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Anyone Testing This Week or Next Week??

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I'm expecting AF tomorrow and I really hope that she has decided to leave me alone for a while or more like 9 months. I'm going to be testing in the morning tomorrow but I'm scared and very anxious.

Anyone else that's on just about the same cylce or any words of encouragement.

Good Luck to you ladies!

353 Replies • 8 years ago



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Replies (sorted by informative)

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Twwtolong I tested yesterday and it was a bfn. No symptoms. I don't think I am pregnant. I think we will have to try again. This is so emotionally exhausting.

MrsSummer2012. Congrats!!! That's very exciting.

Baby dust to everyone.

8 years ago

Twwtolong I tested yesterday and it was a bfn. No symptoms. I don't think I am pregnant. I think we will have to try again. This is so emotionally exhausting.

MrsSummer2012. Congrats!!! That's very exciting.

Baby dust to everyone.

8 years ago


Twwtoolong- Thanks for checking on me. TMI alert. Lol. 2 days of having a wet feeling but no discharge. Feels like a gush and I'm constantly running to the bathroom looking for the witch. AF due tomorrow

8 years ago

The witch just arrived...I'm so disappointed .

8 years ago

Louie79 - Hang in there until shows up - you never know! I had a friend who had no preg symptoms at all with her first!

myfirstfamily- I am so sorry, that just sucks and it's totally an emotional roller coaster! Every time the witch comes I remind myself that means it's just one more month of having a lot of fun trying! My husband and I have a running joke every month of just saying more time for us to "practice!" (we have been ttc for a year and a half now). Then I usually treat myself to something I normally wouldn't have, like a big glass of wine or a second cup of coffee (depending on the time of day)!

Hang in there ladies! Keep us posted on what you are planning on doing this month!

HopefullyAMommy - have you picked up OPK's for this month? I have started charting my BBT and thought I would do OPK's again this month. From what I have read, if you get a positive OPK and a dip in temp just after you have def ovulated. Thought I would track this and then see the doc.

8 years ago

Hey LadiesI haven't been on all weekend.I've been really busy this weekend since I took some work home with me so i could get these reports in this morning. Sorry I didn't get a chance to check up on you ladies, but you guys have definitely been on my mind.

Just wanted to say welcome to Louie79 and Allhis 21!!.

Louie79-That can actually be pretty confusing when it comes to PMS symptoms or actualy pregnancy symptoms. The first time I got pregnant I had no symptoms at all. The second I was so sick and falling asleep everywhere. I had terrible terrible morning sickness that lasted all day long. Sorry about your loss. Plus don't give up, your still in until the witch actually shows up.

Allhis21-It sounds pretty good to me. If your about a wekk late then I definitely think you should test because it should be coming out positive at this point now. Good luck and keep us posted.

myfamily1st-I'm really sorry that the witch showed her face. It is such an emotinal rollercoater in the ttc road, but were all here for you. I agree with twwtoolong, I always treat myself when the witch shows her face. It definitely makes me feel better a little and I gradually get over it.

mrs.sumner2012-Congratulations hunny!! This is exciting news!! Try not to stress too much. Keep us updated!!

twwtoolong-Yeah I definitely picked some up. The only problem is that I havent really been able to test at the same time everyday. I actually had a minute to test on Saturday and Sunday, and I had faint lines, so I don't know if thats a good or bad thing. Help?

Good Luck ladies and Baby Dust to you ladies.

8 years ago • Post starter

You can really take the OPK's any time between 2pm and 8pm. The lines will be faint as you are starting to LH surge but will start to get darker. About within 24 hours of ovulation the LH surge will result in a test line that is really darker than the control line. When I first started taking them I thought they weren't working because the tests were not dark at all when my apps were predicting I should ovulate (around cycle day 12), but I kept testing and they became super dark on cycle day 14 (meaning I ovulated on cycle day 15).

Let me know if you need any more help with them!

Good luck ladies!!!

8 years ago

twwtoolong-Thank you so much because you now have me wondering if I was even ovulating when the apps tell me that I am. Well hopefully I can get it right this time around. Im going to keep testing until I start seeing the line darkest than the control line. I just hope that I can get it right this time around. How are things going for you??

Hows everything going ladies?

8 years ago • Post starter

Hello ladies, I hope everyone is doing well. I am not doing so great. I have my Pregnancy test tomorrow with the RE. I am beyond nervous because I have tested twice and both are negative. I'm hoping the blood test will pick up something the home test are not. I feel like I'm going crazy. :-(

I hope everyone has a wonderful day. It's comforting reading your replies. Knowing other women are going through the same thing helps. My husband is wonderful and very supportive but I still feel like I'm going through this alone. Since its my body that's betraying us.

Baby dust to everyone!!!!!

8 years ago

Louie79-I know it's hard to have patience and not stress when your less than 24hrs away to seeing the doctor, but at least when you go, you'll definitely get a peace of mind. I know it's hard, but trust me stress makes everything more worse. Try to think positive and keep as many positive thoughts as you can. Try to think about things that make you happy or play a game that requires alot of concentration. It definitely helps me out and I love Solitare now. I'm praying for you that everything goes well for you hun!

Good Luck!! Baby Dust!!

8 years ago • Post starter

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