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3DPO - Need a TWW buddy...

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Hi, I'm 3DPO ttc my first. This is my first cycle of clomid also. I'd love to have someone to share the dreaded/anticipated tww with!

583 Replies • 11 years ago



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541 - 550 of 583 Replies | Last Page

Thanx mommy cant believe it, wanna shout with excitement but im trying t be clam as im so scared, i try not to think about it, but it is always in the back of my mind xx

10 years ago

YAY!!! Congrats Therose!!! Hope this one sticks for you!!! [h5] [hh9months]

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10 years ago

I had another miscarriage Hun, xx

10 years ago

Hello! I am 4dpo and I have been having twinges in my lower right abdomen. Has anyone else experienced this???

10 years ago

Therose, I am so sorry hunn. We are all here for u if u need anything at all.

mrs fisher, I did have that at the start of my pregnancy but it was 6dpo. If it is a pregnancy symptom I would assume your ovulation was a couple days off. 6dpo is the earliest your body can know something is different as that is the earliest implantaion can occure. I was one day off on when I o'd this cycle. Cause my symptoms started 5dpo and I know its not possible.

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10 years ago

OMG Therose I am SO sorry. I know exactly how you feel!!! Are you doing any testing? I am waiting for my first AF right now. After my second one we are doing repeat loss testing. Hoping for some answers and a sticky rainbow baby for both of us!!! XO

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10 years ago

Thanx bashworth I'm just waiting for AF now so I can ring the hospital to get a HSG done and we have an appointment with my gyno in the 19th feb think I be starting clomid then, I couldn't believe it happened again to be espicially when have had my beautiful son in 2011 but I guess that's just life and I just hope and pray that one day I will get to complete my family before I get to old xx

10 years ago

I am waiting for AF also and have a son also born in 2011 (crazy coincidence [smile] ) I know how frustrated you must feel. This was our 2nd MMC this year. What will the HSG tell them? My Dr wants me to do repeat loss blood work after my 2nd AF (probably in February). I am SO sorry that we are both going through this. Crossing my fingers we both get our rainbow babies soon!!

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10 years ago

Just wanted to let u ladies know I am still here, keeping up with everything and sending up lots of prayers!

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10 years ago

I'm having a HSG to see if my tubes are ok, I've been using OPKs at the moment but still havt got a positive the lines are quiet strong but not a positive they have been like that for a couple if weeks now and I've still got my pregnancy symptoms which is upsetting me at the mo as I've got no baby there, my boobs and back are killing me so I don't have a clue what is going on with my body at the mo, I keep telling my hubby that I shod just go to ty knackers yard as my boby is knackered and don't work properly anymore xx we have also got an appointment in the 19th feb to see out consultant which I think he might be putting me on clomid, but I can see how that is gonna work, cause I can get pregnant within a year but I just seem not to be holding onto the pregnancy x

10 years ago

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