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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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@mrssuz - Very happy news! I will keep you and that little baby in my thoughts. I hope the pain will go away, so that you can have a little more peace of mind.

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10 years ago

This was the strangest AF. I usually have AF for 5 days. I get heavy flow for 3 days and then 1 to 2 days of light AF/barely spotting. Well AF came and went as normal but I have been spotting on TP for 3 extra days now since AF ended. I hope my hormones are all good. Weird.

@Skyline ~ How did your glucose test go? I hope it went well and that you passed. Did it taste yucky?

@Mrssuz ~ So happy all is going well with you and your little bean. Congratulations!!!!

@Lshrader ~ You should be O'ng soon right? I hope you are getting lots of birthday baby making time in.. :)

@Rebecca ~ I think once we have been traumatized over something, it can take a strong effect on us. Praying for a continual safe and healthy pregnancy for you.

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10 years ago • Post starter

Happy birthday miracle, lschrader, and football. Hope y'all have a great one.

Miracle that is so strange about your period, maybe you should get it checked out if it doesn't stop.

Mrssuz glad everything is going so well. I'm praying for you and your little bean.

Football hoping all goes well for you this time. It felt like everything was going against us when we were buying our house, but it was so worth it in the end.

Lschrader on my birthday last year af showed up. It was just all around terrible. I laid in bed with dh just bawling my eyes out while he held me. So I know how you feel. I know I'm pregnant now, but it took a lot of pain and tears to get here. I really think your time is coming very soon. Just don't give up hope.

Skyline when do you find out you results for your gestational diabetes test? Also I'm glad you are ready to take the GED I'm sure it's a relief that you can finish it before your baby gets here.

Rebecca even though it implanted some fears in you, I'm glad your mother in law did something nice. It seems kind of shocking from what you've told us. I really believe Titus is your miracle baby. Oh and bladder kicks are terrible. I think Eli is sitting right on top of my bladder so I've started wearing poise pads because if I sneeze cough or anything I leak.

Afm I'm doing great ladies, I really need to learn my limits with food, because it's gotten to the point if I eat too much I get sick and I'm not talking a lot of food, yesterday I ate a ham, egg, and cheese croissant for breakfast and it was too much. Ever since I had the ultrasound last week I can feel him move like crazy. Hope everyone has a great holiday weekend.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

Morning ladies! It has been such a busy work week for me! So happy it is Friday!!

@rebecca-I actually think what your MIL said was very sweet. To me it sounds like she might not quite know how to communicate in a positive way and this was her trying. Try not to dwell on it and just know she is praying for you. Baby Titus is just fine, i know it :)

@athena-Thank you so much for your note to me. That was really needed. I know that we have all been through hell and back. I really know my time is coming and I have accepted that it might not happen as soon as I would like it. I remember your birthday and you telling us about that. I am so happy that your miracle made it to you. I know mine will too. I am feeling much better about it all but when i let my mind go there about it being my 27th birthday and me not being pregnant yet, it makes me sad. I just can't let myself feel down. Instead, I am going to enjoy some wine and cheers to the best year yet.

@Football-I hope you had a wonderful birthday and I can't wait to hear updates about your new home :)

@miracle-Our Birthday weekend is coming up! Wheeeeew!! So fun! So wish we all lived in the same town so us girls from this group could go out and celebrate!!

Yes I should be O'ing soon, if not today. I actually need to go check my chart to see what CD I am. CH and I have only BD once this week since both of our lives have been SO busy with work so I am not counting this as our month!

AFM-I am feeling better about life and my journey. I always get a little sad when I think about seeing my SIL since she is pregnant, but I just have to remember that this is HER time, not mine and mine will come. When it does, I know she will spoil me just as I have her. cool would it be once we all get our miracles we planned a trip to meet up with our babes to finally meet face to face! It may not be for years, but I think that would be SO cool! I feel like we are all sisters. It would make my heart happy :)

10 years ago

@Athena- Ugh, I know. I was so naive when we bought our current house (19) and was so caught up in wedding planning, that I didn't pay attention to the buying process at all. Now that I'm the one that's actively in charge of it since I'm home and my husband works night shift, I can't wait for it to be over.

@LSchrader- Life has been busy for us too! By the time we're in bed I just want to sleep! I definitely think that the amount of sex in a marriage ebbs and flows with their lives. I hope you are able to continue to relax and feel better!

I think your idea of meeting up would be a blast! We should all try to do that in the future. I love this little forum.

HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY to @LSchrader and @Miracle! Do you guys have anything fun planned?

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10 years ago

Hi all! Sorry, I've been somewhat tied up with things the past couple of days: how is everyone doing? Any symptom trackers willing to share what they have so far?

