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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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5721 - 5730 of 7993 Replies | Last Page

Lolee - you look awesome! Congrats for making it to 30 weeks! Praying they can stay in there a little bit longer...and hope you're doing well too.

Lschrader - sometimes our bodies just seem to like to mess with us, have you ever felt like that? FX'd for you this cycle.

Miracle - I'm sorry dear.

introuble - heeheehee, when I saw your first post I was like, her dd is 22?! I knew that had to be wrong! Hope your baby comes soon, and that delivery (whatever kind you have) goes smoothly for you.

Skyline - hope you're ok.

Athena - glad you've had a day or two of feeling better and can get out.

Pisces - miss you. Hope you are all well.

Football - miss you, sweetie. Hope you will check back in with us soon.

Afm - well, after a day of spotting, its back to not doing anything. Thank goodness! I've been resting, drinking plenty of fluids, and any activity has been for limited amounts of time. (Try doing a month's worth of shopping in 2 hrs. Not gonna happen! But at least I have my oldest ds with me to do all the lifting, and we can spread it over several days.) Emotionally, I'm feeling much better. I know I've done this with all of my kids, it's just hard to remember that spotting isn't always the kiss of death it's been in the past. I think I've been feeling the baby move in the last few days, so that's comforting. I may go back in next week just to hear the heartbeat - they said I could do that. And I found out I'm stuck with this dr. She's the only one I can see, and the hospital legal policy prevents me from switching out of the high risk section and going back to a regular ob without her say-so. I spoke with one of the nurses I trust, and she said I just need to have a heart to heart with the dr and let her know my concerns. She said she may not come across as competent, but she's actually an excellent dr and I just need to give her a shot. I guess we'll see!

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10 years ago

@lolee-Look at you! Wow, 30 weeks, you made it! That is so great. I hope they hang tight for a little bit longer, but at least you know they will be ok!

@rebecca-Glad your spotting has stopped. I would be the same way you are. Any blood is probably terrifying to see. I hope you get to hear the HB soon. Well, i guess you have to trust your nurse and it sounds like the doctor really is great. Hopefully you two can have a chat, tell her she hurt your feelings and move on.

Ummm, I don't think i have felt this way before. But I have had months where I totally felt different and wasn't pregnant. I could seriously eat everything. My co-worker asked if i was close to AF since I was so snacky haha. Yesterday i was craving salt and am today also. I am not a salty person. I like salt, but can live without it. Chips with salt sounds so good! I also have this feeling in my lower right back. It's like I pinched a nerve or tweaked my back. It's not super painful, just twinges that catch me off guard.

I really really really hope my time is coming soon. I am so ready to experience pregnancy and motherhood. It's all I can think about.

10 years ago

Hello ladies! Long time no see! Looks like there's been a few more BFP's since I was last around in September, congratulations to you all and hope all is going well for you ð???
AFM, well I took a break last year, just felt like all this TTC'ing was getting ontop of me and I just needed to take a step back from it all and breathe for a while! Got married on December 14th, 2013, the most magical day of my life! Married life is bliss and I love my husband more than anything! ð???
My dr has been fantastic for me, doing bloods every month to check my ovulation, super supportive and encouraging and getting me into the hospital to have the HSG, I have to call the hospital today to get my date. Hubby has also QUIT SMOKING!! Hooray!!!!!! Day 10 today and he's doing so well, I couldn't be prouder ð???
One thing I did want to share with you cos it's made such a difference for me, is how great vitamin B6 is if you're having trouble with progesterone/ovulation etc. My progesterone levels at Day 21 blood test haven't been great, the highest I got a few months ago was 11.4, and my cycles were really long, like 40 days. I started taking Magnesium and Vitamin B6 tablets, along with Vitex and my regular pregnancy vitamins, and within the first month, my cycle was down to a much more 'normal' 33 days, and my Day 21 bloods showed progesterone was 22! I just got my Day 21 results for this month yesterday, and my progesterone is 42.6!!! Dr was STOKED and said whatever you're doing it's certainly working! I'm on CD28 now so waiting til Monday (CD33) to test, as Dr is hoping the high progesterone is indicating a pregnancy! Even if it's not I'm so happy my body is doing the right things and I'm positive I'll get my BFP soon with everything going so well ð???

