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Not Just Cycle Buddies!

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Hi Friends! Lots of us have gotten our BFPs these past few cycles and we all aren't "cycle buddies" anymore. I feel like we need a place to connect and keep up the conversation with each other. This way we can keep chatting even if some of us aren't pregnant and some of us are. I'm just starting my 6th cycle TTC and hoping that this will be the one. Please join in and update us on where you are and how you are feeling.

916 Replies • 6 years ago



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@FlamingoGirl13 - Yeah, we bought it. It's not a house per se, but a condominium. But it's like a house, with a yard and everything. My son will have a yard to play in, and our dogs as well. And it's gonna be nice to not have to walk up 3 stories of stairs any more.

@LuckyDucky90 - I have read stories where some have gotten pregnant from bd 6 days before ov. So I will just have to cross my fingers and hope what we did so far will be enough.

6 years ago

Good morning! It’ll be a busy day for sure, I have to go set up for my daughter’s 2nd birthday today in a park and reserve a table early, not to mention hope no one tries to take it! :) I’m cd 30 today and about 13 dpo negative. I wish my period would just come already! I hate these long drawn out cycles! I’m sad because I’m actually surprised it didn’t work for us this month. I thought that this would be the month for sure, with all the medical help I got and the cramping around implantation time... my progesterone levels came back at 3 right after ovulation, and 7 several days later. This shows that I ovulated but not well. For a non medicated cycle doc wants to see over 10, and medicated like mine, over 15. I even used progesterone cream this cycle and it was still that low! Hopefully this next cycle the doc will consider a different treatment maybe clomid letrozole combo? We’ll see what she says.

6 years ago

Photo mama- I know what you mean this cycle is going to be a 37-38 cycle as I ovulated on CD24 which is a 1st for me. But I’m glad I did ovulate. By then we did so much BDing that we only had 2- 3 days in fertile period. I don’t feel anything or different but we shall see. If this cycle don’t work I’m going to start taking Maca Root. I found red,black,yellow maca all in one pill for men and women to take on Amazon. So think will do that.

Happy Birthday to your little one!! :

6 years ago

Thank you! It was a wonderful birthday with lots of kids. Starting to feel rumble in my uterine area. Maybe period will start today or tomorrow. Heading off to work, I hate working sundays! We’re heading off to Vegas on Thursday I can’t wait! Hopefully won’t have my period in Vegas. I have to call off sick Friday because they denied me that one day off shhh don’t tell anyone! Kind of a bummer I have to work everyday this week including the 4th!
Attached a pic, Check out her huge smile and frozen themed cake!

user submitted image

6 years ago

@photomomma. Gorgeous picture of you guys. I hope AF stays away.

For some living in Canada. Happy Canada Day.

User image[/url]

6 years ago

Thanks Dragonfly but I hope she shows up soon as I know I’m not pregnant and am eager to just get on with the next cycle. I tend to have long cycles. how are you feeling? 25 weeks already wow!!

6 years ago

@photomama. Feeling not too bad. Just moody and emotional. Some days are better than others so I just take it one day at a time. Some days its hard to breathe and walking is unbearable sometimes. I can always feel a piece of his body pushing out near my belly button and it feels weird. People often wonder if my dates are all messed up based on how big I got so quickly and some say that there is a twin hiding behind the other one. I understand where you are coming from with wanting AF to come already. Been there numerous times and just anticipate it so I could have a nice cold beer on a hot day.

User image[/url]

6 years ago

Photomama- beautiful family picture. Love the cake! I know what you mean about hurry up to next cycle. If this cycle don’t work DH and I will both be taken Maca Root next cycle. Found on amazon (black,red, yellow) all together in one pill. For men and women with great reviews
Also found out my sisters in law is pregnant again. For some reason she gets pregnant fast and easy. LOL and I’m like WHY not me!! Best of luck’ (I am 9dpo today)

Dragonfly- that’s wonderful to hear your doing great. Wow 25 weeks. The lovely hood of pregnancy can’t wait to feel happy, uncomfortable, emotional, hungry

6 years ago • Edited

@Photomama - Thanks for the sharing the picture! Looks like you had a great party! I hope your AF shows up soon so it's gone before Vegas and you can move on.

@Beaut1ful38 - I've heard ladies have had good success with Maca Root. I think that's a good next step. Any feelings today at 9dpo?

@Dragonfly23 - You are over half way there! The summer must be terrible when you are this far along though... I hope it's cooler for you in Canada then it has been down here in the US.

AFM - Struggling with nausea and I'm pretty sure I got a yeast infection... Haven't had one of those since I came of the pill. I suspect it has to do with the rise in estrogen that I'm experiencing now. I'm bummed about it because I can't take the fluconazol pill while pregnant and the OTC stuff is painful for me. I'm going to research any other remedies that work for pregnant ladies.

6 years ago • Post starter

Flamingogirl- so sorry to hear that but google apply cider vinegar with cotton balls. I did that and it went away in 2days. Not sure if you have inflammation or itching but it cured it.

6 years ago • Edited

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