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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Thank you ladies! Yes such blessings for us here!
No this would be my third pregnancy. I have a daughter who's twelve, then seven years ago I had a blighted ovum and had d&c
So I feel sooo lucky with this news. I appreciate your guys support so much

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10 years ago

Congrats on the Bfps !!!!!ð???im 21 weeks ,its a boy ! Will have a c section due to brain issues i have .got 3d us.he is seriously the cutest fetus ever .had lots of scary health wise things going on lately .will be so glad when I hit the 28 week mark ! And i know he will be fine .I finally get to feel him kick , of course none of my other pregnancies made it anywhere close to here .its the weirdest feeling ever .he stays on top of my bladder .i can tell I will get to pee my pants very very soon .lol.I knew I could get pregnant .just never thought I would be able to stay pregnant .Pray for you ladies every night .xxxxxx Athena -saw some lines on your tests ! Tara -hope your kitty stays doing better .he is absolutely gorgeous ! Like a little lion

10 years ago

Kristi - that's amazing!

Justlmore - glad it's + & hope your hcg level comes back good. Did they say they wanted to do a 2nd blood test 2-3 days past to make sure it's doubling?

Athena - have you tested again?

Tara - still bleeding?

10 years ago

Nicky - Congrats on the boy!

10 years ago

Congrats kristi n just1more. So happy for u.

Tara, spotting has turned into bleeding? Hope not but if so, onto our next cycle of hope I guess.

My doc has asked me to bd every other day from cd 8 to 20....hv tried it for some cycles nw. Any suggestions as to when I shud bd. Have a 26 day cycle n I mostly ovulate between days 12 to 14.

GL everyone!

10 years ago

Congrats Nicky on the sweet baby boy.

Phat I posted a test yesterday. I'm saving my last frer for Friday. I'll use cheapies til then.

Idk what's going on my temp went back up some and my spotting has turned brown.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

Athena it sounds like implantation! I'm hoping and praying it was. Let us know when you post a test today!

Praying, I'm hoping and praying this is your month!

Nicki I wish I was past the first trimester. Its always the most stressful time for me. I'm glad your past it and everything is well!

Kristi, now that you know your having twins can you tell if your symptoms are intensified? Is it much different than your other pregnancies? When do you go back to the dr?

Joe, I think what the dr told you is your best bet, the more you bd the better! Good luck this cycle.

Thank you everyone its nice to know I have tons of support here. I'm not sure if I have to have blood drawn yet. I'll find out by Friday. I will make my next appt then. I'm sooooooo scared that something bad is gonna happen. I have so much anxiety. I'm worried I'm not eating enough, about how my thyroid will effect the first 3 months and the babys growth and, I'm super worried about the medicine I take for my thyroid. I'm on methimazole and its been known to cause birth defects. I can't stop taking it cause that will be worse and more of a risk. I definitely will have my meds changed because there's something else I can take that has way less of a risk. I don't remember the name of it. I have to wait for the results of my blood test. I'm having my thyroid levels checked. I'm trying to stay off google cause.its making me worry even more. Sometimes I can't help it though. Any words of advice?

10 years ago

Hi ladies,
wow lots going on here
athena will have a look at your hpt.
Feeling pretty crappy sorry

10 years ago

Well during my last pregnancy which ended in a D&C, my symptoms weren't as apparent since Ihad the blighted ovum. But what i can remember from my first (13 yrs ago) compared to this one is that I am way more fatigued this time and I have major headaches. I also have stuffy nose every day. I get dizzy and I'm very breathless. My breasts and nipples are also much larger this time. Nausea isn't as bad this time though. I had nausea till 2pm everyday for the first trimester with my daughter. This time it hits randomly, mostly if I don't eat right away or if I eat too much.

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10 years ago

I think af may be starting woke up this time and there was red blood. Not a lot none on my liner, but I'll let you know what happens throughout the day.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

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