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10 years ago

Hi mrsrogers you got married on my birthday. I got my bfp in January and I'm due in October. I wondered how you were doing. I have my fingers crossed for you.

Lolee you look great

Rebecca glad your spotting stopped.

Lschrader I hope this is it for you.

Afm my appt was supposed to be yesterday, but the office was closed so it is rescheduled but not until the 24th :( which means my ultrasound will be after that .

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

Yikes! My last post was 5 days ago, I've been reading along, I just haven't had the time to write a post. I better catch up before I fall more behind!

@football - I've been thinking of you. Hope you are doing okay.

@pisces - Hope you are doing well also, come visit us soon!

@Bean - How is your dog doing? Did they find out what the lump was?

@miracle - I am so glad you had such a lovely visit with your sister! I hope it isn't too long before the next visit. I know how special it is to get to spend time with your kindred spirit and how bittersweet the distance is.
I am so sorry you DP was feeling that way this cycle, that had to be very frustrating. Hopefully one of his little guys made it that long, but I understand the chances are probably slim.
So far no more sciatica, but I have been having awful lower inner forearm pain on my right. I've been trying to rest it as much as possible, but that is so hard to do, as I am right handed.
How are you feeling?

@mrssuz - How awful! Once I had AWFUL pain after sex and upon research found that if you have a cyst or something like that, it can be irritated during sex and I was so scared to have sex again for a few weeks. I can only imagine what you're up against. I hope your appointment goes well today, and they have some answers for you!

@kxm - Has DH gotten his SA yet? How are you doing?

@LSchrader - So sorry to hear about your DH's grandmother. I hope you have a safe trip and enjoy the time away despite the sad circumstances. You're getting my hopes up, girl! I hope these are all good signs that a BFP might be on it's way!!

@rebecca - Yes, I am okay! :) I'm so anxious for you. I hope the spotting just stops for good! I can only imagine how helpless that feels. Stay strong! Hopefully getting to know your Dr. better will reveal this alleged good side. I hope so, I would hate to be stuck with a Dr. who didn't seem that great.

@athena - You got some snow!? Normally I would be jealous, but I am so over winter this year. (First time I have ever felt this way!) It was SO pretty on Sunday and then this whole week has been another cold snap. I hope it doesn't kill the flowers I planted Sunday. Glad you were able to enjoy the local restaurant. Are you still feeling a bit better? You are almost 10 weeks! (I had forgotten that I got my BFP on your birthday.) I'm sorry your appointment had to be moved back, I know what a bummer that is!

@introuble - Hope DD has a fun Birthday! And I hope that baby of yours decides to get on the ball and show up before the 11th!

@lolee - 30 weeks! Glad those boys are hanging in there.

@mrsrogers - HEY!! So good to see you back on the forum. I am so glad that things have been going so well, and that your hormones have been doing good,l and that your cycle has regulated! I was the same way, B6 is key in helping the body break down progesterone. That all sounds very similar to the effect my diet had on my cycle and I do believe it helped me get my BFP. I hope it is the same for you! I got my BFP on Dec. 14th! Haha!

AFM - So my 20 week scan is March 28th @ 11AM and as long as baby shows us the goods, we will find out boy or girl. Anyone want to make a guess as to what you think we will have?

I am entering the window of time that some FTM start to feel the flutters/bubbles of baby movement. I have been trying to pay close attention, I know it could be a few more weeks yet, but I am so hoping I'm one of the early feelers! lol

Hope everyone has a great day!

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10 years ago

@skyline- WHAT IN THE WOLRD. Already almost 20 weeks!!!??? Um that is crazy!! I seriously cannot believe how fast that has gone!!! Hmmmm, I am voting boy :)
thanks for the condolences. DH's grandpa passed away two days before his grandma (different sides of family) so the timing was strange. Even under the circumstances, we are looking forward to going to CA. I hear it is going to be close to 80 this weekend. Beats WA for sure!

Haha thanks, well I really hope this is my cycle (as I say every month). I am not feeling anything different today so who knows. I am 6dpo today...or so i think ha. It has been kind of nice not really knowing what day I am.

@mrsrogers-welcome back lady! I am so glad you took some time off and even more glad that your cycles are regulated. That has got to be the best feeling ever. I hope you are on your way to that BFP! And YAYAYA for hubby quitting smoking!! That is a huge thing! Give him a high five from me! (this is my high five!)

