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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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Morning ladies! We are having wonderful weather in WA this week. 80's pretty much across the board. Of course we are in for rain and 60's this weekend. Go figure. AF is being good to me. She was a good one though so I am happy about that. i was really starting to wonder if my hormones were all wacky.

I am on a week of no dairy/wheat and I feel awesome! I have had some here and there, so i am not totally eliminating it but i have noticed a difference. So much more energy. I am excited about the change. I have only lost a pound or so, but the fact that i feel great is worth it to me.

@pinder-Congrats! What a fun thing to learn for Mother's Day. I think us still trying dream about that circumstance!

@football-You are one busy girl! That is so exciting you are graduating in December. What a relief! You will be so happy you powered through!

@miracle-100! Yikes! That is hot! Almost too hot! Stay cool! I hope you are feeling a bit better about everything. I truly believe that God puts a desire in your heart for a reason. If He knew you weren't supposed to be a Mother, I don't believe he would give you that want so badly.

@rebecca-Glad your acid refllux can be taken care of by medicine! I bet you are feeling much better!

Ok, sorry If i missed anyone, I gotta get to work. Hello to @skyline, @athena, @pisces (miss you!) and everyone else!

10 years ago

@miracle I tested on Mother's Day after my AF was already late. The thing was showing positive before the control window was even finished loading, so there was no question about it. I had spent the week leading up to AF thinking I wasn't but once I was two days late I started to really wonder, which is what led me to the idea of doing it on mother's day and telling my mom that her gift would be 8 months late. It was worth it. Do your best to stay cool! 100F is no fun at all.

@athena First and Second Trimesters basically in the summer. Thankfully, the heat - while the locals might moan about it - is not remotely near any kind of extreme. The worst it's ever been for heat here is in the 80s-90s, max and even that didn't last long. You're in Tennessee? I have a grandmother and a couple of uncles there! It's a small world, after all~~ OMG 20wks already?! That's so exciting! Stay cool!

@LSchrader Do you think you have allergies to wheat and dairy? I'm Gluten Intolerant (it runs in my family) but I have known people who both problems. There are some great cookbooks out these days that do dairy and gluten-free recipes - I could recommend some if you're interested.

10 years ago

@Athena ~ Thanks. I hope the witch stays away for me. I am looking forward to hearing about what you 2 are having. How exciting.

@Lschrader ~ Glad you're getting good weather for now. Enjoy it while it lasts. :) Proud of you for doing the no dairy/gluten free plan. I mostly do gluten free already and very little dairy. My downfall is carbs and sugar. Moderation is key and as soon as I can do moderation I will have drop some weight.. lol You are so right when you said that if " God knew I was supposed to be a mother that he wouldn't give me that desire or want so bad". I believe that and YET it's hard when motherhood may not be biological for me. Argghhh this is so hard. I pray for peace, faith, comfort and understanding daily.

@Prinder ~ I didn't realize you had taken your hpt on Mother's Day. How perfect is that. That's crazy that you had no symptoms leading up to AF and that you tested only b/c you were a few days late for AF. Do you normally have pms symptoms leading up to AF every cycle?

I am trying to survive the heat. Going to go put my feet in the ocean for a bit.

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10 years ago • Post starter

@miracle There were symptoms, but nothing that couldn't be explained away as being PMS related. I had tricked myself into thinking I was pregnant before by putting too much weight on the symptoms I have on a cycle, so I intentionally waited until I was late for my period's longest known cycle before I tested because I was that sure I would waste a test by having show up later. It just amazingly worked out the way that I planned.

10 years ago

Firstly let me apologise, I have been reading and any reply's have been short & sweet as I can only describe me as having my head up my backside lately! Been so busy!

Prinder~ What a fabulous way to find out & be able to tell your mum on Mother's day that she's going to be a granma! So happy for you.

Miracle~ My heart goes out to you both as your not having it easy are you my love. You have the wonderful support of these ladies here to get you through and you created all this & nurtured this group to this point. You are called Miracle for a reason as you proved, they do happen! Hope you find peace soon.

Rebecca~ Hello. So glad you got some meds to help with the heartburn. Never thought I would say it but I hope the temperature drops some so you can be comfortable at least. I've said it before but like Football says, your family's love & strength shines through & it's what I aspire to have.

