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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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Miracle...glad to hear you don't have to take any medicine! I'm praying for you.

Skyline. ...sorry to hear about you feeling down. If you need an ear feel free to message me here or Facebook. But glad you're better now. I'm sure the high from the shower just made everyday life a little blah, like you said. And don't worry about every little detail before baby gets here. I've found the essential things always get done, and the rest you can let go.

Bean...I missed you! God bless you and your sister for having the courage to speak out. Holding that kind of secret in can really hurt. I'm so sorry that both of you went through that, but now you can both let some of it go and move on toward healing. I will pray for your family to find peace. And hope your move goes well. Try not to stress sweetie! Maybe relax in the sun by that duck pond as often as you can!

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10 years ago

How's everyone doing? What's new with all you ladies?

There is so much to do in the new house, and I'm A L W A Y S tired. As someone who usually had a difficult time falling and staying asleep, this is a new experience for me! My head hits the pillow, and I'm OUT! It's fantastic. But what's not great is feeling exhausted all day long. I usually can't do mid-day naps, because then I end up being awake all night, but I'm thinking I may need to try it because I'm just so tired. Sorry for that little rant.

Boxes are everywhere in the house, and that's stressing me out. We've gotten our bedroom, bathroom, and closet unboxed, but I have to finish painting in there before we hang the curtains and then that room's finished. The family room is basically finished, it's just filled with empty boxes we haven't put in the attic yet. We have to hang the curtains in there and the pictures and decor, then we're good to go there! We're going to redo the kitchen, so we're not unpacking...which sucks because it makes cooking very difficult. Then there's my office....the boxes in there are all books and heavy things, so my husband won't let me move them around. I know our lives will get back to being organized, but in the mean time, it's really stressful for me since I like order. Ahh! But we love the new house and the new area and the fact that we have a two car garage this time! With all of the Florida rain, it's sure handy to have!

Any updates from anyone? :) thinking about you all.

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10 years ago

Football that's pretty normal for early pregnancy. I'm so excited for you, I can't wait to hear about your appointment.

We leave on Sunday for Puerto Rico and I'm really excited. I bought a belly support for back and abdominal support since I've been having pain in both. Eli is so low my belly is low and it gets really sore. Our baby room will get painted while we are gone so I can't wait to see what it looks like. Everything seems like it is going so fast. It feels like he will be here in no time.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

Nothing new just wanted to pop in and say hi. I get to meet my bff's daughter this weekend. She is driving 6 hrs to come see her grandparents who live in my area this weekend with her baby girl who is 3 months old already. I can't believe it. We have been skyping here and there but I get to finally hold her for the first time. This is the friend that tried for 6 years to conceive with her dh but couldn't until they did their first IVF and it worked. I am so happy for her and yet it's very painful for me because I haven't gotten the chance to be a mom yet and my days are ticking. :( She understands the struggle and my pain and is very loving.. it's just bitter sweet.

@Football ~ I hope you get to find the time to get those naps in. Your home will eventually get organized and come together one room at a time.

@Athena ~ Hooray for your trip to Puerto Rico. I hope you have a great time. I also hope the back/belly support works wonders for you and gives you the relief that you need.

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10 years ago • Post starter

Morning! Thanks for the prayers & support ladies. The healing really does start now as you said, how could I be happy or at peace with that over my head all the time.

Miracle, I'm so excited for you as your getting to hold the baby for the first time after all the skyping! Sorry what was her name again?!

Athena- Have fun in Puerto Rico! Hope the belt helps as the back & tummy pain sounds uncomfortable.

Sky- How you feeling today?! Sorry to hear that your feeling the blues, I suppose like you say there is so much to do and not enough time to do it in but it will all work out just right.

Rebecca- How's the sleep coming on? and your family? Did I hear DH is away a lot recently. Aaah the river & the the minute there is an arts & music festival taking place in Grassington and I think the midgies (little biting flies) know and are out in force so no jaunts to the river for me!

LSchrader- How was the camping trip, was that last weekend or this? Camper van sounds like fun, I've always wanted one! Hope you guys really have a great time & catch that egg!!

Football- I am still reeling from your announcement, I love surprises as I'm sure you do too! Sleep is my best friend, I will be terrible when I'm preggers, will never have my eyes open! I know what you mean about having to have things in order but once all the decorating is done you can have DH move the boxes and you put everything where you want it. Your family still over visiting?

AFM: Just looked and I'm on CD 17, no idea if I've ovulated or not. My cycles are all over the place. I'm just going to concentrate on moving & spending precious time with DH.
Hope your all having a lovely day.