@athena-booooo, sorry your appointment was rescheduled. Due to weather??

@miracle-Hope you are doing well!!

@football-I am thinking about you often. I pray that you are doing ok and finding comfort with DH.

@lolee-I don't think i commented on your picture (maybe I did??) but you look adorable!

@rebecca-thinking of you today too. Hoping the spotting is staying away.

AFM-Well like i mentioned to Skyline-I think i am around 6dpo. Yesterday I had back pain almost like a pinched nerve, but I think that is gone, so that is good. I think being in CA will be a good distraction from counting my dpo's. I leave tomorrow, so If i am distant or MIA, you guys know why. My SIL who is pregnant with her first will be there to. I am really fortunate because she is so considerate of my feelings.

I find comfort and tend to catch myself smiling because i know that i will get pregnant. I just know it. I don't know when it will happen, I don't know if it will be this year, or next, but I know it will happen. I will be a mother. Of course I pray that it is this cycle, but if it isn't, I pray that i can continue to have this outlook. TTC is full of disappointment and emotions, but I know for a fact that God made me to be a mother. He doesn't have me pregnant right now for a reason. Whatever that reason may be, I trust Him. I don't think that DH ever realized how much he wanted children until we thought maybe we couldn't. I know that is cliche and happens a lot, but in a way it was a blessing in disguise. It was always me wanting babies and hoping and talking about it. Now it is him too. I told him that if i get pregnant this cycle, we could possible hear the HB on his birthday (March 27th). He told me that would be the best bday present ever. It melted my heart, and at that point, I was thankful for our journey. I have never felt that before. I finally felt like DH and I had connected on a different level that we ever had before. We BOTH want this.

Sorry my post is so long ladies, I just wanted to share.

10 years ago

@LSchrader - Aw! That is so sweet. I'm so glad you are having such a great outlook, I hope you can sustain it, I know how easily our emotions can fluctuate. When good vibes come along, you just want to hold on and keep them around as long as possible! And you are right! You WILL get your BFP sooner or later, you will!

Well, almost. I will be 18w5d at the 20 week scan, but time does seem like it is flying! My boss guessed boy too. I'm so curious to find out!!!

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10 years ago

@skyline-Yes, i sure hope i can keep this outlook too. I hate feeling down and depressed...well who enjoys that lol. I just need to keep remebering that it WILL happen when it is supposed to happen. I hate when people tell me that haha, but I know it is true. We are young...only 26. So I know we have time.

My lower back is getting achey again. Feels like AF, but I know I have felt this in previous cycles too. I also feel like i am getting a UTI...I am not uncomfortable when i pee, but when I have to pee (and it seems like I have to a lot) i get that general icky UTI I have to NOW ha. BUT I feel like I have also had this feeling in previous cycles before so I know it means nothing. I do have a bumb on my cervix, which i normally do not get until like 11-12dpo. Maybe that is a good sign. I dont know. Just going to keep smiling!

10 years ago

Bad weather is an understatement lol. [URL=]User Image[/URL]

This is our road on Monday. Saturday I wore shorts it was so warm. Sunday temperatures dropped throughout the day and at 5 o'clock it started sleeting we had ice non-stop til probably 2 in the morning then it turned to snow. We had probably 4 inches of ice and 1-2 inches of snow on top of that. I live in Tennessee and pretty much everything has been shut down since then. This is the first big snow/ice we've had in years. We are waiting for the call that schools will be closed tomorrow but they may try to make them go. A lot of the main roads are clear now, but backroads and campuses are still covered unless they did major work today. We did have some melting but I'm betting there will be some refreeze tonight causing black ice.

Skyline I say boy too. I don't know what it is but dh and I both think we are having a girl.

Lschrader I really hope this is it for you. You have some good signs, my bfp cycle I had sharp pains in my uterine area followed by a light pink cm and got my bfp 3 days later.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

@athena-Holy Moly! that is crazy!!! I can't believe how fast the weather can change like that! so crazy!

Yeah we shall see. I have little pin prick feelings in my uterus area, every now and then, but I am not letting my mind go there. I do it every month and I just can't let myself. I hope it is, but am not too hopeful!

So if you are right a little you have any names picked out?

10 years ago

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