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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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last night i was getting ready for bed and started thinking

i need to relax more and just know god will let things happen when the time is right and that we may go through the bad to get to the good .

the last house we had had mice mold damp and no heating so me and DH wanted to move but we had to give 2 months notice which was hard as most places wanted people to move in stright away so we keep putting off handing in our notice as it would mean moving 1 week before the wedding so i kept looking everyday for new places to live but they was either not in the area we wanted or was out of our price range so we said we would wait till after the wedding but still have a look what was for offer then one day i saw this place that was only a few roads aways and had all the things we wanted so we made a appointment to come view it knowing that we would have to make a choice there and then other wise it would go like other had done in the past . when we got here it was soo much more then we wanted it was just perfect for us in so many ways we wanted it so within 1hr we had put money down on it for it to be taken off the market we was the 1st people to view it and the best part was it wasnt ready for rent for 2 months a week after the wedding so that day we handed in our notice and now we are renting this perfect house even has a bedroom for baby lol

so i was thinking about all the things that happen at the right time and maybe when i had the scan the other week that was a sign to say everything is ok dont worry .

everything happens for a reason even the bad things sometimes you just got to sit back and relax and enjoy life and the good things will come

as the old saying goes good things will come to those who wait

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12 years ago

My regular doctor tested my proactin levels......blood sugar was fine....liver and kidneys are perfect and he said that health wise im lucky to be this healty. However this is where im. Confused....if I am sooooo healthy what is going on hormonely! I have growing on my belly where my line grows....i get dizzy if I dont back is in pain if I sit up straight for too last period was July 10th....i have clear liquid coming from my chest and they r tender and my face feels and looks like 8m 16 again with a humongous acne break out.. My period in June was one week early...and lasted 3 days and was the lightesst period 8 have ever had in my life. The one in July was blood clots and two weeks early.....and if go by the calculator on here i was supposed to have my period this weekend...and I have no period and no PMS at lost. :(

12 years ago

Shay - I don't know what your husband's MOS happens to be, but even non-combat duty has its own day-to-day stresses that could manifest in anti-social behavior. As a former Marine I can understand why he might not want to do anything in his off time. Not that it excuses anything or his shity attitude, but I do understand it somewhat. I think it's hilarious that he sleeps so late, though. Maybe because he HAS to get up so early other times? Working different shifts puts strain on marriages, too. I hope you both get some downtime and rest. :-)

12 years ago

Phat- He is now working with the corps but he was in logistics. I 100% understand where he was coming from we actually joined together and how i got through med school. I am a former 4N1x1 (worked in an operating room for the US AF) Your right though opposite schedules are a pain and take a toll on the relationship but the biggest thing that gets me is He isnt working, hasnt been working, and he sleeps all the time while i am still working my little a** off. I think i am just hormonal and over tired and finding anything i can to b*tch about l0l

YA i am on one today! I am getting frustrated at the hpt pictures under UNSURE when CLEARLY NO DOUBT ABOUT IT IT IS A FFREAKING POSITIVE!!! They post a pic of multiple tests all positive putting in the caption "FMU... Really not sure"
When you have 5 freaking BFFP its +!

TTC #2, 2 miscarriages, 2 years in My precious babies will grow in our hearts but not in our arms. As long as we remember, they are never truly lost

12 years ago

Shay - I'm frustrated about that, too. Even worse are the ones that are posted as +, then they post them for votes saying they're not sure. What is there to be unsure about????

On a totally different note, the lady who made me mad because she kept insisting her bfn tests were BFP is back on posting more. Gold help me! she is not the same one who yelled at everybody. This one just posts over and over and over and over and over and over saying she just had 10 BFP, but does this one look like it's REALLY a BFP? And she posts some with her user name & some as member. Grrrrrrrrrr

12 years ago

Well...I skipped testing this morning . Before I went to bed I felt a bit 'itchy' if you know what I mean. So I used some clotrimazole and I know when I pee the morning after my urine is foamy and cloudy which cant make for a good test. LOL. So I'm going to test tomorrow. The itch wound up being a little 'zit' I had that is already gone. Thank goodness...I hate yeast infections. So tomorrow I will test. I could barely sleep last night my back was hurting so bad and I didnt do anything to hurt it. Hmm . And today I've been having pinching feelings in my lower abdomen. Trying not to get excited.

