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Not Just Cycle Buddies!

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Hi Friends! Lots of us have gotten our BFPs these past few cycles and we all aren't "cycle buddies" anymore. I feel like we need a place to connect and keep up the conversation with each other. This way we can keep chatting even if some of us aren't pregnant and some of us are. I'm just starting my 6th cycle TTC and hoping that this will be the one. Please join in and update us on where you are and how you are feeling.

916 Replies • 6 years ago



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Hi! I’m good, it’s my day off so I’m studying. So hard to study with a little 2 year old wanting my attention all the time. I got a progesterone draw today so should know by tomorrow what it comes back as. Haha I know what you mean! It’s hard work for us and our poor husbands I hate thinking about how some people do t even have to try and get pregnant. My cousin got pregnant her first month trying ugh... :)

6 years ago

Help!!! I don’t know what going on with my body this cycle. Now my temp is 97.24 and I did it vaginally still 97.32. Am I NOT going to ovulate this cycle???? This is my first chart where it’s up down up down...we will BD again tonight. I am having lower backaches and uterus cramps too still all week. Can I still get my period on anovu. Cycle?

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6 years ago • Edited

Did you have a particularly restless night? That could throw off your temperature. I would wait and see what tomorrow's looks like and possibly throw out today's. If tomorrow's is low too then maybe you are having an anovulatory cycle. I'm pretty sure you still get a period with an anovulatory cycle. You must because your linning has still build up so it has to go somewhere. If tomorrows is back up high then just delete or tell FF to ignore today's temperature.

Photomama has had anovulatory cycles, right hun? Maybe she can answer your questions better.

6 years ago • Post starter

Flamingogirl- I hope it goes up tomorrow bc this has never happened since I’ve been TTC. I don’t know if maybe bc of MC that my body is changing different now. I’m soooo worried and stressing. I don’t know if I should make a DR appt.
Photomama can you help me out on any info?

6 years ago

Well my temp is still low at 97.12. We BD again last night. So I don’t think I’m going to ovulate month. This is ....I just feel like crying I will see what temp does tomorrow.

6 years ago

@beaut1ful38 how did your temp turn out today? I know your stress all too well at the moment... CD46 here
I hope you find your happy place to enjoy the process

@photomama how did the draw go?

CD46 here and from my best guess, 4dpo. Again, never got a true positive OPK but it was so darn close to being +. I’m going with it because my CM lined up perfectly with it plus I had some middle pain twinges at the perfect time of day (apparently most women O between 4pm and 12am). Within a few hours of those twinges I noticed cm changes and it’s been consistent with progesterone rise since.
I hope I’m right because our bd would be on point!

6 years ago

Hi girls,
I’m so sorry you might be having an anovulatory cycle this month Beautiful I’ve had a few recently, they are the worst! And what’s more, you could have an extra long cycle if indeed you didn’t ovulate. Most women get their periods about cd35 or so.
I took the progesterone test 3 or 4 dpo and it was only 3.3, but shows I ovulated. Anything over 2 means you ovulated. This month I’m doing baby aspirin and progesterone cream. 3.3 is a bit low so I’m doing it just to be safe.
Yesterday and today I’ve been feeling really crampy, with pulling tugging feelings. I never feel this way, so hopefully it’s implantation! I’m 6/7 dpo today. Had a super fun weekend with my husband and daughter. Work tomorrow (boo!) but am looking forward to going to Vegas in Thursday for some rest and relaxation! Booked a cruise for my parents and Alina and myself. (40th wedding anniversary) so excited about that! Hubby doesn’t want to go so I’m staying with parents in their large balcony suite to save money (I’m paying for the whole thing). Hubby will join us in Hawaii with my parents end of October. We all stayed in a timeshare in January and had a blast. Little one loved it! She keeps saying she wants to go back. Hopefully I get my bfp in Vegas! It’s our 3 year wedding anniversary this week and my daughter’s 2nd birthday!

6 years ago

Hey ladies. So I went to see my doctor on Saturday and got 2panel blood work done. So let see if she calls me back today on my results. Will let you know what she says. The longest cycle I have had was 45 days but that was 2011. Now since MC my days have been 32-36 days. We are still BDing just in case.

6 years ago • Edited

Here is my chart today. Now mind you that spike was next Morning after a few drinks bc I was so bum about going to Dr that day.

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6 years ago • Edited

I'm sorry you are having such a confusing rough cycle this time Beaut1ful. What is she looking for in the bloodwork progesterone? Definitely keep BDing just in case. I hope you get some answers soon.

6 years ago • Post starter

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