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5 days post IUI...Cycle buddy anyone?

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I had my first IUI on Saturday, so I'm now 5 days out and analyzing every twinge and eating way too much chocolate. Anyone in a similar boat or close in days?

203 Replies • 11 years ago



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ok tiny twist.
i called the doctor to schedule my first iui and not ici and the doc will not do it yet. she says since AF came 4 days early she said i might still be pregnant ans i go in on Wed for a beta???? Test?

11 years ago

Wow, good luck.

11 years ago

i am sure it is nothing, i mean you catn get pregnant and have AF

11 years ago

Hey my ladies!
Texasgirl wish you good luck at testing! If doctor says you might probably have one more chance!!! Take a home pg test, let's see!
I actually tested today at 13 DP IUI, yess, I know I was convincing you not to test until AF is few days late but...I just couldn't handle it anymore; I've seen a lot of faint positives in the pg tests gallery that I wanted to do it as well.
It was negative and I am so disappointed because I thought I would see at least a faint line (due to the HCG trigger shot) but no, it was clearly BFN. The test was 15 MIU, I think if I was pregnant I would have seen a faint positive, don't you think?
I never got a BFP, even with the ectopic pregnancy I didn't.
I am also planning my next IUI, I'd rather start my AF now than waiting until Saturday.

JeanM I am so glad for you as yesterday one of my relatives told me she is pregnant too! She reminded me about you! I believe everything is ok and you'll be a happy august mom!
P.S. I still hope you'll have twins! :)

11 years ago

Texasgirl there are many women who are pregnant but having AF, so don't loose your hopes!

11 years ago

Wow, Texasgirl, that is an interesting twist! I can't wait to hear what the test shows tomorrow! Good luck!

Sabrina, thanks for the continued encouragement! Don't give up yet! Its still too early! How many dpo are you again?

I need to stop reading all the stories on here. Like you, so many women have suffered miscarriages or ectopics and some were fairly late in the game. It must be so heartbreaking! I wish there was something we could do to ensure that this works. I am so amazed by women who just go off bc, get knocked up immediately without trying and have no problems at all. It's all very overwhelming and outside of our control. Worry, worry, worry...

Golden egg, how are you? What cycle day are you on?

11 years ago • Post starter

Hi, I'm good. I'm on cd3, so started clomid today. Keeping myself busy and active. The last couple of months i have really fallen off the workout wagon. So i refuse to be not pregnant and flabby. So focusing on taking care of myself. I can't let this ttc take over my life.

11 years ago

Heyy! I feel so good when I read your posts in the very morning! :)
I am now 14 DP IUI and I feel o.k. My breast hurts exactly like last month before AF and my ovaries started to ache. I pee twice a night (I don't think it's a sign) and I am a little dizzy and light headed in the evenings. I go to sleep early. I have an increased appetite craving cheesy things.

That's it. I did not test today. What do you think, should I test tomorrow (at 15 DPO) or I should just wait for AF on Saturday.

JeanM don't read too many stories because you have your own story and it's going to be a successful one! You'll see!
You have to be calm and positive, I don't see why you should be scared, your beta is o.k. and I suppose you feel the same. Enjoy your early pregnancy symptoms and try to think only positive! If I had an ectopic pregnancy or somebody else miscarried it doesn't mean you'll have the same. Good luck with your nine months and I wish you having at least one healthy baby! :) Let me know how you feel, did you tell your parents / friends?

Goldenegg I admire you for taking care of yourself! You are right, we should get busier and not to focus on the conceiving so much. I actually did not exercised after my ectopic pg and this is a mistake because I can see I become flabby (I gained 3 kg) I can barely look at me in the mirror I am now 53 kg...omg! You made me decide if I am not pg this cycle I will go to gym.

Wish you good luck and keep us informed!

11 years ago

Well ladies the beta came back and i am not preggers. :( But the number was a 3 so she said that it was good. it meant that my body might have tried and that i should be sucessfull soon. So here is hoping. I decided not to try in December due to the fact that the baby would be due the first day of school next year. That is too hard with Kindergarten. So i will try in January :) Keep us all in formed and Jean relax and enjoy the ride. So happy for you

11 years ago

Texasgirl I hope January will be your month! Keep us informed! I really want to know about your progression. You will be able to drink a big glass of red wine for Christmas! :)

I actually tested again today, with a Barza test, I don't know how sensitive is but it is written on it "you find out 4 days earlier" if you are pregnant or not. I tested with FMU and a very very faint line appeared after 7-10 min. Now I don't know what to believe, I couldn't believe my eyes but it was definitely there. I am now 15 DP IUI and have a slight nausea in the morning and my let ovary and tube ache especially when I seat. I am so scared and confused, i don't wanna have an ectopic again. I did not tell even my DH because he was upset on me from last night (I had a crisis and yelled at him). I also wonder if it's not an evap line? It's just weird that I don't feel like my AF should start in two days. I usually feel it 2-3 days before.

11 years ago

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