@jessica- Any news?!!

@Shay-finally! Another girl likes to fish!!! And I understand when someone gets their first bfp to post it as unsure so they can see all the positive remark but 5 times??? That is annoying..especially to us with all .

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

12 years ago • Post starter

So i convinced DH to go to the river house but he freaking invited his little brother mind you he is a 20 year old lazy kid! He was a pot head up until about a month ago & is no living in our spare bedroom he sits in his room all day and plays play station and he is trying to get a job working from home he is seriously like a bad infection that you cant get rid of! I love him he is my brother in law and all but come on i wanted some sort of romantic get away granted we have to take our daughter but she naps and sleeps through sounds l0l if you get what i am saying!

Tara- Yes, heck yes another woman that likes to fish! Drink a beer and just relax with nature! I am probably the biggest city girl you will ever meet but i like my fresh nature as well!

Grr ladies any solution to get a nice peaceful get away or a way to i guess convince his brother not to go or break it to him nicely or something!! I am sooo frustrated! I just want to dtd in privacy or as close to privacy as i can get!

TTC #2, 2 miscarriages, 2 years in My precious babies will grow in our hearts but not in our arms. As long as we remember, they are never truly lost

12 years ago

@waitingonmymiracle - AF failed to show today. I took one of those New Choice dollar store tests and it was a BFN. I'm unsure of if I should trust that test, so I'm taking another tomorrow. I've had lots of CM for several days now. And usually, before AF shows, my boobs are very sore. But mine aren't right now, it's just my nipples. Also, I have killer heartburn lately. I don't know what's up with me, but I hope it results in a BFP! (: good luck to all of you ladies on your TTC adventures.

12 years ago

OK, Ladies

A little help here...I know most of you appear to be trying to actually have a baby on your own. My situation if you read most of my long post is far off.
Im just wondering....My time of the month usually was coming towards the end of the month. In June it was a week early lasted no longer than three was pick at first....then brownish...and it was the lightest period I have had in my life! THe beginning of this month 22 days later.....two weeks early I have a period, normal length...mostly blood clots. Now...if I got on my average cycle date....I should have had a period the beginning of this month. It is August 7th....I am not 5 days late!!!!! However took test....again negative result!!!! I can still squeeze clear liquid from my chest. However something very strange today....Ive been pretty much stressed and out of it for the past week. Just not wanting to do much of anything. I have been having dizzy spells left and right and man my face .....breakout heaven. Acne is that of me when I was 16 !!!! Not to mention....did I tell you ladies I have hair growing on my stomach where my line goes ??? Im really confused. If I got off the far along would I be in reality?
Do you any of you think that the July period could have been a Chemical Miscarriage? And if not....advice ?? thoughts? I mean trust me I will be jumping for job if this truly is a blessing from God. However is anyone or has any of you had similar traits. I can tell you that I have not had liquid in my nipples in 9 years....and my face has been mostly cleared up for the past 10 the hair on the belly just really is amazing. But the weird thing is the abdominal pains, and sweets cravings are gone. However the bloating is still here...and the constant fluttering in my belly is never ending....Im just soooo confused.....but
I wanted to also see.....have any of you been soo worried about pregnancy...that you wake up one day and kind of snap out of it?? thats literally what I did this morning....I woke up and just started cleaning...and did not stop. I was soo resrehsed and revived and happy. Strange.....well My fingers are crossed for all of you .....I hope this is my blessingg :)

12 years ago

Aprincessa - if you're not pregnant you should check into PCOS as I think it makes hair grow in places it normally wouldn't. I'm glad you aren't stressed anymore, and, no, that has never happened to me. I'm convinced stress is what keeps my blood pressure high enough for me to be up & walking around because it's all I've known since I've been an adult. My blood pressure has always been normal, even when the average person's would be sky high. Hope this is a sign of your BFP!

Shay - I'm not good at beating around the bush, so I would just tell your brother-in-law you need some "gettin' busy" time & to buzz off. Ask him to make it look like his idea. Your hubby probably asked him to go out of sympathy. Maybe it's because he knows you'll catch the biggest fish & doesn't want to be the only loser!!!?

12 years ago

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