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January 2015 Babies

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Hello, Ladies.

I wanted to start a group for the mama's expecting a January '15 baby.
Let's share our bfp stories and symptoms. Have you spread the news?
How are you feeling?

I am currently 6 weeks and 5 days along. DH and I have been TTC for a year now with two losses during our TTC journey. We have three children and are praying for one more to complete our family. I look forward to hearing from you and

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112 Replies • 10 years ago



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Hi girls! I haven't been on here much lately either. Life is busy, growing a baby is tiring! But I am in that wonderful, wonderful second trimester zone. I am not too heavy yet, tiredness is the usual from my busy job. Sickness is completely gone so I am loving being able to eat well!!! I am showing very convincingly now so everyone can tell. I had the anatomy scan yesterday and everything that they could measure was great (relief!) We have told almost everyone. There are a few more people I will tell once I get up the energy.

Ruth1981 every scan we have had has shown a different level of development. Everyone just goes off the one I had at around 8 weeks for the EDD. Baby is measuring slightly bigger now though. The scan yesterday showed everything at sizes between 21 and 22 weeks, but I will only be 21 weeks tomorrow. My husband is tall so baby might have inherited his height...

Candie I am indeed feeling kicks :) I have been since 18 weeks. I think I felt a little bit before that but wasn't sure. Even what I felt at 18 weeks took me a couple of days to work out. I tried to assume everything was digestion related unless proven otherwise! During our scan yesterday there was an almightly kick which my husband gasped at when he saw it on the screen and I gasped when I felt it inside. He can't feel them yet though. I hope the twinnies are growing well! That is good they are fraternal, a few less risks to worry about!!

How are you going Babymine???

10 years ago


I'm 20w4days. The kids going back to school and growing a baby has kept me really busy. I've also had my anatomy scan and my little one is growing just fine. We are definitely feeling kicks. At 19 weeks I saw my stomach pop so I had my dd put her hand on it and to my surprise she felt the bump! I've been feeling pops and flutters since about 13 weeks but they are stronger and visible now.
We've named her Jannah, it means heaven. We are all very excited especially my 3 year old dd.

I'm happy to hear everyone is doing well. Has anyone started nesting? My nesting kicked in really early. The crib has been up since I found out the sex! DH thinks I'm crazy. Preparing for a baby is just so exciting and gives me a "high," I love it!

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10 years ago • Post starter

Ha ha BabyMine, I haven't even thought about nesting yet!!! I am so busy with work, and will be for months yet so can't think about things like that! There will have to be some serious furinture rearrangement before we can get things like the bassinet sorted. People keep asking if we have bought anything, but no we are still waiting till closer to the time. Too busy and you never know what people will give us! 21weeks 5 days today so a long way to go yet (hopefully!)

10 years ago

lol babymine! I've been somewhat nesting, if you want to call it that? I've been crocheting a blanket for my twinies (love that name lol) and am about 1/3 in one and still got another to go so I'm busy doing that, while watching my 3 yr old and working. Whew! I don't think it's weird or odd to nest so early if you can and got the room! We still gotta clean out our "office" room to make it into another baby room and will have the twins in the same crib for a bit so one less worry/clutter in that room. Hopefully we'll move shortly after their born so we'll have room to breathe. I have my 20 week anomaly scan (not sure what it's really called) next Thurs and afterwards am seein my ob/gyn every 2 weeks with a 30 min ultrasound before each one, every time. WOW. Surprised at that and so often!

My twins are doing great - kicking/moving up a storm lately and I'm 19w2days today. Heard the heartbeats again with the gyn on Aug 22nd and one was 140 while the other was 155 - I still think I'm having a boy and a girl but we'll see!! :)

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10 years ago

Hi all,

Glad to hear everyone is excited and enjoying their pregnancies at last! Candie, are you going to find out the gender of your twinnies? Hope the scan goes well next week.

I'm 20 weeks tomorrow and had my scan yesterday. We didn't find out the sex but I'm thinking a 3rd girl is on the cards. I couldn't see a willy anywhere and the head circumference was not large compared to male results I've seen online but that probably means nothing. I just love guessing and using all the theories even though they probably a load of rubbish. Everything was fine with the growth of the baby so am over the moon about that!

I've not been nesting yet but do feel like I could, I can't wait to get started on the nursery and we need to decorate the kitchen. We've been so busy with the start of school term and my husbands job is up in the air that we haven't had chance to do a thing yet. I don't blame anyone who has been nesting though, it's so exciting it's hard to resist!

I'm loving being pregnant too and am enjoying every moment now that I'm feeling good and the scans are fine.


10 years ago

Hi all!

How are you all feeling? Good I hope!

My 20 week scan went very well and we caved... a bit! I really wanted to find out if we were having a boy to appease my husband and sure enough the tech said we're having atleast 1 boy! So 1 boy and the other babe is a mystery! They tortured us more by giving us a sealed envelope with what both of the sexes are that is sitting by my couch and it's so tempting but I really want to have something to look forward to so we're going to keep it a surprise until the delivery! :)

I also had my appt with my ob/gyn yesterday and everything from my maternal serum came back as perfect (no downs/spinabifida, etc) and both babies from my 20 week scan were perfectly normal! YAY! Only concern right now is baby B is measuring a little more than a week behind baby A so I'm a bit worried... asked what that meant and she said if the gap continues I'll be on bedrest. UGH! Don't even want to think about that right now. I'm just over the moon that they're both 100% healthy! I can tell too with all the kicks and movements, whew.

