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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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Dandy, I'm praying for great results for that hsg.

Cronins I think it was a great idea for you to trigger so you get all the mature eggs to release and give yourself a better chance.

7 years ago

Hey there ladies,

Sorry I have taken a few days off still feeling really crappy!
sounds like your all on your way.

Lucky cant wait to read about your BFP!

cronins and dandy- for you both.

AFM- I just got back from my first appointment. everything went great. got to see our new little pea in the pod we made sure there is only one! LOL that was a worry it runs on both sides of our family. don't get me wrong we would happily accept it if we had two. but I will be happy with a happy healthy living baby! we got to listen to the baby's heartbeat also. My Doc said so far so good. We have another appointment in two weeks for a check up. My doc is just being super cautious because of my last pregnancy. overall great appointment except I thought I was going to throw up in the room. LOL!

Praying for baby number 3!

7 years ago

Hey there ladies,

Sorry I have taken a few days off still feeling really crappy!
sounds like your all on your way.

Lucky cant wait to read about your BFP!

cronins and dandy- for you both.

AFM- I just got back from my first appointment. everything went great. got to see our new little pea in the pod we made sure there is only one! LOL that was a worry it runs on both sides of our family. don't get me wrong we would happily accept it if we had two. but I will be happy with a happy healthy living baby! we got to listen to the baby's heartbeat also. My Doc said so far so good. We have another appointment in two weeks for a check up. My doc is just being super cautious because of my last pregnancy. overall great appointment except I thought I was going to throw up in the room. LOL!

Praying for baby number 3!

7 years ago

Hey there ladies,

Sorry I have taken a few days off still feeling really crappy!
sounds like your all on your way.

Lucky cant wait to read about your BFP!

cronins and dandy- for you both.

AFM- I just got back from my first appointment. everything went great. got to see our new little pea in the pod we made sure there is only one! LOL that was a worry it runs on both sides of our family. don't get me wrong we would happily accept it if we had two. but I will be happy with a happy healthy living baby! we got to listen to the baby's heartbeat also. My Doc said so far so good. We have another appointment in two weeks for a check up. My doc is just being super cautious because of my last pregnancy. overall great appointment except I thought I was going to throw up in the room. LOL!

Praying for baby number 3!

7 years ago

Congrats Miam! So exciting. I can't wait to experience it :-)

7 years ago

Cronins, I must have missed when you said you triggered. Lol. I dont blame you. I would have too. I would have been thinking on the same lines that you were! Your reasoning is totally understandable!
Miam, so great you got to see your little one! Glad everything is looking good. I can only imagine how scary this is for you.

7 years ago • Post starter

Miam : congratulations on hearing the baby'shower heartbeat. That sound is always so wonderful to hear. Know that you have remained in my prayers as well. May you continue to have a happy and healthy pregnancy as well as a safe delivery.

Lucky, you are definitely going to experience this hopefully sooner rather than later.

Dandy: woohoo, testing tomorrow. Praying for a great test with awesome results. Try not to worry. Relax and let the radiologist do the work. I know easier said than done. Hugs..

As for me, I am definitely feeling pain on both sides of my ovaries. Yay!!! EWCM is in abundance. So excited to be trying again.

7 years ago

Yay O day, Cronins!! Triggering was for the best. I would be affraid of only reasing on the side with no tube. That shot will shoot em all out. Lol. Welcome to the two week wait xx : )

7 years ago • Post starter

Good morning everyone! Cronins, is this 1dpo, you think?
Lucky, how are you holding up? How are your symptoms?
Miam, did you get pics at the ultrasound?
Afm, opks showing color this morn. Right on time as last month. May be little darker tmrw but I will test again tonight just bc. Lol. Today is the day. My test is at 1. I will try to post as soon as i can. My sis in law is driving two hours to watch my son so imagine she will stay and visit for a while. Hope she brings my nieces : )

7 years ago • Post starter

Dandy: yes, I believe I am 1 DPO, because of all the ovulation pain I felt for several hours. I just read an article that said you usually ovulate just prior to the pain. I have been bding everyday prior to ovulating and will continue to for the next three days just to be on the safe side, lol. Overkill is better than under kill, lol. Here is the link to the ovulation article I just read. It's really good to read if you have a few minutes. The most important days to bd are the three days prior to ovulating.

That is awesome that your SIL is able to drive to watch your lo so you can get the test done. I will be praying for you to have a wide open tube and for the test to be comfortable. So glad to here that your opk's are darkening. You are right behind me. Yay!!!! What CD are you again?

7 years ago

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