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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Try n meet up with ur dr. if u think it'll ease ur mind a bit. N don't worry. Everything is gonna be fine. We're all here for you.

N it's definitely reassuring to know that we're all keeping each other in our prayers.

10 years ago

No word from dr so I'll find out what's going on tomorrow.

@just1more- thinking about you sweetie.

I'm hanging in there. My little romeo has been doing good. He's been eating a good amount of soft food but he's been nauseous since last night...which in turns makes me nauseous....

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

10 years ago • Post starter

Just1more, congrats on the bfp! I just wanted to say I had cramping like af, backache, the whole bit at about 6 weeks. I started spotting too but it was brown or light pink. I asked my naturopath about it and she said that as long as the spotting was light n not bright red in colour it is just little blood vessels on the cervix breaking due to hormones and changes in the cervix. Also both my naturopath and my doctor said that af symptoms are perfectly normal and I have had them on and off the whole time so far. So don't worry! It will all be ok, each pregnancy is supposed to be different anyway so try to relax (I know it's hard!) And trust your body.

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10 years ago

@Tara - Saying a prayer for you before I go to bed tonight. Hope you get good news from the doc tomorrow.

@Everyone - is anyone like me? I'm feeling really hopeful this cycle! I 'feel' my sticky BFP is right around the corner!

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10 years ago

Thank you so much for all the support ladies!
Gracie, I wish it was still pink but it isn't. Its still very light but red and only when I wipe. I checked to see if my cervix dropped a little and opened, it didn't. Its still high, it actually feels a little higher than before. Its also softer, I almost can't feel it anymore. I feel tightening in my lower abdomen and some sharp pains mostly on my right side. And my back, ugh, its so sore. Its actually worse than what I get with at and much higher also. I'm trying to reassure myself that everything is ok. But then I think I'm just kidding myself and making things worse and harder to deal with.

Tara, I was gonna go to the er tonight but I'm exhausted. My kids have school tomorrow so if anything gets worse I'll go then. I just know that if it is chemical no doctor is gonna be able to stop it. When I miscarried years ago I was supposed to go back for a d&c. I never did cause I was so upset about losing the baby. I didn't wanna go through anything else. I see myself doing it again. I just keep telling myself everything is ok and if it gets worse I'll go, but I don't. I don't know we will see only time will tell. I'm happy to here kitty is doing much better. I hope he continues to improve. My daughter, she's going on 13, just lost her rabbit today. Poor thing is so heart broken. She went out to feed him this morning and found him in his hutch not moving. She's so attatched to animals, any kind. She wants to save every stray or hurt animal she sees. She's got such a good heart and I hate to see her hurting so much.

10 years ago

Hcg was 0 so faulty tests and stress is what probably caused my short lp. Waiting to hear back on clomid dosage.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

10 years ago • Post starter

@Waiting - sorry for the BFN on the Beta; however, I'm glad you can move forward with your medication this cycle.

I hate you had some faulty tests! I have had some trouble in the past with Wondfos that looked positive, but were bad evaps or false positives. I think someone has been making some fake wondfos or something. Also, if you recall, I ordered like a 1000 internet cheapies. The bad part is these tests are all crappy! I can't wait to get a BFP to confirm they are garbage. I say this because 8 weeks ago, I had a CP that I confirmed with several FRERs; however, these supposedly 10Miu internet cheapies did not register a thing. I hate faulty tests!

AFM - I got a peak on my OPK today (CD13) and posted it in the gallery for my records. I'm drinking a ton of water because I just read an article about the fertility benefits of drinking water, so I started drinking more water again.

Baby dust to everyone!

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10 years ago • Edited

Tara - I hate so much that it was a bad batch.

Holly - go O!

Justlmore - how are you today?

10 years ago

I started bleeding this morning very heavily. So another chemical, it sucks but all I can do is keep my head up, keep praying, try again. It'll happen for me when the time is right. I knew something wasn't right and I'm kinda relieved in a way because I'm not wondering and worrying anymore. Sorry to hear the tests were wrong tara. I'm praying for us and maybe this will be our lucky cycle! I pray for all you ladies every night and everyone is always in my thoughts. Good luck to everyone for their bfps this cycle!

10 years ago

Justlmore - I'm sorry about the CP. You have such a positive attitude. Hope you get another BFP soon.

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10 years ago

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