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Anyone else 4dpo. . . cycle buddy?

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Hello. . .
I'm about 4dpo - - not entirely sure since I didn't use an OPK and just went off of using temps and an app that predicts when I should (for now...I will use OPKs next month if AF shows)

I was just wondering if anyone would like to be a cycle buddy. . . or a listening ear to all of my symptom spotting and my POAS addiction in another week.

We can drive each other crazy? lol

130 Replies • 8 years ago



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I hope your mood picks up some Rachel. That's how it was for me for the first half of Saturday. I don't know what was wrong but I was in a terrible mood. Is your digital test a first response?
I took a test with 2.5hr urine and I'm going to just say it's a bfn. I SWEAR i think i see a slight shadow. Or else i have line eyes. Lol. But nothing mt phone or kindle fire camera can pick up.
I can't reach my cervix either, at least i think not. I've read that in early pregnancy your cervix usually feels plump and "velvety". Assuming that means soft?

8 years ago

I'm normally a POAS addict too . I keep thinking I need some dang symptoms . The brown goo was a small amount and of course I am on inspection high alert so I caught it .

I may pick up some tonight and test in morning . I will keep ya posted . My mood is quite grouchy and short fused.

8 years ago

Thanks--- I don't really have a good reason as to why I am so moody/cranky/down today. I guess it's just the fact that I know I'm near the end of my cycle and unfortunately the anticipation of let down... I'm trying to stay positive and remember it's not over until it's over! I was emotional this morning, to the point that I almost started crying at work---but I seem to be getting in a better mood. (Or maybe it's the chocolate ice cream I had for lunch hahaha)

The one that I have at home that is digital is first response. I've just put off using it because I heard that it's less sensitive than the regular hpt's and just wanted to use it as sort of a back-up if I really got a faint line. . . I need to go to walmart this evening to pick up things for dinner, I may need to feed the addiction beast and grab another box. LOL

I've given up on attempting to feel my cervix... I'm not sure what I'm feeling for, and that's something that's going to be different on everyone anyways... maybe one day I will figure that out.

Let's hope that you get a BFP!! Maybe try holding the test up to a window and get a picture? That's how I got one with mine since my phone wanted to make a glare... Good luck!!

8 years ago • Post starter

well--- at least I'm not alone in the grouchy mood department today... pick up some chocolate ice cream too--- it seemed to do the trick for me!! (at least for a little bit anyways!)

8 years ago • Post starter

I tried taking pictures on the window sill to use some natural lighting. But i think since it's an IC and so small, the cameras cant focus right and the pictures come out blurry i did the cycle comprison tool to compare my symptoms with the cycles of when i was pregnant with my youngest two, and they're almost identical. So now I'll drive myself crazy. Lol. I then added a non-pregnant cycle to the comparison and this cycle is much different than the non-pregnant one.
I'm trying to remain positive and remind myself that i tested negative until 11dpo with my third and there's still hope.

8 years ago

Let's hope that you get a BFP soon enough!!

I will most likely be getting more tests this evening, and definitely taking one in the morning if AF doesn't show up.

I'm on CD25, and I'm usually around 26/27 days... trying to think positive.

8 years ago • Post starter

I could definitely use some chocolate ice cream lol. Rachel I saw your pic and forgot I had commented on the spotting you had . Mine was a little more creamier but similar in color . I had no hint of red or pink . It looked like light colored coffee . Sorry for the analogy .

Super mom you going to test again in the morning ?

AFM I have already commented on he grouchiness and irritability . Now my dang throat and head hurt . I will gladly welcome them if it's a Prego symptom . My boobs aren't sore unless I prod them . I'm achy and having some cramping now .

8 years ago

Ehh, the analogy is fine by me... I don't think there's anything that could turn my stomach at this point thanks to my job.

I had it last cycle too---if you can find my pictures that I posted that one is there as well... This month seemed to be a little more creamy than last months. (I had actually checked, and there was a lotion-like CM with it as well...)

They say that cold-like symptoms can occur during the beginning stages of pregnancy... it could be! I admire your patience to not be symptom spotting or testing---I wish I had that will power! lol I on the other hand, will be purchasing more tests this evening and testing... again.

If AF comes, you can bet that I will be purchasing some OPKs and HPTs from the internet this time around... I'm pretty sure my SO is going to cut my funding if I don't lol he told me he was going to go buy me Popsicle sticks to pee on since I'm so impatient. hahaha.

8 years ago • Post starter

I love the OPKs. Used them with every pregnancy. I take them 2-3 times a day to make sure I catch it. About every time it has picked it up in the afternoon or evening and not in the morning

8 years ago

I just worry about OPKs because I know myself well enough to know that I will end up bummed out when I'm not with my SO to BD. He works midnight shift, so I'm home by myself at night, and I work daylight... We only have the evenings together, and that time is usually spent doing homework for the kiddo, cooking/eat dinner, dinner clean up, and maybe an hour to two hours of downtime before he has to run out the door. I'm not so sure how much they would help me--other than to know exactly what day it happened.

8 years ago • Post starter

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