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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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Replies (sorted by likes)

621 - 630 of 4483 Replies | Last Page

Lucky : you're welcome! Keep the faith. It is right around the corner for you.

7 years ago

Dandy : that totally rocks!!!! Woohoo. So flipping excited for you. Fingers crossed for this cycle.

7 years ago

Hello gals. How is everyone today?
My opks still look the same. Expecting to see a near pos tmrw, then hopfuly sat get the real deal. Not checking Barbie yet. Shes been through enough lol. Maybe tmrw

7 years ago • Post starter

Hello ladies,

Getting ready to go to the RE's this morning at 9 am. So nervous and excited all at the same time. I marked yesterday as ovulation day, just in case. I am between 1-2 dpo. I will definitely update once my RE and I come up with a plan. Hopefully I get pregnant and not need him, lol.

Dandy : that's cool that ovulation is right around the corner for you. Fingers crossed that this is your month.

Lucky : how are you doing today? Do you still have the blahs? You are so close to getting your beta hcg now. Hang on girl and keep the faith.

Miam: are you feeling any better yet?

Katie: where arevyou? Hoping all is well with you and the pregnancy.

7 years ago

Cronins- good luck today :-) I hope you get that BFP and don't need him as well, that would be awesome.

Dandy- sounds like your hsg went really well!

Miam- I hope you are feeling better. So exciting!

AFM- I went ahead and tested this morning(against my better judgement) and got a clear bfn :-( I'm now in such a bad mood lol. I need to just wait for the beta that way I have a little hope.

7 years ago

I am sorry that it was a BFN this morning lucky. There is still plenty of time though. What type of test did you use? Maybe it's not that sensitive.

7 years ago

Just used a cheap one off early pregnancy I keep telling myself it's early :-)

7 years ago

It is still early Lucky, that test may not be sensitive enough. Praying your beta on Monday will show different! Did you post it?
Cronins, good luck today. Hope you love them!

7 years ago • Post starter

Hello ladies,

Just got back from the RE office. If I don't get pregnant this cycle I will be scheduling day 3 labs and an hsg with saline. My husband goes for labs tonight to help rule out male infertility factors. Once all test results are in we will develop a plan of action. The RE was suprised that my ovarian reserve is in the awesome range, lol. He actually asked me what my secret was, lol. Overall, I am really psyched to begin. Hopefully I do not need his services and become pregnant this month. That would be so cool.

7 years ago

Glad your visit went well today Cronins. Sounds like your RE is pretty cool. But like you said, hopefully you dont even need him : )
Im getting ready to upload my opks for my records

7 years ago • Post starter

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