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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Mandy67 I think I remember reading something you posted not clearly enough to remember. I'm sorry about the spotting and your af popping up. Have you been spotting or brown cm since af stopped? Did af ever stop? How long have you had ewcm? And I agree with you and actually said the same thing. I'm sorry she felt so bullied but this was not my intention. I tried explaining as nice as possible so my words wouldn't get taken the wrong way. I guess it didn't matter though. I also am not gonna apologize because I don't and shouldn't have to apologize for explaining how I felt. Maybe that sounds cold but that's how I feel. I wish she wouldn't have left, I would've loved to stay in touch with her as her pregnancy progressed. I guess she had to do what she felt was right for her, we all do at some point. Anyway how are you feeling after what happened with your last cycle? Do you think it was a chemical pregnancy? If you feel like you don't want to answer some of my questions I understand. I'm just trying to get to know you and what's happening with you.

11 years ago

Catchwin - HOW DARE you. Judge my character. You dont know me.
but I know enough about you that you waltz in with your look at me attitude.
when in fact you should be a little more humbled by the fact that you are pregnant at 47 and yes you had to bring that up again along with first time trying. As for me being jealous you can stick that where the sun dont shine.
You have NO idea what some of these ladies go through month after month.
including myself. You never stopped to try and listen just and understand.
if in fact you suffer from dyslexia how did you right that essay.
If you want to go throwing things around that you suffer from, I will go 1 better I suffer from depression and every month spiral downward. You dont have dyslexia from not being able to have a child. I however have my condition from that fact amongst other reasons. I could write quite a few pages about my background and how I came to be where I am today and am sure most on here can. So maybe you should get off your soap box and high horse. Have a bit more compassion for all on this forum. Dont care if it was requested for your pics the gallery is the place for them not taking up half my screen and in my face.

11 years ago

Athena - wow your just a.few hours away from me. I don't know if I mentioned it before but I'm in south carolina, I'm more upstate closer to north carolina. I just moved here from jersey in may. Its waaaaay different down here. I'm still learning all the long country roads, everything here is gonna take some getting used to. My kids love it. They can go for walks and ride their bikes without worrying about too many cars. There's so much they can do here so moving south was a good thing for them for sure. Well once again here's to us and getting our much wanted bfp! If I don't talk to you before you test I'll be thinking of you when I do my test. Praying4#2 will be testing also so to her as well. Tara said she may give in but in whatever decision she makes!

11 years ago

Just1more- i am in michigan and i will probaby test around 8 i dont really care who is home cuz my family knows im crazy and if its bfp then we can do a happy dance and if its bfn then we go about our day. We know its in gods hands. My aunt that i stated awhile ago was pregnant at 45, she decided to end her pregnancy, we prayed really hard that god would put that tiny soul in me so at least it had a chance to live a life... we know its a long shot but we also know he works miracles. Its just weird that now im 5 days late maybe he forgot to make my body
produce man i do really sound crazy! Oh well we will see, if its bfn then i guess we wait for af...or keep testing. My dh teases me that i have a testing addiction and i need to go poas well good night and i look forward to ur results tomorrow  

11 years ago

I have never had it before, but spotted mid cycle. Read up about it and it seemed to be implantation but dont know for sure. Then couple of days before af was xue got a positive then was 5 days late. Got a neg and af which was lighter than normal. After that had weird feelings in my tummy and sore bbs took another test positive then another negative. I think the test I used and got bfp arent worth their salt . Now for last 2 days have notice ewcm. I would have to say yex to maybe chemical. I had a dr app the day after catchwins post and I felt so low cancelled my app I figured with a neg that was it and here I am now.

11 years ago

Praying4#2 Wow that's a difficult situation. I don't know how I would've delt with that. I personally don't believe in abortion. The time I think its ok is in dyer circumstances. But everyone has there own choice and I don't hold anything against people who make the decision to terminate a pregnancy. I'm sure that's an extremely hard decision to make. But man that must have been difficult for you! I'm praying hard for everyone tonight. All we can do know is try to get some sleep (if at all possible), hope for the best and the most difficult hold onto our pee all night (ugh thats so hard lol). Goodluck to you and we will see what tomorrow brings! to everyone! Sweet ( vivid )dreams everyone!

11 years ago

Justlmore - I started to ask you where you were because of the stink bug remark. We're in the same part of SC. I'm in between Spartanburg & Charlotte& am only a few miles from the NC state line. I don't know what dpo I am. I didn't track O this time. As for testing, I'd have to be pregnant from last cycle because we didn't BD this cycle, but my last AF was weird, and I've felt bad for a few weeks, so of course I'm testing at least every couple of days & going cross-eyed looking at Eva PS. I have a serious POAS addiction & mental issues related to TTC that make me think I'm preggo when I'm not. I've just stopped posting 100 tests/month & telling all of my symptoms that don't exist. I just walk around with the hope in my head all the time & think if I concentrate hard enough it will become real. If I keep it to myself I don't get pissed when people tell me I'm probably wrong. Bahaha

Good luck to everyone testing soon! I'll be testing in the a.m. for absolutely noreason! :-)

Tara - I know what you mean about needing time. Since my son got in trouble I've been doing online charter school with him, and I am never alone anymore - ever. I mean never. Still working full time with a 12yr old, 6yr old, and 3yr old with dh who doesn't see I need me time even when I say so. Then there's my crazy ex & his super-batshit-crazy wife. They are pushing me over the edge about my son. I'm starting to struggle doing Cust Svc because I'm pissed all the time or sad & my son has adhd, so if he gets bored he thinks he can talk to me non-stop while I try to work. I have a trade show coming up in Nov & just hope I don't have a nervous breakdown in NYC. Hope we both get time for ourselves!

11 years ago

I forgot to say...can't we all just get along? We all say stupid stuff sometimes & everybody can't have a bubbly, sparkly, fabulous personality like me. I also want to say for the record I was not the least bit offended, but the snappiness ticked me off and made me tired reading it. Let's all pretend we've bitch slapped each other, taken a few deep breaths and moved on. There, don't you feel better now?

11 years ago

Think I might have to get my bding shoes on tonight, or should I say off.
Ewmc and sore bbs. Temps sarting to rise. What a lovely anniversary gift for hubby tonight.

11 years ago


Will try your method....

U did ask me if I had tested :)


Hope you are feeling a little better by now...there are these days when everything around us feels super crazy n drives us nuts.

11 years ago

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