How's everyone doing? How far along is everyone? I can't believe I'm 21w2days today! Seemed to take forever to get to the 20 week mark but we're all finally past half-way so CONGRATS to us all!! :D

Anyone else still having nausea, aversions, really tired, etc? I still gag daily at stuff, especially the morning and find my body feels tired alot. Just getting up and standing around is a feat at times (like today). Hope you guys are doing better than me! :P

Talk soon, I hope!


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10 years ago

Candie, congrats on having at least one boy. I think I would have done the same, I like having clues but not knowing for sure and I think if I was having twins I would like to find out the sex of 1 of them so you are halfway there.

Isn't it quite normal for one twin to be smaller? My friend had twins and hers were very different weights but she had a boy and a girl so I guess that had something to do with it.

I've been using all sorts of theories to guess the sex of ours. Has anyone got any good ones? Apparently on the 12 week scan boys have a more flat pointy head and girls are smaller and rounder. My 12 week scan is very similar to my other 2 girls ones so am thinking we are having another girl at the moment. I've heard the heartbeat can hold clues too. Ours was 140 but midwife told me that was a load of rubbish and wouldn't tell me if that was high or low. We didn't get a nub on the 12 week scan to compare either. I'd love to hear what everyone else's scan pics looked like at 12 weeks.

How is everyone feeling? I've got SPD pains in my groin and bum area which are horrible. I've had them with every pregnancy and am finding it hard to manage them as well as I did last time as I am so active which my 2 girls and can't avoid moving. I also feel huge, someone asked me if I was having twins and said I looked 30 weeks! Think its just cause its 3rd baby. It took ages for a bump to come and now it's taking over!

I've started nesting too now! We've decorated the nursery this week and I keep doing odd jobs like washing rugs and cleaning and tidying things that I haven't sorted for years.

Hope everyone's doing well and managing to rest up sometimes.


10 years ago

Hello Mamas!

It's so nice to get updates about everyone!

Candie- Yay, for your boy! You have some serious will power. I wouldn't be able to control myself. Hopefully all goes well with baby b. Have you started thinking about names?

Ruth- I'm with you on feeling huge. Is spd the same as round ligament pain? Because I have that! Rolling over in bed sucks. I've had a lot of family members say I seem smaller with this pregnancy but I tell them I still have 3 months of growing I'm going to get bigger.

I am 24w1day. My edd is January 11, but I'm guessing December 27/28. I've been doing a lot of crocheting and sewing for my baby, and I did all my shopping for the first 3 months. I'm also determined to cloth diaper this baby! I have a whole stash of cloth diapers that I've bought and some I've made. I'm really excited about it even though a lot of people are skeptical. Hopefully it will work out. I'm part of a local cloth diaper mama circle so I've established a decent support group. I like not producing so much trash and of course the $$. I used disposables with my first 3 and I wish I had discovered cloth earlier.

Hopefully these next few weeks fly by smoothly for all of us, and we all have smooth deliveries.

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10 years ago • Post starter

Glad you are excited babymine! I think it's much easier when it's not a first child as you don't have the anxieties and worries you have when it's the unknown. I've been saying I'm not worried in the slightest how we will cope with the early days with sleepless lights etc because we have done it all before. My biggest concern is coping with 3 lots of homework when they are all at school! My 5 year old comes home with reading every day, spelling and words and sounds to learn weekly and weekly homework project on top! It's takes a lot of time up and don't know how we will fit 3 lots in!

Yes SPD sounds just like what you have! Turning bed is very painful and just getting up from sitting and moving in general. It makes me feel elderly!

I've been thinking of taking up knitting or crocheting, what's the difference? I would like to make something for the baby, it would be fun, any tips?

I've considered cloth nappies too, are they easy to wash? I've had a couple of friends who've used them. They are a very good idea for saving on waste. Not sure I fancy cleaning poo off every 10 mins though, I would need to have a good system!

I've just finished work for 9 days! Yay! I'm getting a lot of stress at work at the moment because we are so busy. I am in the police and we've had lots of budget cuts so we are really feeling the effects! Glad to get away from it all and spend time with my girls instead!

Hope you are well too Shelob.

Ruth xxx

10 years ago

Hi girls!

I am planning to try the cloth nappy thing as well. I have a sister who has been doing it no problem and will be giving me the cloth nappies she has been using. I will use disposables for the first couple of months as I don't want to fork out lots of money on cloth nappies when he/she will only be in that size for a short while. Also, don't know what size baby will be and some never wear the newborn size!

So, news for me... I have been officially diagnosed with gestational diabetes. I have an appointment at the hospital on Tuesday to get a glucose monitor and find out the nitty gritty of what I have to do to manage it. I don't know what else I can do as we have been careful to have good food, but out all extra sweet things a while ago (such as the sugar from my porridge, icecream, biscuits). I even changed bread to a really low gi one. I also go for afternoon walks almost every day. Anyway looking forward to finding out some more details!

Time really seems to be ticking along, doesn't it? Just over 3 months until my due date, and with the GD I will likely be induced early! Not long to go now :) :) :) I am starting to get excited now! Tummy looks huge! (to me). Strangers comment now. I know I still have a lot of growing to do though.

10 years ago

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