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Ttc in 2016

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Welcome to anyone trying to conceive in 2016. Let's hope this will be the year full of
Blizzards of baby dust to everyone xx

2177 Replies • 8 years ago



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Mighty Mouse is on his way!!!!
Faint pink line at 50 mins!!!! My girlfriend & sister-n-law said looks positive and that my hcg level might be to early to give a positive within 10 mins. Going for blood test tomorrow!

8 years ago

Yay, good luck with the bloods lovely and your mighty mouse sticky bean, so pleased for you

8 years ago

Ha!! Mighty Mouse Sticky Bean!

8 years ago

Hey ladies! I am doing really well. I have had nausea on and off so that's been a good sign but I also got kind of sick with a ear infection/sore throat. We had a scare on Saturday night though! DH and I were baby dancing and we saw blood so of course we went to the hospital! There was no cramping or tissue loss and it stopped within 4 hours. It never got on underwear and it was super light and turned in to spotting. Turns out we busted a blood vessel on my cervix. It was terrifying but baby seems to be okay! We go back for our first ultrasound next Wednesday to see the heartbeat so I am hoping no and praying that there will be one! I seem to be varying between constipated and not though so that's kind of uncomfortable

Besides that though everything seems to be progressing. I am worrying a lot with this being my first baby! Just wanting a healthy little one. Hoping the nausea is because of baby and not just my imagination haha! It's funny how I want to have all the symptoms!

But yes I had a silly moment last Friday. I wanted to actually see the positive so I took a test, it was obviously positive but the control line was slightly lighter than the control and I of course freaked out about that. It was only on a 2 hour hold though right after I had breakfast and drank a large tea... I have since refused to take anymore tests for unnecessary worry and since then things have still seem to go okay! The test is on my profile and the control like looks so much lighter in the picture than what it is honestly! It was a low quality picture. Just so silly all the things I worry about now. Like how if I move the wrong way I'll hurt the baby! I'm a preschool teacher so I'm trying to take it so easy around them because I don't want to hurt the baby.

I am sending tons of baby dust towards all of you wonderful and supportive ladies!! I am enjoying keeping in touch with every one of you and reading up on your journey!!

8 years ago

So excited for you Holly! Can't wait to get the blood confirmation for Mighty Mouse sticky bean.

Kaimarie please try not to worry so much. Glad to hear you and baby are well. Best wishes on your scan and keep us updated!

Pink & Kerzie you had me cracking up with "super nips".

Kerzie I think I had that when using the progesterone cream.

Pink I still think you have a chance this month. Be naked and ready when dh gets home Friday. Lol

Baby dust to all of you wonderful ladies!

8 years ago the mental images I got while catching up on the posts from Baby, Kerzie, Pink and Holly were disturbing. LOL. Dancing, shopping, nipples and bath water...oh my. Funny stuff ladies.

Holly - keep us posted!!

Kai - I completely understand how you feel. I was in my own tww hell. I went to the doctor two weeks ago and had an ultrasound. DR said it was too early to see the baby. I thought to weird...technically I'm six weeks and I see people on you tube with ultrasounds that early that can see the baby. I don't have any crazy symptoms, other than fatigue and constipation. No nausea. DR said to come back in two weeks. The whole two weeks was complete torture. Reading online about blighted ovum, people miscarrying and etc.

Yesterday we returned to the DR and saw the fast flicker of the little bean. DR said everything looks good. My DH said I worry too much. It was reassuring but still I'm now worried about making it through my first trimester. As woman, I think its a challenge to stop worrying about these little critters!? I figured the worry will follow as they get older.

As always to all...

Just had a funny thought. Where is our fairy baby dust godmother dishing out the BFP's like Oprah dishing out cars and gadgets during her talk show?

In Oprah's voice....
And you get and you get a get a

8 years ago

Good morning crazy, fun loving ladies!!!! Called Dr. and my blood test is set for Saturday morning. I will officially be 1 week late, if AF doesn't show!
Waiting is the hardest part!!! Blessings, prayers, babydust, and lots of love to you all!!!! Hoping for a blood test

8 years ago

Good luck Holly!! I'm on cd14 and showing another surge on my opk's! Started yesterday morning a X getting stronger, I've got no idea what's going on!! Lol! Not that that's unusual in my world!!

8 years ago

Good morning Teachermum!!!! Another surge...ummm I'm just learning about BBT temping...I'm new to charting..I was just looking at mine. Learning what a coverline is and stuff. Wondering if I'm indeed preggo or not. Thought temps were supposed to stay high. I believe my coverline is 97.2, but I'm not sure...End of March was my first time charting. SO, I really don't know.

8 years ago

Aww bless ya Hollyc, really feel for you hun, what a rollercoaster ride this month has been for you and hopefully on Sat all will be confirmed and you can chill a bit
Mico haha not too disturbing I hope, that comment did make me laugh and I hope your right, yes, please visit us all fairy godmother, oh yea the worry gets worse indeed when they are born and continues throughout the rest of their lives but your rainbow bean is in the safest place so chill and incubate
39 exciting idea but my brood will also be here so when he arrives and takes me back to his abode I will then commence stage 1 shed clothing then stage 2 BDing, Ive already told him last night on phone and he said oh no pressure then bless him
kai, try n chill a bit hun, not good for you or baby to constantly worry, you are young and fit and healthy, enjoy your pregnancy, (despite the cramps, sickness, aches, dizziness they all will come soon enough ) and rest when you need it, (easier said then done I know)
Its really lovely to hear from our newly pregnant friends and when you compare notes, it gives us all hope so please keep us updated
Hows Supernips this morning?
Good luck Teacher, we will about same time?
to all -x-x-x-

8 years ago

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