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Not Just Cycle Buddies!

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Hi Friends! Lots of us have gotten our BFPs these past few cycles and we all aren't "cycle buddies" anymore. I feel like we need a place to connect and keep up the conversation with each other. This way we can keep chatting even if some of us aren't pregnant and some of us are. I'm just starting my 6th cycle TTC and hoping that this will be the one. Please join in and update us on where you are and how you are feeling.

916 Replies • 6 years ago



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@DiviniumLiv. So truely sorry.

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6 years ago

Thx you guys. Sadly in a way I'm used to it by now. But it still sucks big time! I think I'm gonna turn of my monitor and delete my ttc apps this month, and only make some notes in my bujo. I'm not even gonna bother with buying tests until I'm a few days late.. It feels like the witch will show up any minute now.

6 years ago

@Kelliria: Thank you SO much! Yes, it does! I cannot believe my rainbow baby boy is almost here, either! It's only 1 week 5 days until due date!! So far, I've been doing great! (knock on wood!) and I'm hoping that all goes well with the delivery and that my baby boy is strong and healthy.

CONGRATULATIONS to you!! and ! You're already past 19 weeks now! :) You must be so excited! :) Wishing you a very healthy and happy pregnancy !

My baby was born on July 26th, 2018 And it's a ! And my 2nd baby boy was born

6 years ago

@DiviniumLiv: thank you girl! And I'm so sorry to hear the news... I know its disappointing and I've been there... :( Do whatever helps you destress. You will get your BFP. Sometimes it just takes both time and some other things. I know it did for me. I tried a few natural things, too (supplements), etc. to help and they did eventually. Feel free to PM me if you want. Stay positive! It will happen for you

My baby was born on July 26th, 2018 And it's a ! And my 2nd baby boy was born

6 years ago

Hey ladies! Well I am finally in my FERTILE week. Hope to I unite Wednesday or Thursday. The best part is Tuesday is My Birthday. Told DH to bless me with a birthday/rainbow baby!!!

How is everyone else doing?? I have been quiet but trying to relax at the same time. Maca Root has helped me as well.

6 years ago

Hi Beaut1ful38!

Happy (early) Birthday!! May ALL your dreams come true - including the "Baby dream"
You're doing exactly the right thing trying to stay relaxed! I think this is what helped me, too when I was TTC (rainbow baby). So enjoy the baby dancing :) LOL And I was also taking maca root while TTC! Good luck, have fun and stay relaxed!

I come here rarely and might disappear soon as things might get busy... Some of you might remember my story. I posted here at 4 dpo when I suspected I was pregnant (which turned out to be true!). It was after I had a miscarriage and was TTC for a few months. Well - it worked! :)
Tomorrow I'll be exactly 39 weeks pregnant!! I'm super excited and happy and my husband and I are now on the "Baby watch". It can happen anytime now! Today we went to a class together (related to labor partners helping with bringing comfort during labor). It was very nice. I hope everything will go well and that I will be able to have a natural, unmedicated birth (that's my personal preference and goal). So please keep your fingers crossed for me and for my little boy. I cannot wait to meet him and welcome him to this World.

My baby was born on July 26th, 2018 And it's a ! And my 2nd baby boy was born

6 years ago

@Beaut1ful38 - Have a wonderful fertile week and birthday! Staying relaxed is a great thing and I hope the maca root is doing it’s work for both you and your DH. Fingers crossed you get that rainbow baby this week.

@Hope4rainbowbaby - 39 weeks!!! You got this mama. Prayers for a good labor and delivery. We know you will be busy so update us on your progress when you have the time.

6 years ago • Post starter

@Beaut1ful38. I was thinking about you the other night and wondering how things are going. Happy early birthday to you.

@FlamingoGirl13. How have you been feeling?

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6 years ago

Whoo hoo!! Today is my Birthday and I got a + opk!!! baby!! Maca Root got me back on track!! Never had a positive on CD16 usually CD18-24 ...Birthday suit showing tonight!

6 years ago

@ Beaut1ful38: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! ! What a wonderful birthday gift! :) I'm so happy to hear the great news. I also used maca root and it must have helped, too! Now you're back on track and sounds like the cycle is now all good! So keep doing what you're doing, stay relaxed and positive. Pretty soon you'll be sharing happy news here I bet!
Have fun!

Short update: I'm still waiting for my little boy to be born. Due date is July 30th. They wanted to induce me tomorrow, but I want to wait to at least 40 weeks. So now the plan is: either he will decide to come to this world on his own and naturally (which is my goal if possible ) or they want to induce me on August 2nd at 7:30 AM (not happy about that option). I think I am as ready as I can ever be for this little one to be born. I'm more excited than scared (for now haha ). I just can't wait to meet him, see him, touch him, hear him and get to know him. I already love him so much! Please keep your fingers crossed for a natural birth (no interventions) that goes well...

My baby was born on July 26th, 2018 And it's a ! And my 2nd baby boy was born

6 years ago

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