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1dpo!! who's with me!?!?

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The tww is the worst!!

105 Replies • 7 years ago



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Praying for us too!! Please lord let this be our month

7 years ago • Post starter

I hope we all see soon!!! You all will be in my prayers


7 years ago

I'm a testaholic so I have been testing daily at least. I had a strange o cycle. I got strong positives but I think I o'd the day they started to turn neg. If so than I am more like 8 dpos right now. So if I don't get a by next weekend I will assume I am out as well. I got my IUD out October 5th and have not had af since and I also have had a couple false positive tests. Yes I said false positive. Not sure if I had a chemical pregnancy cuz I never bleed after that either. It was so strange. I mean a clear pink second line. But the next day nothing and nothing much since. I can see faint lines on almost every wondfo I take "after" the time frame. I took a frer today but I have two digitals waiting and staring at I am trying to wait to test again until Wednesday or Turkey Day. Hubby and I are going to Niagra Falls for a couple nights, so regardless we are going to be busy

for no af and for all of us!

7 years ago

Hey everyone! Well still have very sore boobs and earlier today I have more cm and some has had a yellowish color to it. I will test tomorrow and let you all know. How is it going for all you guys?!


7 years ago

Yes keep us posted :) I tested today and BFN???? CD 26. I will test again in the morning if no af. Praying no af!! Baby dust everyone!!! Sending tons of baby dust to all you ladies!!!

7 years ago • Post starter

We took a test today @ 9dpo. hopefully just testing too early.

7 years ago

Yeah, 9dpo is still very early. I got faint positive's with my last at like 7/8dpo, but ended in mc. I was only main 5 weeks, still to early for them to even tell where the pregnancy was. The only thing in the ultrasound showed was possible something close to my right ovary. So that might have been why I got the faint positive so early. I also had a cyst rupture and after that is when my hcg levels started dropping so we will really never know exactly where it was and what caused the mc. But really praying I won't start and this will be my rainbow baby!!

I'm keeping you all in my prayers!!!

7 years ago • Post starter

I'm cycle day 25 and 10dpo. I'm hoping we all see BFPs. I will post as soon as I test tmw morning!


7 years ago

I know ladies...come on BFP!!! Testing tomorrow so if nothing I'm waiting til af...I'll be 11dpo

7 years ago

Tad bit late but I'm 1 DPO today. Baby dust to all!

7 years ago

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