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Not Just Cycle Buddies!

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Hi Friends! Lots of us have gotten our BFPs these past few cycles and we all aren't "cycle buddies" anymore. I feel like we need a place to connect and keep up the conversation with each other. This way we can keep chatting even if some of us aren't pregnant and some of us are. I'm just starting my 6th cycle TTC and hoping that this will be the one. Please join in and update us on where you are and how you are feeling.

916 Replies • 6 years ago



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541 - 550 of 916 Replies | Last Page

Hey ladies my temp went up to 97.42 was 97.08 yesterday. So I think Saturday I got my peak later on that evening ....even though I got my flashing smiley that morning because I could tell based on the cramps I got later that day. So Sunday I gotta peak opk but I didn’t retest Saturday evening. Sooo, Based on my temp I think I ovulated yesterday.

Photo mama- what about you??

Flamingogirl- that’s amazing finally get to spill the pregnancy beans a little. Keep your fingers crossed for me and photmama!

Dragonfly- my boys always took up space too they even went up under my ribs!! So uncomfortable. Guess that’s boys for you.

6 years ago • Edited

Hi ladies! My Ava app says I’m in my luteal phase but I’m having some trouble believing it, my temperature only rose by like .1 degree and I have a lot of ewcm today cervix is still open and soft. Hopefully I’ll get a temp rise tomorrow morning.

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6 years ago

Photomama- maybe your ovulating today. Releasing egg. I would still Bd tonight. I hope you get your rise tomorrow.

6 years ago

@beaut1ful I think you’re right :) will update tomorrow to see if there’s a temp rise

6 years ago

Quick update. Crazy day here. Did a SMU and a PM dip.
Both have lines. Still ambiguous but showed up within the time limit. Grey at the moment and hard to capture on camera. Hoping the time difference is progression!

6 years ago

Here’s the case of my curious line. Never had an evap on these tests so hence my previous “cautiously optomistic”.
Has maybe a pink hue to it. And it’s a thicker line in person.
Starting to believe it since I’ve had multiple tests now like this

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6 years ago • Edited

Hey ladies, hope all is well. I'm back Had a 1 month rest from TTC. Luckyducky90, I think I see a line.

I'm 6dpo today to everyone.

6 years ago

@photomama - Maybe yesterday was your O day? Did you get a higher rise today? Are you liking the AVA bracelet? It looks like it tracks a lot of things!

@ LuckDucky - I see the gray line you are talking about. What dpo are you again? Fingers crossed for more progression!

@Queen7 - Welcome back!

@Beaut1ful38 - I've got my fingers crossed for you all and am praying for some March Babies for all of you!

6 years ago • Post starter

@flamingogirl— I’m not sure I like the Ava bracelet.
Today it gave me the exact same reading as yesterday and the day before. It gets cold in the morning and I sleep with my arms out of the blanket so I don’t think it’s getting an accurate reading. I did a vag temp this morning and it’s 98.9! In all my previous cycles where I vaginally temped, 98.0 or higher indicated ovulation. I’m always 97 something pre ovulation. I’m thinking I ovulated on Father’s Day so that puts me at 2 dpo today, like Beautiful. I got another bd session in last night just in case!

@luckyducky I see a gray line too! It’s thick like the control. Try another test maybe dif brand?

6 years ago • Edited

@Photomama - So glad you did a double check with another temperature reading! With a temp that high I bet your first rise was yesterday. Fingers crossed that you conceived on Father's day!

6 years ago • Post starter

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