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6 dpo, this suspense is killing me!

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Hello ladies, any of you waiting to poas with me? Let's help one another pass the time, and analyze our tests together. I still have at least a good 4 days before i can begin testing, and i am running out of distractions

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260 Replies • 6 years ago



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I really hope so! I hope we all get our bfp.

6 years ago

I think i see a hint of something too, we should all retest in a couple of days.

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6 years ago • Post starter

Feeling crampy and gassy today. Not expecting AF for 6 days. I think I am going to test again on Friday when I will be 11 DPO. I bought several tests so I could test every day but it's getting a bit depressing.

6 years ago

That is why i use cheapies, almost the same sensitivity but at a lot cheaper price to be disappointed at. Lol i have been having weird pinching at work like when i bent over to pick something, just uncomfortable. Who knows?! Lets hope we all are having symptoms leading towards a bfp!

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6 years ago • Post starter

Taylor- I would agree to wait A few more days.. even testing a day too early can make a difference and you still have time :)

I’m feeling more doubtful I’m bloated like I usually get before AF.. boo stay away


6 years ago • Edited


KY- I always smile when I see your name pop up, I am originally from Louisville! Anyways, yeah I usually have cheapies but I didn't order them in time and sometimes it takes up to 6 weeks to get packages out here.

6 years ago

Whhaaat? 6 weeks? Oh no no no lol! I'm in OBKY we grew up fairly close! Bkc keep hope, i keep wanting to give up hope too, but we just can't yet!

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6 years ago • Post starter

Well ladies, I’m sorry to say I’ve started bleeding. Best of luck to all still waiting for AF!

6 years ago

Hold on lib how many dpo are you? Are you sure it isn't ib?

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6 years ago • Post starter

Lib your only 8 dpo hun....might be ib! Lots of and keeping my it is your ib!!!

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6 years ago • Post starter

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