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Come on BFP!!!

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Hi everyone My DH and i have been TTC for 10 months,we're both 29 and have been trying everything that can help from preseed, vitamins, fertility yoga, opks, BBT, you name we have tried it! and spent a pretty penny doing so and will continue to also as you cant put a price on getting a , just hope its soon
I am on cycle day 21 and af due cycle day 28. My temp has been erratic last few days going the lowest i have had at 36.1!! when usually at this time i am around 36.8-37. Currently at 36.6 which is still low for me, so have no clue why its this low have tried to look for some answers but got nothing really. I have ovulated also which makes me about 6dpo have had a few pinches and pullings low down boobs are big but not sore?
If we are out this month then i am thinking of getting maca, has anyone used this or thinking of using it? look forward to hearing everyone's stories hope for a soon for us all

238 Replies • 11 years ago



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No luck this cycle. Started cramping and spotting today. Aargh this is frustrating!
How are you ladies doing?

11 years ago

so sorry happysam sending a ,the only good thing is that your regular hun, thats what i always think of when the dreaded shows, have to stay positive .
Well i did ovu and we have bedded before and during ovu.
taken blackstrap molasses as i have heard its good for preventing miscarriages, and full of iron and other vit&minerals which is good for ttc.
Taking flaxseed oil tablets this time around and dh is on vitamin c, as there were tests done on men taking vit c and some on a placebo, and those who took vit c got higher chance of getting their wives/girlfriends pregnant, so dosing dh hubby up!we are up to well over 10 tablets now, crazy! worth it though to get !!!
Good luck with this cycle happysam

11 years ago • Post starter

Thanks Novalunar it's been a tough month... My cousin recently got pregnant and I would have been happy for her but all she talks about is how she doesnt want the baby. I feel so bad because she has no idea how lucky she is!

Anyway, DH and I have decided to see a doctor this month. I had some tests done before we started trying and everything was normal but i think its time for DH to get a semen analysis done. We were hoping we wouldn't have to but if theres a problem we would like to know sooner rather than later! Although according to my obgyn, DH and I don't need any tests yet since we are only 29. Being 29 is certainly not helping us! My cousin is 37 and she got pregnant in 2 months!

I'm going to stock up on vitamin c too. I remember reading about it but hadn't paid much attention to it.. You are right though! It's totally worth a shot. Poor DH seems to be in the spotlight this month! Lol!

11 years ago

sorry been so long had to deal with my nans funeral which was on monday has been a sad time.
hate it when someones pregnant and gets pregnant so fast and so easy, and they are not even happy about it!! makes me so mad when we have all tried so hard and some of us for a few months to years!arggh gets me riled!
it will happen for us all soon hopefully come on
we were debating on going for tests the month before we got pregnant so we will wait a few for months this time around and then go if need be.
when i was going through miscarriage i had alot of tests done and scan showed everything was fine and i was healthy, so dh will be getting more tests done, as we are both also 29 so it was last resort and like you said be better to know now rather than later.
only thing i feel positive about that we did get pregnant, so we both done something right? but it ended in mc, which scares me
DH is taking his vit c so watch this space
i am in tww, so stressful.
hope your good

11 years ago • Post starter

sorry been so long had to deal with my nans funeral which was on monday has been a sad time.
hate it when someones pregnant and gets pregnant so fast and so easy, and they are not even happy about it!! makes me so mad when we have all tried so hard and some of us for a few months to years!arggh gets me riled!
it will happen for us all soon hopefully come on
we were debating on going for tests the month before we got pregnant so we will wait a few for months this time around and then go if need be.
when i was going through miscarriage i had alot of tests done and scan showed everything was fine and i was healthy, so dh will be getting more tests done, as we are both also 29 so it was last resort and like you said be better to know now rather than later.
only thing i feel positive about that we did get pregnant, so we both done something right? but it ended in mc, which scares me
DH is taking his vit c so watch this space
i am in tww, so stressful.
hope your good

11 years ago • Post starter

I'm glad you share my sentiments about my cousin! I thought I was going crazy or something! It's been a busy month and we haven't been able to go see the doctor.. I guess it'll have to wait till next month.
I'm not sure if I'm in the tww yet.. I stopped tracking ovulation few months back and have been following my cm. usually I get only 2-3 days of ewcm but this month I've had ewcm ever since I got done with my period!
How's your tww going hun? I know the tww is always stressful but look on the bright side.. You've done it once and you can do it again! You are both healthy and fertile!
Good luck !!!

We made a wish- how are you doing? Hope all's well.

