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In Need of a 2WW Buddy - April Babies

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I start my 2ww on Saturday but I'm trying to get a jump start on having a group of ladies to journey the 2WW, discuss potential symptoms, type of cycle(no meds or meds, BDing or donor and etc.) The potential of having an April or very early May baby. Heck let's even journey down the discussions of the seasons of maternity clothes. I even want to hear what baby names you have picked out. What kind of delivery do you have planned (home birth, hospital and etc.)Have you used a mid-wife or doula before? I know we are not preggers right now but will be soon regardless of the day or month so why not discuss the thoughts we keep to ourselves and start speaking these babies into existence!!!!!!!!!

155 Replies • 5 years ago



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@mira yes good temps best I have had since tempting. I started tempting in November last year after 4 months of not getting pregnant now over a year later and on clomid my tempts have been beautiful this whole TWW so far.

@mommy. I am using easy@home bra d they came with my opks. However yesterday, I read a lot of women dont get positives till after miss AF.

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5 years ago

@mira might still be to earlier for a bfp.

@blackface, wish I was in Spain. Maybe you will get a surprise when you miss your AF and a BFP finally shows up.
Everyone is different on how their bodies produce HCG

AFM, I tested again and I think I see the start of something but I'm still claiming a BFN till there is very noticeable 2 lines. Only 10dpo, woke up with a sore throat and my tempt dropped some this morning it's still above the first 8dpos though.

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5 years ago

@bugttc that sounds really promising, fingers crossed for you. Are you going to try hang on a few days to test again? I've been testing almost every day I need some more restraint! Going to try hold out till Sunday now.
Spain is beautiful but avoiding all the nice wine and sangria is tough! Worth it if I get the BFP though of course

5 years ago

@beckface. I think I might not test till Monday since we are going to my fiance's parents lakehouse tomorrow. I wouldn't wanna be there and testing. Monday is when AF is due.
I can imagine having to stay away from all the deliciousness of wine. Well worth it though!!

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5 years ago

@ladies we are all still in because its way too early to count ourselves out.
@bug oh a lakehouse weekend getaway that will be fun.
@beckface can't remember but did you say its winter right now in Spain
@mira don't but discouraged keep testing its too early to believe you have BFN

AFM 5DPO and still just cramping everyone and lower back pains. So I took a cheapie yesterday and it was stark white in the first minute so I was excited thinking that the trigger was out of my system threw it away and thought nothing of it until this morning I took another test to begin my baseline and there it was 2 line so I grabbed my other test out the trash and it too had a faint faint faint line and todays test was darker which is strange because that line should be getting lighter and be ready to disappear. what's weird is this is my 4th time taking the trigger shot and all the other times never ever gave me positive test or maybe I just wasn't testing this early. I said going forward I'm going to take the test with FMU, I need a baseline to work with and these tests are not

Ladies it almost Friday!!! what the plan for the weekend besides testing like crazy for some of us...lmbo. my exam is tomorrow and I said i'm going to brunch with ladies on saturday

5 years ago • Post starter

@Beck Ooh Spain! Enjoy your stay. Eventhough you have to skip those wines and sangrias. Let's hope it's worth it!

@bug It must be great to take a break from this TWW. Have nice trip! Looking forward to monday to hear your results.

@Mommy That's interesting. Is it possible that you had some residue still left in your system? Let's hope it makes sense soon.

AFM. I just took my son to stay at MILs for the weekend. It means relationship time before I start the night shifts.
These symptoms are making me go crazy. If I'm out this has been one torturous PMS. I even had to find my old nursing bra to wear because regular ones were so uncomfortable. I have almost every other symptom but nausea. Hoping for that to make this worth it.

5 years ago

11dpo and I just noticed blood when I went to the toilet, think it's the start of AF. 11dpo seems very early for AF, or is that normal for some?!

5 years ago

Hi ladies, I've been reading along for awhile now. I guess I will finally come out of shadows. We are ttc#2 been trying about 6 months and did letrozole this cycle, that's how I conceived my son. I think I ovulated today, if not tomorrow. So here's to the dust.

5 years ago

@Beck Are you sure it's not implantation bleeding? I'm so sorry if it ends up being AF. And 11 day lutheal phase is normal for some. If under 10 then it's a problem.

@semcglaun Welcome! And

AFM. 11 dpo and had a BFN from FMU. AF due tomorrow at the earliest. Monday at it latest. Had some AF like cramps again too. So close counting myself out. Can't trust my own body it seems.

5 years ago

@semcglaun welcome and best of luck!

@mira No I think it's too much to be IB. Usually my AF doesn't give me any warning and starts very heavy, this is much slower but still seems like AF. Ah well, I'd rather know now if I'm out than waiting a few more days! Hoping your AF doesn't show, stay positive you're still in it!

@mommyttc just realised I didn't answer you about Spain, its is summer here at the moment so very warm! I'm from Ireland so not used to this heat. It is lovely though!

5 years ago

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