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Not Just Cycle Buddies!

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Hi Friends! Lots of us have gotten our BFPs these past few cycles and we all aren't "cycle buddies" anymore. I feel like we need a place to connect and keep up the conversation with each other. This way we can keep chatting even if some of us aren't pregnant and some of us are. I'm just starting my 6th cycle TTC and hoping that this will be the one. Please join in and update us on where you are and how you are feeling.

916 Replies • 6 years ago



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@FlamingoGirl13. So truely sorry to hear about your sister. The vivid dreams of spotting I believe is caused by stress. I get those too and every morning when I wake up I always feel for movement. I still check the toilet paper for any signs but I just keep telling myself that my baby is fine and he is as he has been kicking the crap out of me all morning. Try npt to worry. Your baby is fine.

@photomama. I hope this is it for you. Keeping my fingers crossed for you and praying for sticky vibes.

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6 years ago • Edited

@Dragonfly23 - Thanks hun. I haven't had one in over a week so I'm trying very hard not to worry or stress. I'm sorry you get them too. I'm hoping for good news from her soon as they went right back to ttc. I look forward to when I can feel the baby kick and remind me that all is well!

6 years ago • Post starter

Thanks for the positive thoughts ladies. I’m considering today’s negative because of how faint the line is (but it’s def there) but I could be the start of my
This at least gives me some hope, I’m too scared to test again today, I’ve been drinking a lot of water. Maybe in am?

6 years ago

Yes test again in the am!

6 years ago • Post starter

Photomama- Omg yes post/test with a different brands!

Flamingogirl- So sorry to hear about your sister. Don’t stress yourself. Be there for her too. It’s hard not just physically but very emotionally too. What I went through was the hardest. Time ever. Even after your body is forever changed but that loss. To see people that got BFP with me at that time is still hard and question arose why me? Why is everyone getting pregnant but me?? I try to keep the Faith!

I’m happy I ovulated and let’s see if we conceived!

6 years ago

Thanks Beaut1ful! I tell myself every symptom reminds me I am pregnant and to enjoy this first trimester (even though nausea tries to prevent that!). My sister is super happy for me because she knows we've been trying for a long time. I think it was one of the hardest things she went through too. My parents took it very hard as well.

I'm looking forward to my first OB appointment. Will they listen for the babies heart beat with a doppler at that time? I'll be 9 weeks.

Keep the faith! Ovulation is the first step!

6 years ago • Post starter

@photomama can’t wait to see what happens over the next few days!!!

@diviniumliv - same for you girl! Definitely sounds like you’re in the game! Eek!

@flamingogirl I’m sorry to hear about your sister, pregnancy loss is so hard on everyone
The sickness is a killer! Glad you’ve found something that reduces it! I was so sick with my first child it wasn’t funny. The only thing that helped was those sea-bands and I had to put them on in bed 30 mins before I got out! I was so skeptcal since I tried everything, but sure enough they helped more than any dietary change or medication. Different things for everyone.

I think AF is actually coming. Spotting is heavier this morning and it’s not unusual for me to have it 2-3 days prior to her big arrival.
If it is, I’m going to take a month off to chill out. Lots of big things coming up in the next few weeks that need my focus. I’ll still be following along to see how you all get on x

6 years ago

Flamingogirl- oh yes you will hear the heartbeat then!! Make sure you send ultrasound picture so we can see! So exciting! Ask your doctor for some medication that helps with nausea it’s safe for pregnancy my dr asked if I wanted it but I told her let’s hold off and see if it gets to be much more. It started to interfere with work.

Luckyducky90- oh so sorry to hear that. I hear you on the just chill next month. DH and I said we probably just go with the flow no temp or opk just let nature take its course. But tell that to my head. Lol.

6 years ago

Hi ladies, unfortunately I caved and did another test and it’s negative, but I’ve been drinking a lot today. It has a shadow of a line but it could very well be an evap line, that’s how’s faint it is. Boo! I’ll try again with fmu but I’m not really holding my breath. I hate testing!

6 years ago • Edited

Haven't posted in a few days, have been busy with meetings and packing our stuff. Next friday we finally get the keys!
As for TTC I'm now on cd 13 and have been getting high readings on my monitor since yesterday. Hopefully ov will occur this weekend, otherwise it's gonna be hard to have time for some bd. So fingers crossed. Barely any ovulation pain this month either, which feels weird. On the other hand I have som tingling in my boobs, which I normally don't have.

@FlamingoGirl13 - sorry to hear about your sister.

6 years ago

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