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I'm currently 3DPO and absolutely hate the TWW! Was just wondering if there was anyone out there going through the same thing.

1111 Replies • 12 years ago



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And you were only 12dpo?! That's amazing! What's the husband say? I'm one week behind you in my cycle and it's killing me not to test right now. My sense of smell is out of this world and I've got this strange feeling that I don't want to drink (it's weird for me to not have a glass of wine while cooking!)... But, realistically, I know I'll get a BFN and be disappointed.

Again, congrats! So glad you could take the rest of the day off!

12 years ago

YES...I was suprised to get a positive a full 2 days before my missed period!! That test was NEGATIVE yesterday morning with FMU so its amazing how fast that can change!!

My hubby is being strangely calm. He is a doctor so I think for him the sure sign is a missed period so I think he will be more excited like me on Sunday after I am late. I will probably keep testing everyday just so I can watch the progression. It is very exciting!!! This was our 8th month trying!!! So don't give up hope Movegas!! It really does take most people MONTHS and MONTHS to get it just right!!! :) Keep the faith!!!

Amazingly enough when I calculated out the due date it is...12/12/12!! Awesome right??? :) I am so happy, excited,shocked, scared,stunned, ecstatic, tired....LOL!!! I guess the April 13th appointment will be my first prenatal!! YAY!!

12 years ago

AWESOME, Lizzy! :) I'll be praying for you and your sweet little one that God will give you a healthy, normal pregnancy with zero complications!

Well, AF is due tomorrow and I've had AF cramps ALL FLIPPIN' DAY today (typical). I also tested bfn again this morning, so I'm out. It's okay though. I've also decided NOT to TTC in April simply because I don't want to have a baby around Christmas time (I always have my babies at 37 weeks). My other kids would not think that was very cool at all. LOL I think I've decided to hold off a few months, drop some winter weight, enjoy the summer with my kids, and then jump back on the TTC wagon in the fall. I am blessed beyond measure already to have 5 beautiful, healthy kiddos as it is and my youngest is still just 1 year old, so technically I have a "baby" still :)

Love to you all! I'll still pop in and check on you all often!!! :)

12 years ago

wow!!! i am so happy and excited for you lizzy!!! .. that is a very great news.. God is really good..

12 years ago

right now i am 11dpo.. scared to test.. don't want to see ..

last night i felt strange again i woke up feeling hot.. been sweating all over.. tender bbs.. think i felt nausea this morning just have to fight it off because i need to hassle going to work.. maybe it's all over my head.. i've said i won't be obsessing too much.. but here i am.. keeping my fingers crossed..

to you all girls..

lizzy and lily hope we could all join you two girls..

12 years ago

LHEN...I think your symptoms sound so promising!! I am dying for you to test!!!

I tested this morning with FMU and it was a wee bit darker...Here's hoping it keeps progressing!!! I am so scared of waking up and this being all a dream...I have waited so long!!!

Lily...hows our baby?

Bride...awwwww you better keep hanging around...You can't leave us now!!! I understand wanting to take a break though!!

Fluff...anything going on?? are you honey??

12 years ago

Lizzy, so glad your line was darker today :)

Today is AF day, but still no sign of her and still having creamy/watery cm and metal mouth. My husband says he really doesn't think I'm pregnant and I really don't think I am either. I'm going to give it until Monday and if she still hasn't arrived, I'll test again.

12 years ago

Well girls, it's 1:40 am and AF just got me pretty much right on time :(

12 years ago

OMG!! LIZZY!!! I am sooo happy for you! YAY!!!! Congratulations :)
That is so exciting! hehe now your appointment will before something else!

MoVegas, well maybe you should trust your instintics! hopefully you will be getting your BFP next week.

Lhen, still pulling for you, I hope these are good signs and hopefully soon you too will get that BFP!

((Bride)) I am so sorry AF came around ((hugs)) I can understand wanting a break, and that is wonderful you will be enjoying time with your sweet kiddos while you just take a break ya know!

Well AF just packed bags and left, so now I get ready for a new fresh clean cycle... I haven't thought about it but these last few days I started taking my allergy medication again since our pollen count here is VERY HIGH and today I read that it may have effect on Ovulation (boo!) I haven't started back tempting last month was nice to have a break from it, although at times it would have been nice to know lol but I am debating about using opk's for this month since I got an appointment for April 16th that info maybe useful?

12 years ago

Fluff, definitely track ovulation, etc. My doctor wanted my af and ovulation history as far back as I could remember. It's helpful to determine which tests I guess. I'm glad you've got the'll put your mind at ease.

Bride, I'm sorry AF arrived and I TOTALLY understand not wanting a baby at Christmas. If I'm pregnant this month I'd be due on Dec. 16th. That would not thrill me, but at the same time, I don't want to delay trying...obviously, since I'm still hoping for a BFP!

LHEN - HOW?!?!? How do you find the self-control to not be testing? I bought another package of FRER at the store while grocery preparation!

I hope you're feeling well, Lily! Are you still excited beyond belief? Lizzy, I don't have to ask you this question - I know you are! Did you test again today?

I'm 7 dpo today....increased sense of smell and exhausted beyond belief. And I still am shying away from all don't know me, but that is STRANGE. Anyway, I know I can't test yet, but it's killing me. I'm alway get my hopes up and then am super depressed. I think I'm going to test on 10dpo. I'm REALLY trying to hold out until then. In the meantime, I cook. That's all I've been doing. Yesterday I baked 4 dozen cookies and made port braised short ribs for 16ppl. That's how I deal with stress!

Happy Sunday - love and luck to all you ladies in your journey!

12 years ago

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