11 years ago

Hi Happysam

Yh well i got struck with AF again this month after a long 43 days cycle. i kinda give up now, a little like Novalunar we too are holding back on pregnancy tests as seing the negative is effecting me. :( iv been watching that one born every minute and theres these teens falling pregnant and being so immature and silly about it, theres parents on there that are saying "it really does take that one time to fall pregnant" and its been such a long time now. like you guys im trying to stay strong and show a happy face but its so hard especially when you see people around you all pregnant and happy then you got the odd one or two who complain about it saying it wasnt planned etc.
Also this week found out my dad is much more sick then we thought and urgently needs a heart transplant, waiting list is 3 yrs, however they dont think he will make another yr :( so i have been a little stressed over that too. could be why its taking so long as im not relaxed. these days i guess no one is really relaxed...

Happysam i tried that cm but i couldnt really tell... on odd occasions it was still thick with ewcm then thick like i stuffed wet tissue up there /9sorry tmi!!!) lol then go back to creamy, then ewcm... all in a week so i just gave up... and when i did see ewcm we bd but nothing... so im just sticking to plenty of BD no testing, no checking just go with it... maybe this will work

This month next month whenever it is im sure we will all get our BFPS :) heads up... keep smiling and one day hopefully soon we will get that bfp

11 years ago

We made a wish i am so so sorry to hear about your dad, hope so much that he falls lucky and gets a heart transplant soon. be thinking of you sending you hugs
I watch one born every minute and i do love the show but it does get me mad and sad to see how easy some have it, and take it with a pinch of salt that they are pregnant!! makes me sooo angry! it will happen for us all just going to take us a little bit longer.
happysam how are thing with you? your totally not crazy hun. Hope you dont have to see the doctor and a bfp shows up this month for you
af arrived for me bang on the date, she never falters with being on time!! ah well another cycle ttc, using blackstrap molasses along with my other multitude of vitamins did try soft cups and after a few hours of it being in it was stuck for an hour!! nearly went to A&E lucky for me got it out, never will be using them again! not for me anyway. hope everyone is doing good

11 years ago • Post starter

Novalunar thank you! omg that softcup freaks me out! that is the exact reason why i dont like them or tampons, i would totally have a panic attack allllllll day until i get it out... any sign of me struggling to get it out, ohhhhh dear serious panicking would go on!!!!! im sooo happy your ok, yhh i definitely wouldn't recommend them! glad ur ok :)
I love one born every min iv seen the one in US too, i love this documentary though i must admit i do get realllly jealous when i see how simple they get pregnant, especially when parents all go on how it wasn't planned! i wish we could be sooo blessed! same with my big sisterthe minute she is off the pill and has unprotected sex she is pregnant, she has 3 wonderful babies and i love them to bits but nothing like your own...
this month im using 5mg folic acid and pregnacare conception hers/his. hopefully we get out BFP! im hoping my dad gets to see my children i would feel like such a let down if i couldn't give him a grandchild. last night we was sitting down eating and he said "love down you think its time you had a child? i dont want to die without getting a chance to hug or kiss your children" when he said that i felt so heart broken, my husband held my hand under the table as if to say its ok... but deep down it hurt so much! i couldn't sleep last night.
Novalunar what vitamins are you using??? anything else you might recommend me taking other than folic acid 5mg and pregnacare??? i heard of fertility aid lube? i was thinking of this but not to sure how good it is....
anyway take care xxx

11 years ago

aww broke down reading your post, broke my heart, so sad sending you a its hard enough ttc at the best of times but to have the worry of your dad as well, i really feel for you wish could give you a real hug hun your one strong woman! if you ever need to talk and vent out, privately send me a message anytime hun and it will happen for you! you will get that

softcups are hell in my eyes! was the most scariest thing i have gone through, sheer panic! i dont use tampons either, theyare no good when ttc, so bonus

just watched one born tonight and there was a story of a women who had her baby at 6 months that later died after giving birth and now she was pregnant again and gave birth to healthy little girl! so miracles do happen! we will have ours soon! keep faith!

well what i am not taking for ttc lol - heres my daily dosage:

raspberry leaf tea up until ovu,helps tone and strengthen uterus
evening primrose oil until ovu,
omega3 and hubby takes it
flaxseed capsules and hubby takes it
vit d, vit c and hubby takes it
multi vit for hubby
royal jelly increases egg size and quality,
maca and hubby takes it
pregnacare vit
selenium and hubby takes it
blackstrap molasses
no caffeine
redbush tea as its naturally caffeine free
full faT diary/milks, yoghurt etc
porridge every day
phew think thats it and always keep my legs and bum in raised for 30 min after bedding, and no going to the loo afterwards also.
hope that helps you,any questions let me know sending huuuuge hugs

11 years ago • Post starter

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