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Not Just Cycle Buddies!

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Hi Friends! Lots of us have gotten our BFPs these past few cycles and we all aren't "cycle buddies" anymore. I feel like we need a place to connect and keep up the conversation with each other. This way we can keep chatting even if some of us aren't pregnant and some of us are. I'm just starting my 6th cycle TTC and hoping that this will be the one. Please join in and update us on where you are and how you are feeling.

916 Replies • 6 years ago



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641 - 650 of 916 Replies | Last Page

@hope4rainbowbaby - almost there! My son was born at 37+4 weeks.

@dragonfly23 - sorry to hear about your parents. Hope your mum recovers ok.

As for myself, I took a frer this morning - a squinter at best. But then I took another test after a 4 hour hold. The dye took forever to run across, so I hope it wasn't a dodgy test. Saw something really faint after a minute or so and it got a bit darker within 5 minutes. Praying this is the start of something.

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6 years ago

@Kelliria. Thank you for the info. It helps a lot. My dd is 2yr3m I will have to try and set her down to watch videos as she watches us all the time when we use the washroom. I bought one of those 3 in 1 potty chairs where it acts as a stool as well. I have a small house and can't accumulate so much things. Will have to look into training underwear and figure out what the best solution is as she's getting tired of diapers. Was just reading up on cloth underwear, are they disposable or can they be washed and reused?

@DiviniumLiv. Thank you, I hope my mom gets better and can go home soon. Have you tried posting both tests on your page so we can use tools. Some tests have a weak sensitivity and won't pick up right away.

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6 years ago • Edited

Dragonfly, they are cloth but i think a few extra layers are sewn into the private area so if they pee it soaks some. I got them from amazon. She has peppa, minnie, and paw patrol ones. I also gave her a doll that pees on a little potty and they go together. The youtube videos helped a lot. I remember my dd is a few weeks older. 3-6 is her bday. Your dd is march as well if my memory is correct.

6 years ago

@Kelliria. Yes, my dd is March 29 as she was a week late. Thank you again for all your info. It really does help.

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6 years ago

@dragonfly23 - I posted two different pics of my recent test and also my frer from this morning in my gallery.

6 years ago

11 dpo and I hope I finally have my sticky bean. My test this morning is a bit darker than yesterday and it's actually darker than with any of my chemicals. So I'm praying it will continue to get darker now. I've uploaded two pics of my test in my gallery, where it's easier to see.

6 years ago

Congratulations, DiviniumLiv! I am very happy for you and pray for a healthy pregnancy, baby, and mama!

6 years ago

@Kelliria - Thanks. But I can't celebrate just yet, not until I get a nice progression that lasts.

12 dpo and took a test of the same brand as 10 dpo, and got just as light line as then, if not even lighter. I'm still clinging on to the fact that it took 3 days for the tests to get noticably darker with my son. So if it's not any darker by tomorrow, I know this will en as badly as it always does..

6 years ago

Almost negative test this morning, so I know exactly how this will end..

6 years ago

DiviniumLiv - I'm so sorry hun. Hug your son tight. I'll be praying for you.

6 years ago • Post starter

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