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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Heading into day 7 of a.f being late. Fertility clinic rang back and it was a no to doing injections while saving for donor. Only chance is my eggs miraculously get younger and viable I have to rely on a donor. Really want to know why I am so late have taken hpt's definate neg

10 years ago

@babymagic- doctors are a little hesitant to prescribe clomid unless you are having issues with OVing. But some of a little more lenient. I cant believe your AF was only 2 days! Maybe it has to do with the iud. Sometimes I feel so abnormal. I was amazed how many woman have a 4 day AF. Mine are usually 6 days. Oh and I wish I could OV on cd 14ish like other ladies. Oh to have an average cycle. did temping go!? Trust me, you'll get used to it. I still forget from time to time.

I'm very curious if I'm going to OV on my own again. Time to start checking my cp again. Never in all my life did I think I'd know sooo much about my cervix!
Was paying bills yesterday and thinking about future expenses. Think I need to throw a Jamberry party to make some extra money for the IUI cause I doubt I'll have my tax return by then. Anybody up for inexpensive St Patricks/Easter manicures at home? LOL! Thought I'd throw it out there . I'm actually planning on getting these cute bunny rabbit ones .

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

10 years ago • Post starter

I'm still getting dumbass inconclusive lines, but now they're coming up faster. If AF shows, be prepared for a torrent of curses the likes of which have never been seen on this forum.

10 years ago

@Tara...I was surprised of the short cycle too. I actually changed my mind about doing the BBT charting and plan to return it today. I just don't think I'll commit to doing that every morning. I was excited about it in the beginning but figured that doing CM/CP checking along with the Clear-blue Easy Advanced O Monitor I'd be okay. I hope that you're able to get everything together for your IUI. Hopefully you start to O again on your own..but at least they do have meds like Clomid to assist.

The DH takes his S/A test tomorrow and I'm waiting on my results from the FSH test. The lab said that my doctor should have my results in 2-3 days. I'm praying that all is well b/c my fertile cycle is showing 2/7-2/12. This morning, CP was low with medium texture and CM is already creamy. should try the FRER test to see what happens with that one. Don't give in just yet babes, and sending your way.

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10 years ago

@babymagic- I actually dont have clomid least for now. I'm not allowed anymore by my doctor. I'm sorry you had to return the thermometer. I enjoy doing it. Because I dont OV the same time each cycle, I HAVE to do my bbt so I know if I OV so I'm not thinking I'm feeling symptoms of pregnancy and havent even OV'd. It actually lessens my stress. It's fun too to see your temperature spike after OV.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

10 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies! Sorry, my morning has been packed so I haven't been able to log on till now.
Tara- My due date is May 24th but they are taking the babies via c-section at 37 wks which is May 3rd for me. Will probably schedule closer to that date. I can't wait!!!!
Baby Magic - Hi! Thanks so much! I am sending you lots of baby dust! I was going to say charting temp was a pain sometimes, but you do get in the habit and also it helped map out where you are in your cycle, at least for me. Although it would be screwy sometimes. It helped reassure me after I got my BFP, I would still temp for like a few weeks to make sure my temp stayed elevated. I also still peed on a few tests a day! I think I took like 20 tests, honestly. YIKES!
Phatgurl - I am sorry to hear you are having a rough time. I am sending lots of positive thoughts to you. This process is such an up and down rollercoaster of emotions! It makes us all more appreciative of how precious making a baby is though!
I am anxiously counting down the days till I take maternity leave! April 18th is my last day at work till July! It can't come fast enough!
Xoxoxoxox to you all!

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10 years ago

FRER and Dollar General tests from yesterday & today are neg. I'm super ticked but will saved my tirade until AF actually shows. I posted this morning's along with the wondfo with a line.

10 years ago

Afternoon Ladies....

Tara...I didn't know that you could only take clomid for a certain amount of times...Not cool.. Well, I hope all goes well and turns around for you. I belive that it will

Kris...Thanks for the baby dust, cause I need it...Well, actually, I want it. I really do want my BFP this cycle..I'm hoping for the best.

Phat...I understand how you feel with those results. I didn't go with the Wondfo brand this time. I'm hoping that the ones I got turn out okay. They should be required to issue refunds or send a new batch free of charge in these scenarios. It's not cool at all.

After your comments (Tara / Kris) I decided to keep the thermometer and start temping tomorrow. It may be too late, but what the heck...I have to start somewhere.

Question..I don't think I've asked this yet but do you think everyday during my fertile cycle will give the DH and I the best chances????

One chart says my fertile window is between 2/6 - 2/11. Another one says 2/7 - 2/12. It's fairly close.

What do you suggest I do for the absolute best probability of getting a ???

DH has his S/A today, in 30 min actually.

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10 years ago

Yay, baby magic, I think it's a good idea to start temping. Doesn't matter if you start late, you are right you need to start somewhere! And as long as your hubby doesn't have any sperm count issues, BDing every day is a very good way to not miss your window. I say go for it! And it's fun!
I soooooo miss having good sex. I obviously have not felt very sexy the last couple of months. I had a brief time at 4 mo where my sex drive was high, but now I feel like a roly poly little troll. Lol, we still manage about once a week, but let me say the O for me is no where near what it usually is. :( I can't wait to have good sex again, lol! It's totally worth it though!

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10 years ago

Phat I'm sorry about the tests, they suck.

Kristi those twins may decide to come earlier than that I think the average is 34 weeks.

Baby magic if your dh has a normal sperm count then bding everyday is fine but if it is on the lower side bding too much can backfire. My dh had a low count but this cycle took fertilaid and we bd'd 4 days straight and I got my bfp.

They only let you take Clomid for a certain amount of time because it could over stimulate your ovaries which could cause them to rupture.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

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