Sky~ Hello lady! Your pictures really are beautiful, as the keen photographer do you get the ideas for where you would like them, is it a favourite place of yours? Your yard sale looked fun, glad you escaped the heat stroke, hope your friend feels better too.

Athena~ Todays the day!! Your little girl..... I never guessed on FB but I'm always wrong, my instincts suck!haha Your going to be on cloud 9 today.

Football~ Hello my lovely! So glad the house arrangements are nearly there. Graduation in December, your life is on fast forward & your rocking it. So glad your at peace with TTC, it really does take the pressure off not checking this that & the other. Good things come to those that wait & least expect it.

LSchrader~ Hi! Sorry about the witch but glad she's being kind to you. So glad to hear DH's count is on the up too. Not long now, you are on the road to what you've been waiting for. Getting ourselves feeling healthy, mind & body is the first step and your well on your way! No wheat or gosh, I would not be able to do that, love my bread way too much! I've recently changed to seeded bread, wholegrain crisps (chips) etc & feel much better for it & soya milk. I have a wonderful friend who is a fitness legend & I take her ballet be fit classes with the nutritional advise & I feel so much better. Your on the Juice Plus did you say? I hear great results from that.

AFM: On CD 26, AF can be any day from day 23 to 27 so nearly there. Not going to lie, DH & I have had a lovely few weeks together and BD a lot! So who knows....Sounds bad doesn't it, we got into a bad way last few months so hardly seeing each other with work & frayed nerves so it's been lovely to get back to normal, I missed him! Feel so much better about everything, learning to stop wishing for things to happen & be happy with what I have now. So proud of myself right now, if there was a sick face I'd put it on! Haha.

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10 years ago

Good Morning!

Wishing @Athena a Happy Sonogram!!! My vote is Boy I was approached yesterday about a "reveal cake" and I was clueless until they explained and I thought it was soooooooo cute!!!! A reveal cake is either pink n blue or all white or i saw one with a poem "twinkle twinkle little star, how we wonder what you are...." cUtE! And the inside of the cake is either pink or blue depending on the sex of the baby. I am excited for his cake so as soon as they go next month, they will call me. I think it is cute that everyone is voting on your FB it's really cute, everyone is involved.

@lsch no wheat! I should try it although not sure if I would make it. I need to try no carbs but everything I love revolves around bread/wheat. I would cheat all how have you been? What CD are you on? How is the hubby and of course my boy Bentley?

@bean CD 26 whoop whoop!!!! Glad you had a good week with DH, those are the best times and probably when it's going to happen....#fingersCrossed

@miracle heyyyyyyyy LadyBug! You should be CD 12/13 by now. Hoping this is it....are you still put in LA soaking up sunshine? And your sister lives by the beach, that's the type of out door life that gets you going. I'll be watching in case you test. **fingers crossed** and hugs

How is @rebecca? She should be getting closer to having her baby? My timing is off and I haven't been keeping up too much.

There are lots of new names. I see someone tested on Mothers Day and got a BFP Congratulations!!!! What else and who else is new?

AFM: my passport finally arrived but with the wrong name wasn't even surprised...everything has been a struggle where I am concerned these past couple of months but what I have learned is that if I just keep pushing through and trusting God for guidance he never steers me wrong he just wants me to appreciate it better. We did a contract change at work and that was a struggle but what else can I do. I applied for a promotion, still waiting to hear back, I haven't been eliminated so that is good news. I'mreally praying about this one ladies, the person that I argue with the most at work, I would be his equal and no longer someone that he can pick on. I would have the ability to stop this person from using his position to demoralize and degrade people because he can and for no other reason. He's not happy in life or at work and it shows. He has done this to every person who has every had my job. He is a BULLY!!! I want this job to be the protector of the people who sit in my position, apparently he ran off about 5 before me and no one has every stood up to him. I pray so I can be the one who stops the class bully!!!! My hubby is in out in Africa somewhere and I can't talk to him right now, it's been a few days that I haven't heard from him at all but for the past week and half it been text communication only as they get deeper into where they are going. I know he's fine, he's just out on a mission. My son is graduating June 7th so the girls & I are flying out June 6th, I am so excited. Been planning him a graduation barbecue and stuff....I'm so proud of my baby. He says he's heading for the navy the following month and I am so proud of his decision. That's all I have ladies. Have to get out the door early, I have to go pick up my corrected passport :-) ...see I got it, it just took me a few more steps. Today I repel negativity & I pray for strength to stay on this journey. I still eating better and consistent on my quest to eat better and exercise & trip to the dentist (follow up) went great the other day.

