ago

@luckyducky. Good luck. I hope the lines get stronger as the days progressed.

@Beaut1ful38. Good luck in the baby making and hope a Fatger's Day baby is in the making.

As for me, my little guy has not made this pregnancy enjoyable. I'mnot sick or nautious or anything like that. Not sure exactly what he's doing in there as some days I'm so achy like he's running out of room and pushing out near my belly button and I still have ways to go.

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6 years ago

@Beaut1ful & photomama - Sounds like you two had great father's days! I've got my fingers crossed that you both caught that egg this cycle!

@LuckDucky90 - Did you take another test this morning? If you post one let us know so we can check it out. I was very campy before I got my BFP and was expecting AF as well. It's frustrating that pregnancy and pre menstrual symptoms can be so similar. For me I got the cramps way before I usually did but still thought it was AF coming. I've got all the fingers crossed for you and am hoping for great news!

@Dragonfly - I'm sorry he's taking up so much space already... You are more then half way! It's worth it in the end and you said yourself this will probably be the last so you wont have to carry another baby after you get your little boy.

AFM - Nausea set in for me last night, and I've lost my appetite but I know I have to eat. My twin sister gets nausea with pregnancy but never throws up so I'm crossing my finger that it will be the same for me. We told my parents yesterday on father's day and were hoping to tell DH's parents but that didn't work out. Hopefully we'll get to tell them today. DH is anxious to tell his parents! We wont be telling anyone else until after my 9 week appointment and then just some close friends. DH works with lots of women so he's been getting questions and doesn't want to lie so we'll see who he tells! I work with lots of men who wont even think to ask me so I don't have to worry about that. lol! I can wait until after 12 weeks to tell work. As long as my symptoms stay tame that is... Happy Monday all .

6 years ago • Post starter

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