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April/May 2020 TTC

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Morning/Afternoon/Evening Ladies!!

Hi lol...

You're one month closer to your bfp yay !! Hopefully this is it

341 Replies • 5 years ago



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@agatch i had spotting at 7 weeks and 8 weeks on and off. I am now currently 9weeks 1 day and it has completely disappeared. Thought this might help you hun! Wish you all the best! Just relax and take it easy! Xx

5 years ago

@Alex thanks babe! Hope you are feeling well this week
@sam thanks that is very helpful! I know spotting is fairly common and had it with my previous pregnancies but it was only once for a couple of hours and then done so it is helpful to hear it happened for a couple of weeks on and off for you. Hope you are feeling well otherwise!

5 years ago • Edited

@agatch I know it's hard not to stress but I had spotting as well and completely freaked out went to the doctor and everything just to be told that it was nothing I'd definitely get it checked out if you are concerned though but it'll be okay you've got this

5 years ago • Post starter

Midwife here ????‍?? spotting in early pregnancy can be "normal" to an extent, and the fact that your blood results all looked good is reassuring. Praying that all is well with your scan, but if the bleeding becomes heavier than just spotting and becomes fresh red in colour then contact your doctor or early pregnancy unit!
I hope that helps!

I got my peak today! Yay for O before hubby leaves!! But I am in between night shifts at the moment which I'm worried will impact things, and also we have been BD'ing a little less regularly - about every 3 days instead of every 2, I'm unsure if this will make things less likely to happen aswell
I did buy some sperm friendly gel and we have started to use that, so we'll see! Fingers crossed

5 years ago

Amazing news @agatch. I understand your worries. Stay strong. Who else is bd or not this week?

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5 years ago

Thanks Ladies!
Burkette so glad you got your peak before your DH had to leave! Hope you catch the egg this month!
Still spotting but still light and no red blood. My scan is tomorrow so we’ll see!

5 years ago

@lalou we are not til after tomorrow as hubby's SA is tomorrow! I don't o until next week so we'll probably ramp it up a bit then.

5 years ago

Hi ladies, sorry for being away for a few days. Just trying to distract myself from the agony of the TWW. Anyway this morning I broke my resolve not to test until next Wednesday as I just feel pregnant ... 9dpo fmu - This shadow line appeared at exactly 5 mins when you are meant to look at a Clinical Guard test! It's there for sure! After looking at enough stark white ones last month this is there! Fingers crossed it turns into something stronger. Can you all see it?!?!!! Eeeek!!!! x

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5 years ago

Aww scuba, clinical guard are known for picking up so much quicker than most tests, I can see it and hope it gets stronger for you xx

5 years ago

@emma thanks! Eeeek! I've ordered a FRER on Amazon prime arriving tonight so I can do it first thing in the morning xxx

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5 years ago

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