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November IVF buddies

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I'm doing my first IVF this November. I don't normally post on here but if there was ever a time to reach out it is now.

Anybody else?

Mrs. Fridley

952 Replies • 10 years ago



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Replies (sorted by hugs)

591 - 600 of 952 Replies | Last Page

Awhittaker - thinking about you! Let us know how it goes tomorrow!!

Mnor - You're in my thoughts and prayers! Please just chime in at some point and let us know how you're doing.

Mrs. Fridley - I second Awhittaker! I hope your silence means you're sweet little girl has made her grand entrance into the world! Can't wait for the news!

thewaitinggame - I haven't forgotten about you!! I am am SO excited for you that you were able to see one healthy heartbeat on that ultrasound this past monday!! How exciting!! :) When will your next ultrasound be?

10 years ago

AWHITTAKER: I hope everything does go smoothly tomorrow.

Many hugs to all.

10 years ago • Post starter

Awhittaker - I'm thinking of you today! I hope they were able to get 3 eggs from those 3 follicles, or maybe even that there were more hiding! It sucks you'll have to wait another round for transfer, but obviously the best decision!

I'm scheduled for another u/s Wednesday (10 days after the first) although I might have to reschedule for Thursday bc DH has a conflict. I'm definitely already ready to see that heartbeat again! I'm still not feeling any symptoms, so everyday it's just hard to believe I'm pregnant! 7 weeks, 1 day today.

Mnor - we are all thinking about you and I hope you are doing okay. Please check in if you are up to it.

10 years ago

Thanks waitingame for checking in :) we ended up getting 3 eggs today. We'll find out if they are all mature and fertilize tomorrow. Keep us posted when you get to hear the next heartbeat. In the meantime me , the tv and the couch are hanging out today. Pain isn't that bad just crampy.

10 years ago

AWHITTAKER, congrats on your three!!! We are all anxious to hear how many are mature and able to be fertilized. Sending good thoughts your way!!!

WAITINGGAME: keep us updated on your progression!

MNOR: I can't stop thinking about you. We are all here when you are ready to talk.

10 years ago • Post starter

AWHITTAKER, let us know when you hear something!

10 years ago • Post starter

I am still taking this loss pretty hard. I took the whole week off of work. Dh and I met with our clinics infertility counselor on Wed. It wasn't super helpful. My betas dropped from 260 on Mon to only 57 on Wed and I started cramping really intensely on Thurs and started passing the pregnancy naturally on Friday. I am really glad I took the time off because that's not something you can work through. I am finally feeling better today, at least physically. I just did not see this one coming. Everything was just going so well right from getting the nice early positive hpt very early on 6dpt.

I have a final beta check on Tuesday afternoon to see if it's back to 0 and then I will schedule a consult with my RE to make a plan for our final FET. I have really lost all hope that this is ever going to work and I just want to get this last try out of the way so we can get our refund. Even though we have lots of frosties left I will not be doing anymore transfers after this. I just can't go through anymore miscarriages. Maybe we will use them in a surrogate.

In the meantime, I have turned my house inside out and upside down. That is my therapy and change feels great. I decided to stop putting plans on hold and am completely redecorating. I haven't done anything to the extra bedrooms since we bought the house just in case but now I am sick of them being ugly and empty. I stopped saving all the christmas/birthday money and gift cards for a future nursery and am just spending it all. My dh even bought a brand new truck that we were putting off because "will car seats fit?" or "will we need an suv instead if we have triplets?" etc. I think it's just time to live our lives and stop putting everything on hold for a future baby which at this point it's really sinking in that it might never be in our future. So we decided to just say screw it and do things that make us happy. If we end up having to redecorate again or sell a vehicle so be it.

I keep checking in to see how things are going for others but haven't felt up to writing til today. So glad to hear you got 3 eggs awhittaker! I hope they all fertilize for you. And waitinggame congrats on a healthy heartbeat, I can't believe you only had 1. Maybe another is hiding?! Good luck for the next u/s. And Mrs. Fridley why haven't you popped yet? :-) And to all of you, thanks so much for letting me know you were thinking of me. It was great to read even though I wasn't up to responding.

10 years ago

Firstly, MNOR I am so so sorry to hear of your loss.

Sorry I checked out on y'all for a while. We are still planning to try again when this first round is paid off.

I am happy to see new names here and even happier to see the mommies to be.

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10 years ago

Hey Someday, I wondered where you had been. Welcome back.

MNOR: We all totally get it and are glad you are focusing on you. I'm sure rearranging and decorating your home is therapeutic. You deserve whatever brings you any comfort. Retail therapy can help soothe as well. My heart goes out to you and your hubby. Perhaps you could even find some time for a couple of days away? Even if just a Bed & Breakfast in a quaint nearby town? Just something to help you two rediscover each other? Many hugs.

AWHITTAKER: your silence has me worried. Check in and let us know how things went?

10 years ago • Post starter

Mnor - I'm so so sorry for your loss. I'm glad though that you have stopped re-arranging your life around the baby though. That can be SO taxing I found. We stopped doing that about 3 months before we got pregnant. I quit ovulation tests, quit taking pregnancy tests, did certain things to get a raise at my job thinking I may not ever be a stay at home mommy, started enjoying a glass or two of wine every now and then again. It was SO freeing. I just let it go. I'm not saying that RIGHT when you do this or 3 months later you'll get pregnant like I did. I'm just saying that the process of letting go can be so liberating and one that is just good for your soul. It was for me anyways. I like your thinking.

We are here for you if you ever want to vent or talk. But I know that nothing anyone says can heal that place in your heart. For that, I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. <3

Mrs. Fridley - How are you doing? Any update on the status on how much longer it will be until your little one's grand entrance into the world??

10 years ago

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