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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

611 - 620 of 4483 Replies | Last Page

Good luck today dandy, praying everything goes smoothly for you :-) how is everyone else this morning?

No cramps last night or this morning so hopefully it was implantation and they found their spot :-)

7 years ago

Cronins, I am cd 8. I usualy O about cd12. Last month it was cd11, from the letrozole I presume. Praying for an open tube and let the bding begin. I pretty much have myself convinced( along w dr) that my main problem is implantation. Dr wanted to see my hcgs from last cycle so I uploaded them to the patient portal. She thinks I had another chemical, Hense the late period. Idk though. Next month I plan on adding baby adprin and evening primrose oil on day 1. Its kinda late now. I tried to follow that link but it didnt take me to the article. It took me to a search engine. I am going to try again. I enjoy a good read about anything related to ttc. Lol
Lucky, when is your beta, Sat?

7 years ago • Post starter

Dandy : yay, let the bding begin.

Lucky : woohoo for possible implantation cramping. Glad to hear that it subsided. How many dpt are you?

7 years ago

Today is 7dpt and my beta is Monday :-)

7 years ago

Ohh, lucky you are in the home stretch. So you are about 10-11 dpo? That's so exciting.

7 years ago

Yes, it's so I'm not feeling it though..just a blah day and my mind is wondering if I am or not, lol..

7 years ago

Awe Lucky, I bet so! ((Hugs))

7 years ago • Post starter

I can only imagine how you are feeling Lucky. It took my DH and I 4 1/2 years to conceive our last little girl. Every iui, injections with timed intercourse, had me feeling the same way. I wanted so badly to be pregnant with a healthy pregnancy. I know that this is so very difficult, I it will happen for you. You are a strong beautiful woman. Know that whatever happens, you have a safe place to vent or rejoice when the time comes. Hugs..

7 years ago

Thanks Cronins! I know it will happen when it's supposed to, just hoping that's now :-)

7 years ago

Sorry it took me so long to post. Tube is open and ready for business! I was so suprised to see my dr there at the hospital! I love her! I told her I was suprised to see her. She replied that she wouldnt miss it for the world and wanted to make sure things were done to her and my exoectations. I felt special. Lol. We had an absolute blast with my sil and nieces. Great day. Thank you guys for your prayers and kind words. Fingers crossed for this cycle.

7 years ago • Post starter

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