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Not Just Cycle Buddies!

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Hi Friends! Lots of us have gotten our BFPs these past few cycles and we all aren't "cycle buddies" anymore. I feel like we need a place to connect and keep up the conversation with each other. This way we can keep chatting even if some of us aren't pregnant and some of us are. I'm just starting my 6th cycle TTC and hoping that this will be the one. Please join in and update us on where you are and how you are feeling.

916 Replies • 6 years ago



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Replies (sorted by hugs)

551 - 560 of 916 Replies | Last Page

dragonfly23: I have tried using a progesterone cream that can be bought here in Sweden (called ProgesterAll). Used it for several month without any difference. So either it's to small amount of progesterone in it, or it's not the progesterone that's the problem for me. But thx for the tips though.

6 years ago

@dragonfly23 - That sounds like a wonderful interaction!

6 years ago • Post starter

@DiviniumLiv. No problem. Thought I'd help.

@FlamingoGirl13. It was. Like it was meant to be.

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6 years ago

Flamingogirl- the last time I used it after MC to see if I was going to ovulate since hormones are out of wack. I had 1 high and next day was peak. But not sure if due to MC I ovulated quick..who knows. But this time I have been taken it since CD12 till today no high just low. But I don’t plan to ovulate till Sunday. So I might get a high tomorrow. Left hope so

So my co worker is pregnant and I catch myself staring at her baby belly. Hubby co worker had his baby and DH said he saw a picture and teared up. He is so ready for baby!! to us!!

6 years ago • Edited

Beaut1ful - If that happened to you the first time it might again this time. I'll be interested to see how it works out for you. All our hormones build up differently. I hope you get the high today or tomorrow so you can start bding for that rainbow!

It's nice when you can tell your DH is really ready for a baby!

6 years ago • Post starter

Hi friends! I’ve been gone for a while because I needed a mental break from ttc. No February baby for me unfortunately but I’ve realized that I’m not ovulating. I’m getting all the symptoms of ovulation, and then nothing acutually happens and it’s a missed ovulation. I’ve gotten a few cysts and the doctors told me it’s due to my body trying and misfiring. Progesterone levels showed no ovulation for last month nor the previous one. This month I threw in the towel and met with an RE about a week ago. She is absolutely wonderful and funny enough was the doctor that offered me a job as an RN at her clinic last August but I turned it down because I didn’t want to work in Infertility anymore. Their clinic is the cheapest in my area for cash patients and will only cost me $160 a month. Anyway met with her last week, did a consult and she put me on letrozole. (I do better on letrozole than clomid and got pregnant with my DD on letrozole 2nd month of trying). So here’s hoping! Got a scan done today and lining is nice and thick and have 2 follicles one measuring 17 and the other 13. I doubt the 13 will mature in enough time, but the 17 is looking good! No ovulatory symptoms yet. Really crossing my fingers this month...

@Flamingogirl... oh my gosh I’m just over the moon for you!!!
Congrats to all the bfps! If this is my month, due date will be March 10. :)

6 years ago

Photomama! So good to hear from you! Sounds like you've been busy sorting things out and I'm glad you found a reasonable RE that you trust. Will you get blood work after ovulation to confirm that you did ovulate? When are you expecting to ovulate? From what I know follicles are good to go when they are larger then 20 right or is it 25? Keep us updated on the follies and the process.

Thank you! We are so excited and thankful that we are pregnant. We remind each other every day that we are! My sensitive breasts and occasional cramp reminds me but I will take all the symptoms and love that we finally did it!

6 years ago • Post starter

Hi flamingogirl! Actually most people ovulate at around size 18 but can grow up to about 23mm. General rule of thumb is 2mm per day so I’m guessing I’ll ovulate in about 3 days. Yes I’m going to get a progesterone draw a week after to confirm ovulation. :) doc said to do opks starting today and negative so far.

6 years ago

Thanks for the clarification! I love how much you know about this stuff. Those opks should turn positive soon!

6 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies!

About Clear Blue Digital Opk!
I used them after my MC in feb just to see if/when I ovulated. I got a high and next day peak. So does that mean every time I will only get 1 high and 1peak??

I started using them this cycle again. I am on CD16 of a 32 day cycle. And have been testing since CD12 and still nothing but low. My CM seems to be watery started yesterday. I usually Ovualte CD-17-18.

So question is Will I always just get 1 day of each?? I know every women is different and I do temp. Should I be using them only in morning? I have used them with a 10-11am Urine. Not 1st morning.

6 years ago

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