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3DPO - Need a TWW buddy...

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Hi, I'm 3DPO ttc my first. This is my first cycle of clomid also. I'd love to have someone to share the dreaded/anticipated tww with!

583 Replies • 11 years ago



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Hi girls, sorry I havent been around much. So sorry to hear abt your loss Therose. A friend of mine had the same thing happen, she was able to get preg but it wouldnt stick. She has started seeing my doc who did some testing and discovered that it was some imbalanced hormone that kept making her body reject the baby. I hope this year is a lucky year for you and Bashworth.

Bashworth, how are you keeping? Hope things are better this year.

Hi mommy1st and new posters!

10 years ago • Post starter

Thanx Hun I just hope I get some answers, how are you going Hun? Hope all is well xx

10 years ago

All is well. We're both doing fine. Hope things look up soon for you.

10 years ago • Post starter

Thank you so much Jade. I am hanging in there. Have about 2 weeks to go and I can have Repeat Loss Panel (blood work) done. Hope all is well for you. I am praying we (and Therose) have healthy LO's this year!

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10 years ago

Hello I'm 6dpo I understand I'm a few days ahead of you but I have PCOS, I've been getting a ton of symptoms, I am kind of hoping this is not just me imagining them or getting sick. Fingers crossed to you on a BFP

10 years ago

I really hope this will be our year basthworth, I really think I can't take a 4th miscarriage it would send me over the top, I've got my HSG on Friday so hoping to see what's going in in there, just hope it's nothing serious. Xx

10 years ago

That would be one amazing year! I'm still praying for u ladies! I hope u both get your little miracles!

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10 years ago

Hi ladies! I'm 2dpo and ttc our second! Out first is almost two, we have been trying since his first birthday, had a large tumor on my right ovary so ha my tube an ovary removed in October! Really excited to be able to ttc I have baby fever like crazy! My son turns two in April and it is making me really sad! I have had cramping today like I'm going to start my period, do you think it's too early for symptoms to show?

10 years ago

Hi there Hun!!!! 2dpo is a bit early if you are pregnant you won't have even implanted yet that don't happen till as early as 6dpo and late as 12dpo but good luck in hoping you get your BFP soon xx

10 years ago

Good luck to the new girls joining us!!!

Therose I really hope so too!!
I got my test results back. My Vit D was super low and my anti-cardiolipin IgM was high. Both things can cause MC. Going to request to see a specialist. Hope he can figure it out!

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10 years ago

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