AFM: I'm doing okay; I have very mild off-and-on nausea now, but nothing so bad that I can't will-power my way through so I guess that makes me still luckier than most. Nips still very sensitive - I am not exaggerating when I say my bras and shirts feel like they're made of sandpaper and broken glass whenever they rub against the fabric. Beyond that, I really can't complain. First appointment with the Midwife is in the second week of June so yay? I suck at waiting so it feels like the time is passing more slowly than it should.

10 years ago

Hope everyone is having a nice memorial day weekend.

@Athena ~ I have heard other woman talk of how little they could eat once they got pregnant, but that they had to eat small meals all day long.

@Prinder ~ Glad your symptoms are mild and tolerable so far. I bet you're looking forward to your first scan with mid wife in June. How exciting.

@football ~ Thanks for the b'day wishes. So funny how you, Lschrader and I all have our b'day's one after the the other. :)

@Lschrader ~ Hopefully you are doing something fun for you b'day. I wish we all lived closer too. How cool wold that be.

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10 years ago • Post starter

@miracle - Did the spotting stop after the three days? I wonder what caused it...? I meant to email them today to ask when to expect my results to be back, but I forgot. They may have been closed today anyway. I will email them tomorrow, and hopefully learn my results within the next day or two. The stuff they gave me to drink just tasted like off brand orange soda, it wasn't that bad. I hope you had a good birthday!

@athena - Like I told @miracle, I will email them tomorrow and ask when to expect my results back. If I'm lucky, maybe they will already be in! It worked out with perfect timing doing the GED classes. I need to hurry up and take the practice tests so I can make a schedule for taking the real thing. It's nice to know I will finally have it out of the way. I can definitely eat larger portions of food now, it was really hard when I would get full fast, I would feel SO hungry, but then I just couldn't eat a whole lot.

@LSchrader - I hope you had a good birthday and I am glad you are feeling better! Hey, did you O on your birthday? Wouldn't that be a lovely present?

@football - How are things going with the house?

@Pinder - I was 9 weeks by my first appointment, the wait seemed like and eternity!

Hope everyone else is doing well!

AFM - The festival was a bit of a flop. I pretty much covered my expenses, but didn't really clear a profit. It was fun though! I always love doing festivals. Had a good time with my SIL that used to live with us and my youngest SIL.

The good news is that I dropped off my first batch (24) of cake pops at a new shop downtown and all but 3 sold by the end of the day! So she is buying two more batches from the leftover cake pops I made for the festival, so all was not a loss!

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10 years ago

@miracle The morning sickness has well and taken hold by now, but so far I'm coping. I kind of feel like when I did when I first swam in the sea for the first time; like how I knew the water would be salty, I knew nausea would suck, but as I dove into both the water and pregnancy, I've come up for air basically exclaiming the obvious. Camomile tea seems to help me when nothing else does, though.

@Skyline Just, two, more, weeks~~ I feel like they're crawling away at a snail's pace, but I'm sure you can relate to that. If my maths are right, I should be about 9 weeks along for meeting the midwife as well. It's great that you managed to find a silver lining to the lacklustre festival day - maybe you'll be able to sell to that shop fairly regularly if you're lucky.

10 years ago

Skyline - sorry to hear the festival was a bust so far as making a profit, but glad you found a new shop to sell in. Yay for getting the glucose test behind you. I hope they've changed that stuff since the last time I took it 9 years ago, it was absolutely nasty. It used to be very thick and sludgy, and gritty with sugar, and the flavor, no matter what kind you got, tasted like bad medicine. I've had to take the 3 hour test at least once, maybe twice out of my 3 lasting pregnancies, and the midwife I saw last time said I probably needed to be ready to do it again. They've said in the past that I metabolize the drink so slowly that when I take the first test it shows a false positive. Oh, well.

Prinder - yeah, I would say 6 weeks was when my morning sickness kicked in, and then it was on until about 12 or 14 weeks. It can make life a little difficult, that's for sure but its so worth it. With this pregnancy the only thing I could keep down in the beginning was soup.

Nothing much going on here at our house. I'm almost ready to start back with homeschool (we go year round and have taken the month of May off for our "summer"), and will be glad to have the routine back in place. We normally don't start back until after my and my 2nd ds's birthdays in July, but I wanted to get a jump on things this year since the baby will be here in September and I don't know how long it will take me to adjust. I spent all day yesterday washing clothes and got the second bag of baby clothes I bought a few weeks ago washed and put away. I did some other household chores, and by the end of the day both of my feet were swollen again and it felt like my plantar fasciitis was acting up. I guess gaining weight has triggered it.

Hope everyone had a good Memorial Day weekend, and the birthday girls enjoyed their days!

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10 years ago

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