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Not Just Cycle Buddies!

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Hi Friends! Lots of us have gotten our BFPs these past few cycles and we all aren't "cycle buddies" anymore. I feel like we need a place to connect and keep up the conversation with each other. This way we can keep chatting even if some of us aren't pregnant and some of us are. I'm just starting my 6th cycle TTC and hoping that this will be the one. Please join in and update us on where you are and how you are feeling.

916 Replies • 6 years ago



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Photomama- I got the same temp as yesterday as well. So now I’m confused. We didn’t DTD last night bc I thought we were good.... so we DTD this morning just to be sure. Since we both are off today it worked out. So I hope temp goes up tomorrow. I already have creamy cm which I checked before we DTD this morning.

6 years ago

Hope Father’s Day was your day!! I’ve looked into the Ava bracelets too. I already wear a Fitbit though. I do watch the RHR patterns and it’s intriguing. Considering I don’t know where I’m at exactly in this cycle makes it hard to say it’s as good as temping.

So my curious line was pretty faint this morning. My CP is actually quite high and open which is weird. Not completely soft.
I wonder if it’s gone shady from a bit of LH and I haven’t even ovulated?! I know it goes the other way after you get a bfp but who knows.
I picked up some OPKs on my way to work so I’ll do one in the arvo or evening for curiosity’s sake. At least I have them there for next cycle.

Flamingogirl - according to CTP I’m 23dpo. That’s a laugh! Especially now I’m considering that I may not have even popped one yet!

6 years ago

Luckyducky90- Haha CTP has me ovulating 3days after my AF, and saying I’m 11dpo. which is no way bc I got my peak Sunday (possible Saturday evening) and had a flashing smiley....i even logged it in but it still hasn’t changed. I’m going off FF chart for now. I hope your lines progress. Are you testing again tomorrow??

6 years ago • Edited

I haven’t logged my data onto here so they’re just going off me having 29 day cycles... I use another app for tracking.
My body is so messed up!
I got home and did an opk expecting a positive because I’m classic SHOW! Neg-a-tive...
maybe today could be O day??? Anybody’s guess now

6 years ago

Sorry for the bombard of posts!
So my gut was telling me to take another OPK. I did it an hour after the first. Sure enough it’s nearly positive. I did another 2 hours later and it’s darker again. Looks like I’m O -1 or 2 days!
How’s that for a brain teaser!
The SHOW gave it away to test again. They’re not yet positive and the pic I’ll insert doesn’t do justice. Don’t know why they always look way less dark on camera.
I’ll do 1 more between 7&10pm since I’ve seen some ladies get their OPKs late at night.
The lines on the last two came up pretty quick and progressed a lot faster than my nearly positive OPKs earlier in the cycle. And finally I have other O impending signs to match it! Looks like the hpt could have been picking up trace HPT or it’s a bad batch. Such a shame if it’s the latter because I’ve loved this brand for years.
And yes I dipped another one when I saw my OpK darken to see what happened. And of course, squinter!
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6 years ago

Luckyducky90–yeah time to get busy! Keep testing to make sure you catch your strongest line.

Photomama—what was your temp today? Mine is still nearly the same temp again. Am I having anovul. cycle? Still have in mild cramps as well.

6 years ago • Edited

Well I think my body tried to ovulate but didn’t, think today I am in fertile time. Yesterday and today I now have ewcm and I’m cramping a lot and bloated. I had 1 spot of red blood so think it’s signs of ovulation (no way it can be IB or AF). Will do some BDing again to make sure and see what temp does.

6 years ago

Beaut1ful38 - Keep us updated! Sometimes if the first was unsuccessful your body will try again right away. Sounds like you are having the symptoms of Ovulation right now. The BBT will really show you when you've ovulated (You know that though!).

6 years ago • Edited • Post starter

Hi ladies! 98.9 today, another really high temp. :) my Ava went up as well, but I’m not trusting Ava this cycle because my highest temps were in the beginning of my cycle and dropped to lower temps after ovulation. I still think that room temperature probably messes with Ava. I’m trusting my cervix position, cm, and vag temps which all indicated I ovulated yay! Have had multiple anovulatory cycles past few months, and this is my first month on letrozole. I think I’m like 2-3 dpo today. Good luck beautiful, keep bding!

6 years ago

Hey ladies!! Finally my temp went up to 97.66 better than staying at 97.48 past few days. Will BD again tonight. Just to make sure bases are covered. DH is now requesting a break last night after the conclusion he said is your baby!

Photomama- How are you today??

6 years ago

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