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Not Just Cycle Buddies!

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Hi Friends! Lots of us have gotten our BFPs these past few cycles and we all aren't "cycle buddies" anymore. I feel like we need a place to connect and keep up the conversation with each other. This way we can keep chatting even if some of us aren't pregnant and some of us are. I'm just starting my 6th cycle TTC and hoping that this will be the one. Please join in and update us on where you are and how you are feeling.

916 Replies • 6 years ago



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Hope4raimbowbaby-Omg I can’t believe it’s been that long already!!!! you will be holding your baby boy soon.

I’m still waiting on my rainbow baby but I know it will happen soon.

6 years ago

Hello Beaut1ful38!

YES - it will happen for you, too! I know it's hard to wait and I had my doubts about this ever happening. And here I am now: approaching 38 weeks (in a few days) of being pregnant and feeling my boy move A LOT! I had a doctor appointment yesterday with the internal exam and I'm at 50-60% effacement and 2 cm dilated. Things are becoming more and more real!
What helped me: staying positive, visualizing what I DO want and taking some natural supplements + using OPKs. It happened naturally then and when I also tried to relax.

Time goes by so fast indeed! :) Now I'm getting ready for the birth and have my hospital bag packed pretty much.

I'll keep fingers crossed for you and for the conception to happen very soon for you!

My baby was born on July 26th, 2018 And it's a ! And my 2nd baby boy was born

6 years ago

@hope4rainbowbaby - So good to see your update! I hope you have a good delivery and keep us updated on when he is born. You will be holding that little rainbow soon.

I'm over 9 weeks now and looking forward to showing sometime next month maybe? I'm not really sure when that will be. We have started to share the news with some friends but will wait until after my 12 week appointment to share with most everybody. I'm starting to feel like I should tell work as there are physical things I don't think I should be doing... I'll try and hold out for 12 weeks though.

6 years ago • Post starter

@FlamingoGirl13: OMG!!! !!! This is wonderful news! 9 weeks pregnant! Do take good care of yourself now and if your intuition tells you that you should start taking it easy at work, listen to it. :) I am a hard worker, but I stopped working when I felt it could be unhealthy or even potentially dangerous. It all depends on the individual situation and also on what kind of tasks are necessary to do at a specific work situation.
And it's such an exciting time to start sharing the news! :) It's all personal too as far as when to tell.

I'm SO happy for you!!

I'll keep you updated on my little fellow and his Big Arrival.

My baby was born on July 26th, 2018 And it's a ! And my 2nd baby boy was born

6 years ago

Hi ladies. I may be quiet for a few days but I can use some prayers. Got some horrible news late last night. My daddy had surgery Monday and everything went well and he was sent home Wednesday morning. Around 10:00pm Wednesday night, we receiced a phone call from my dad telling us that my mom had a minor stroke. Daddy says that they caught it early and have given her medication and that she is going to be fine. I'm still in a bit of shock and thought it was all a dream but it really happened.

On a side note, I would like to start potty training my daughter but we are having issues. The main issue is that she doesn't tell us if she's peed or pooped and by the time we catch on it's too late and it's horrible (poop) so I am not sure what to do there and it is setting back the training process. I just have another quick question? What are little movers diaper pants and what are the benefits of using them? Should I invest in those or pull ups? Thanks ladies, any advice is greatly appreciated.

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6 years ago

@dragonfly23: Oh no!! I'm SO sorry to hear about the bad news... I hope your Dad is doing well after the surgery and I hope that your Mom will recover fast from the stroke. Prayers for them both and for you! It's good that they caught the stroke early and that the prognosis is good. Good thoughts, vibes and energy coming to you!

I wish I could help about potty training, but I have no experience with it yet... I guess I only heard that people try to encourage going to the bathroom frequently (and sort of on a schedule) to minimize the room for error and praise for doing it there... But I this is only what I've heard (no personal experience that I can share);

My baby was born on July 26th, 2018 And it's a ! And my 2nd baby boy was born

6 years ago

Dragonfly, the little movers are diapers that fit better for crawling and walking babies. My dd leaked through them. We use pull up since 1.5 yrs. Potty training is atill in progress for me to. Dd is 2yr4m. She was trained but started taking her to daycare a month after potty training and they dont work with her and she has regressed. We watch potty videos, got a seat for big potty and a step stool to stand on and just put her on after eating, drinking, or about every hour. It is a grueling process. Training panties help us (they are regular panties with a very thick lining in crotch). When she would pee, it would go down her legs and she didnt like that.

6 years ago

Hopeforrainbowbaby, congrats! The time does fly! I cant believe he's almost here. I am currently 18w5d. I still read all the posts i was on but dont comment much. Glad to hear you are doing well!

6 years ago

@hope4rainbowbaby - almost there! My son was born at 37+4 weeks.

@dragonfly23 - sorry to hear about your parents. Hope your mum recovers ok.

As for myself, I took a frer this morning - a squinter at best. But then I took another test after a 4 hour hold. The dye took forever to run across, so I hope it wasn't a dodgy test. Saw something really faint after a minute or so and it got a bit darker within 5 minutes. Praying this is the start of something.

user submitted image

6 years ago

@Kelliria. Thank you for the info. It helps a lot. My dd is 2yr3m I will have to try and set her down to watch videos as she watches us all the time when we use the washroom. I bought one of those 3 in 1 potty chairs where it acts as a stool as well. I have a small house and can't accumulate so much things. Will have to look into training underwear and figure out what the best solution is as she's getting tired of diapers. Was just reading up on cloth underwear, are they disposable or can they be washed and reused?

@DiviniumLiv. Thank you, I hope my mom gets better and can go home soon. Have you tried posting both tests on your page so we can use tools. Some tests have a weak sensitivity and won't pick up right away.

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6 years ago • Edited

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