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10 years ago

Hey bean. I just read your post and I'm so sorry that happened to you and your sister. I'm glad y'all are getting closure. My mom had a situation with one of her older brothers and I don't think she has ever confronted him. I think for a long time she was mad at her mom because she didn't do anything about it, but before my grandmother got sick they made up and then my mom was one of the main ones that took care of her when she was sick and dying.

Thanks ladies I hope it helps too. I'm going to try it out tomorrow sincere are going on a shopping trip in Nashville to pick up a few things before we leave. I ran into my aunt yesterday, the one that kept asking if I was sure I wasn't having twins and all she wanted to talk about was how thin I'm looking, especially my face. I came home and told dh and he was like really I thought you were having twins.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

@bean-Oh i am so sorry about your past but i am so happy you faced your abuser. You are so strong and i hope you can move on from here and leave that in your past. My family has personal experience with what you are going through so i completely get you. Stay strong!!

@football-So glad you are sleeping well! That must fee wonderful! No sickness? I hope not!

@miracle-Your O date is coming up, right? This weekend??

@athena-Your trip sounds wonderful! So jealous! Enjoy!! Can't wait to see pics of the nursery too!!

AFM-Well ladies I am 99.9% sure i ovulated on Monday/Tuesday. I actually think I may have double ovulated, and on separate days! My sister had that happened the cycle she conceived her twins so I know it's possible. On Monday i was feeling my regular O pains and was for sure O'ing and from my right side. Tuesday I had all the same pains, but on my left side. Since then, my abdomen has been so sore! I feel like I did lots of situps. My OPK's have not gone 100% negative, so I am a little concerned about that. Although, I know they are going bad as i have to use two or three every time i test because sometimes a control line barely even shows. So i am thinking that could be it. My back has been sore all week and my CM has finally changed from ewcm to lotiony. We are still BD EOD just in case I did O later than I thought. I am just ready ladies! I want this to be my cycle! DH is getting his next SA on July 10th so i really hope we see improvement.

10 years ago

@Lschrader ~ Sounds like you had a strong Ovulation this cycle. :) That is a great sign.. feeling VERY Hopeful for you. I Ov sometime between cd 15 - 17. I am gearing up now. I can feel it. Saturday - Monday is my fertile window. Remember we are claiming it.. this is our bfp cycle.

@Bean ~ Her name is Stacy, thanks for asking. I adore and love her so much. I couldn't be happier for her and her dh. They are amazing new parents. I can't wait to nuzzle my nose into her baby Kaya's neck, kiss her face and touch her toes. Good luck this cycle. Hey not knowing if you O'd or not yet is the approach that football had. She was too busy to pay attention and look what that resulted in .. her bfp. So I'm liking your approach.

AFM ~ Like I told Lschrader, My fertile window is coming Sat - Mon. Going to catch the egg this cycle. Claiming it girls.

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10 years ago • Post starter

@Miracle- get that egg! Love your optimism.

@Athena- who is painting the room for you guys? Wanna have them come over to my house? Haha have fun in PR! Can't wait to hear all about it.

@LSchrader- you're camping this weekend, right? Have fun! Keeping my fingers crossed you guys caught the egg!

@Rebecca- how'd the 3 hour glucose test go? Check in when you can.

AFM- feeling really tired still. Also having a lot of CM- hate that because it almost feels like bleeding. :/ I just want the next few weeks to go by quickly....I'm trying hard to be optimistic about this one.

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10 years ago

Lschrader - have fun camping!

Miracle - being optimistic with you!

Athena - have fun in Puerto Rico. That will be so nice to come back to a painted baby room!

Football - I know it's easier to say than do, dear, but try not to worry until you have something to worry about. Be positive. And yes, I say that and for me I don't feel safe until I pass 16 weeks. So I know exactly what you're going through! The tiredness and extra CM are all great signs though that your hormones are doing what they should.

Afm - Yep, that 3 hour glucose test is a mess! They double the amount of sugar in the drink and it's thicker and grainier and just plain gross, especially when you have to drink it at 7am on an empty stomach. I had blood drawn twice from each arm, once before I had the drink, then once on the hour for 3 hours after that. The first hour after the drink was the worst. My heart was racing and the poor baby felt like he was doing back flips! After that I just felt nauseous. I didn't get home until 11, and immediately crashed and got the shakes from not eating since supper last night. Even after eating a snack and then having lunch I didn't start to feel right until about 3:30. By then it was time to call the dr's office. Thankfully I passed the test! Just the same old, same old - my body processes the food I eat much slower when I'm pregnant, for whatever reason.

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10 years ago

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