10 years ago

Athena is [hopefully] finding out the gender of her LO at this very moment! I'm so excited!!

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10 years ago

@pisces-Oh it was so good to hear from you!!! I will be praying for your promotion and I know you are just the one for that position. When will you get to see DH next? Yes, i am doing no wheat AND dairy! Yikes! haha, it has actually been VERY easy to do...i was shocked. Actually the hardest part is no beer! haha. I haven't really lost much weight, but i feel great so I am happy about that. DH is doing well, his numbers are improving which is awesome. I can't really be upset about that! Bentley is wonderful as usual and i just love him :)

@athena- COME ON!!!!!!!

10 years ago

@miracle - I heard them talking about the heat wave on the news. I hope it doesn't last too long!
When I had come to (what I thought) was peace about not having children and letting that dream die, I was able to go for almost a year without having any doubts, but eventually they came back and now here I am. I know very well how hard it is to put the desire to rest, it's nearly impossible to do, the feelings always come back. For me it was as simple as my hubby saying he was ready, I didn't have any biological obstacles standing in my way, so I can't imagine how much harder this is for you! I am sending warm hugs your way. Here is a verse that popped into my head just now: "Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days." I once heard a sermon about experiencing the "death of a vision" and how sometimes we are asked to "cast our hopes upon the water" and after a period of time something returns, maybe not in the form you would expect, but something always comes back. Anyway, I always thought it was a lovely interpretation, and have experienced it to be true in my life many times.

@Pinder - !! So glad it worked out the way you were hoping and got to tell your mom like that. :)

@rebecca - Thank you. :) I felt like a goober, but when I saw the pics my SIL took, I was pleasantly surprised that I didn't look like a goober. I am definitely starting to feel the extra body heat. I keep turning the AC down and DH, in the next office over, is like, "Is it a little chilly in here to you?"

@football - My SIL would be so jealous. She is a big Gators fan. My sunburn didn't hurt for too long, so that was nice. I am so happy for you! It made me smile big when you said you were able to hang out with your friend and feel happy for her unconditionally. That's awesome! I have been there too, with one of my friends, it feels really good to get over those little bumps in the road of friendship.

@athena - That was something I noticed getting to the midway point, definitely had to take more breaks and pace myself when doing anything active. I keep checking to see if you have posted an update as I write this. I might be a tad bit impatient.

@LSchrader - Glad AF was "healthy" (?) That's what I assume you mean by being a good one. I am glad you are feeling so good, cutting out wheat (and sugars) can make a big difference. I've been eating Ezekiel bread for a while now, it's made with sprouted grain and is flour free. The combination of grains also forms a complete protein, so that's a plus as well!

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10 years ago

Again with having to split my post in half, I am NOT exeeding 6000 characters. Whatever.

@Bean - Yes, I am ALWAYS scouting pretty spots at which I would like to do photo shoots. I can't look at any pretty landscape without wishing I could do a shoot. lol We were at a little bird sanctuary near my In-Law's house and only had our cell phones, but my youngest SIL really wanted to take some pics of me, so I let her. You might want to switch from soy milk to almond milk, soy builds extra estrogen and is not the best thing for women in general, but especially not while TTC. Sounds like you have had a promising cycle, I hope AF stays away!

@pisces!!! - Hey! That stinks about your passport, I am glad it got fixed! Good luck with the promotion, I hope you get it and can put a stop to that man. That sounds terrible. I'm glad he hasn't been able to run you off. Hope DH gets done with his mission soon, so you can resume communication. And on your son's graduation!

AFM - I've decided to do a cake pop booth at a local BeerFest next Saturday. I will be busy making cake pops and hope it is not too hot so they don't all melt. Yikes. Hoping it wasn't a mistake to sign up for this!

GED classes have been going well, I think I am very close to being able to take the test, I just have to find the money.

Oh! And my boss has agreed to DH and I mixing up our schedule after baby comes. Instead of working the same hours, DH will come in early and work until noon, he will come home and have lunch and then I will go in and work the afternoon. That way we will be able to trade off staying home with baby and don't have to worry about looking for new jobs or childcare. So that is a relief. We were pretty sure he wouldn't mind, we just had to confirm. DH and I have had the same routine for 6 years, so... big changes for us. :)

ATHENA!!! You're killing me.

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10 years ago

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