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Not Just Cycle Buddies!

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Hi Friends! Lots of us have gotten our BFPs these past few cycles and we all aren't "cycle buddies" anymore. I feel like we need a place to connect and keep up the conversation with each other. This way we can keep chatting even if some of us aren't pregnant and some of us are. I'm just starting my 6th cycle TTC and hoping that this will be the one. Please join in and update us on where you are and how you are feeling.

916 Replies • 6 years ago



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I'm sorry you are having such a confusing rough cycle this time Beaut1ful. What is she looking for in the bloodwork progesterone? Definitely keep BDing just in case. I hope you get some answers soon.

6 years ago • Post starter

@Luckducky90 - What has your longest cycle been? Have you had long ones like this before? Crossing my fingers for you!

6 years ago • Post starter

Well dr called said blood work shows I should ovulate this week. My FSH is at 14.0 and LH is at 60.5

Maybe I already did since bloodwork was now about 2 days ago.

6 years ago • Edited

Well that is good news! Better late then never.

6 years ago • Post starter

@photomama hoping all these twinges are the burrowing in!!! Everything crossed!

@divinimliv hope you’ve caught it either way! Frustrating not knowing though x

@flamingogirl how are you getting on girl?
This is a way whacky cycle for me. They’ve been pretty erratic since coming off BC so hope it settles

I’m around suspected 6dpo. I now say suspected because yesterday and today I’ve had random spotting... just tinged cm (dark brown). I’m hoping it’s a prime implanting bleed but there’s always the possibility AF is finally on its way since my OPKs we’re not your typical positive 7-8 days ago. We’ll see! I’ll give it a few days and if she doesn’t show I’ll test.

One of my MC’s TTC #2 I felt it implant on 5dpo without a doubt. Very early side of normal. I got a + on 8dpo with that pregnancy.
So if I am right on my potential O, this could be IB.

6 years ago

Luckyducky90- Hope it’s IB. Did you do an OPK?

Asking bc I had spotting which would be 5dpo (which means I thought I ovulate Father’s Day) but turns out I ovulated this past Saturday instead. My bloodwork and temp has confirmed it. I am officially 4dpo now. CTP says so but FF Still hasn’t made a crosshair one yet.

6 years ago

Decided to test this morning without any high hopes. Been feeling crampy Saturday, Sunday, Monday, which is weird for me. 9 or 10 dpo and very negative wondfo temps are really high I’m sad that this is probably another missed month. Today’s our wedding anniversary, would have been great to tell him today!

user submitted image

6 years ago

OMG you guys I see a super super faint line! Eek! Running off to work will test with a dif brand

6 years ago

@LucykDucky90 - Nausea and fatigue have been giving me a tough time the past two weeks. No throwing up but got close twice. Mornings are rough for me so I've been trying to go to bed earlier and get more sleep. The more I sleep the better the morning sickness seems to be. I didn't say anything on here but my twin sister had a miscarriage about a month ago and it hit my family really hard. I'm super paranoid and anxious about having one too. I check my toilet paper every time I wipe and I've had two vivid dreams where I start spotting. I've been working on thinking positive and envision my baby come February because I know it's bad to dwell on these feelings. Honestly the morning sickness helps remind me that I'm pregnant. Any symptoms really so I'm glad to have them all.

@Beaut1ful38 - I'm glad you have confirmation of ovulation so you aren't stuck wondering about your tww and know what dpo you are on!

@Photomama - Go check with a different brand! Keep us updated!

I'm Crossing my fingers for all you ladies and hoping to hear some good news in the next week or so.

6 years ago • Post starter

I really hope it’s not just an evap line I’m so sorry about your sister!

6 years ago

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