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Not Just Cycle Buddies!

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Hi Friends! Lots of us have gotten our BFPs these past few cycles and we all aren't "cycle buddies" anymore. I feel like we need a place to connect and keep up the conversation with each other. This way we can keep chatting even if some of us aren't pregnant and some of us are. I'm just starting my 6th cycle TTC and hoping that this will be the one. Please join in and update us on where you are and how you are feeling.

916 Replies • 6 years ago



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Waiting to see if AF shows. Cramping in lower abdomen & sides (almost like O pain but different) and lots of white creamy discharge & a little bit of clear, stretchy like Fertile CM since yesterday. Around 14 dpo, confirmed by OPKS & progesterone bloodwork. Now just waiting. I think I miscalculated & AF is actually due tomorrow. So we shall see :)

July 9th is a great day, my wedding anniversary! Goodluck with your ultrasound :)! Let us know how things go!

6 years ago

Flamingogirl- yes I should be ovulating in Father’s Day! Let’s hope he can impregnate me what a gift that be a month later. I bought clear blue digital as I think they work better that regular opk. I want to know my most fertile week/days.

Who else is close to there Fertile week??

On another note: Flamingogirl how are you?? When is DR appt? I’m just trying to relax this month again.

6 years ago

@Kysd94 - I found that cramping days before AF was due was my first sign of pregnancy so I'm hoping it's the same for you as well. I think waiting to test after AF is smart too. for you!

@Beaut1ful38 - Conceiving on Father's day would be magical! I liked the clear blue digital OPKs a lot. The fact that they track your estrogen and give you High days as well as a Peak is really helpful. Have you started using them? I usually would get 4-5 days of High and on the 4th I'd start testing in the evening to make sure I didn't miss my Peak. I'm doing good! Another new symptom for me this week is frequent urination. I didn't realize that would start this soon! I thought it would come when my uterus was bigger and pressing on my bladder but maybe that's already happening or it's the hormones? My yearly physical is in two weeks on the 27th and my first prenatal is on Monday July 9th. Looking forward to both! I'm not sure if I'll get an ultrasound during my first prenatal or if they'll wait until 12 weeks or later.

I hope you are able to relax this month. For us in the Northeast the warm weather and sun this month helps with that.

6 years ago • Post starter

Took a new test when I got home and I can see something, but still faint. Not feeling to optimistic at the moment. Uploaded the pic in my gallery. Am either 13 or 11 dpo today.

6 years ago

Hey ladies, got my vvfp at 11dpo and BFP at 13DPO had my blood test done yesterday at 14dpo and should have recieved results today but doctors wasn’t it hopefully get a call in the morning for results and will get my repeat bloods tomorrow to make sure I’m doubling. I’m struggling to not stress about loosing this baby, I’ve been having quite terrible cramps but no blood or discharge. Have any of you experience bad cramps so early on ? I’m only 16DPO today

6 years ago

@DiviniumLiv - I'm sorry your lines aren't darkening up. With all your chemicals have you thought of trying a progesterone supplement. Forgive me if we've already talked about this.

@Mrsjr96 - I had some bad cramps early on. Especially from 14-16dpo. I still get waves of intermediate to mild cramps about everyday. They make me nervous but all my other pregnancy symptoms are strong and I've had no bleeding whatsoever. I hope you hear back from the dr's asap!

6 years ago • Post starter

Today I've started spotting so I'm sure AF will be full force soon. On to the next month.

6 years ago

Oh hun. I'm sorry. I hope next month is your month.

6 years ago • Post starter

FlamingoGirl13 - This month I'm actually not sure if my previous lines are actual lines, or indents. But yes, I've thought about trying progesterone supplement. I just haven't gotten myself to contact the private clinic, since they're quite expensive. And we are moving in a month and I don't know if there are any private clinic there. So I'm gonna wait this summer and see what happens.

6 years ago

@Ksyd94. So truely sorry. Hope it is just IB.

@DiviniumLiv. I just bought Emerita Pro gest cream that I got off Amazon January and got pregnant that month (first time using it). Plus it wasn't very expensive. Just take the cream 2x a day (morning/bedtime) after you ovulate and continue to take it. If your period shows up then you can stop or if you get pregnant, you still continue to take it until the placenta takes over or its safe for you to lower doses. I will send the link on doses and what not. Your choice.

Omg ladies. I'm just filled with joy and holding back tears. The joys of working in the hospital. Was in the cafeteria and grabbing a snack and I was taking the elevator up to the second floor and a lady was on the elevator with me. She says to me, are you having a boy? I said, yes, how'd you know? She then tells me, because you are pointy. I can look at women and just know. I proceeded to tell her that I am freaking out about this whole gender thing and she tells me not to freak out. Such a relief that someone else noticed me and said something.

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6 years ago • Edited

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